Tuesday, August 1, 2023

New York Times Says President Biden Is Facing A Tight Race Against Trump

Former US president Donald Trump (left) and US President Joe Biden 

DNYUZ: New York Times: Biden Shores Up Democratic Support, but Faces Tight Race Against Trump 

President Biden is heading into the 2024 presidential contest on firmer footing than a year ago, with his approval rating inching upward and once-doubtful Democrats falling into line behind his re-election bid, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll. 

Mr. Biden appears to have escaped the political danger zone he resided in last year, when nearly two-thirds of his party wanted a different nominee. Now, Democrats have broadly accepted him as their standard-bearer, even if half would prefer someone else.

Still, warning signs abound for the president: Despite his improved standing and a friendlier national environment, Mr. Biden remains broadly unpopular among a voting public that is pessimistic about the country’s future, and his approval rating is a mere 39 percent.  

Read more .....  

WNU Editor: If the New York Times tells me that President Biden and former President Trump are tied in their opinion poll (link here), that is a confirmation to me that the polls (link here) that indicate former President Trump having a substantial lead over President Biden are probably correct.


Anonymous said...

If the White House is saying that Biden knew of Hunters business but wasn’t “involved”, then how do you spin both Hunter and Joe taking multi million dollar bribes from the Burisma CEO to get fired the investigator investigating Hunter And Burisma? That’s about as involved as involved can possibly get. This just goes to show the evil and lack of any legitimacy in the government destroying our civilization. What a sham, and what a shame.

Anonymous said...

NYT is not a news paper, it is propaganda and they have lied us into countless wars and mass murder, have been conducting suppression polling and straight up manipulation of the democratic process.

Likely Trump way ahead if they "admit" to them being tied. They lied day in and day out.

Anonymous said...

site examples of their lies. I do not mean editorial pieces or opinion pieces but news pieces. And news pieces that the govt was the source for. If Trump is ahead, then show us your source for the claim or your statement. Simply saying they lie so I must be right is hardly acceptable to intelligent people.

Anonymous said...

cite not site. sorry for error.

Anonymous said...

It’s called precedent you genius. This news paper has an incredible track record for being wrong, that’s the evidence!

Anonymous said...

And always in favour for the Democrats and progressives

Anonymous said...

1:08 name instances and stop blanket statement
perhaps they lean left: that would be in editorial page. Not in news! you simply;y do not know how journalism works.

favoring one side or another is not the same thing as giving objective news.

Anonymous said...

Can you say Duranty.

Anonymous said...

No paper has won more Pulitzer prices than the NY Time: 132

the conservative Wall St Journal: 39

articles are not counted unless they are fully sourced

Anonymous said...

you are once again either wrong. dumb. or a combo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You purposley forget don't you? You would like us to not remember, right? These newspaper estimates are bogus. They are the same idiots that predicted that Hillary would win by huge margins.

How is that for factual evidence you dunce.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yo, dopes: I merely respond to the accusation that a paper lies. I point out that there are news stories--truth; and there are editorials: opinions, views. The article on Trump versus Biden was news item giving facts. S what do you do? you tell me that Trump beat Hillary blah blah...that is simply saying that earlier it was shown in the polls that Hillary ahead. But when later the election took place she lost. What this post says: Trumkp is tied with Biden. One of them will indeed win.
You simply can not think clearly. Hillary was ahead. Hillary lost. those are facts. But not for you.
I have nothing further to add now or later on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are a dunce. A real committed dunce.

Hillary was never ahead. Two factors

A. They were making up the numbers to support her by extrapolation of data collected in urban areas where there was a high democratic population.

B. They did not even count mid size cities and rural areas.

Anonymous said...

"I have nothing further to add now or later on." Promises promises!