Friday, August 4, 2023

Editor's Note

I am in meetings this morning. Blogging will return later today.


Anonymous said...

It Sure Looks Like the Saudis Are Playing Keep Away with Joe Biden

Not hard to play keep away from a Blowhard, handicapped retard like Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

The Republican Accountability Project wants Trump to face the music.
Republican Group Demands Consequences For Trump In Fox News Ad | HuffPost Latest News

Anonymous said...

And then there were two.

For the first time in U.S. history, two of the eight seats on the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff are filled by interim officers, thanks to Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s eight-month-long hold on military promotions.

On Friday, outgoing Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville retired, handing the job of running the service to his No. 2, Gen. Randy George. And with that, the Army joined the Marine Corps as the second military branch to be without a uniformed leader who’s able to act with the full force of Senate confirmation, with no end in sight to the blockade.

“The failure to confirm our superbly qualified senior uniformed leaders undermines our military readiness,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said at the changeover ceremony at an Army installation just outside Washington on an uncharacteristically cool and rainy morning.

Anonymous said...

😂 trying to keep Joe the crooked corpse propped up. Everything you post is fake news. All made up

Anonymous said...

12:43 and 12:44 probably are Frederick Lapides.

"superbly qualified senior uniformed leaders"

After Milley's, Lloyd Austin and U.S. Air Force General Charles Q. Brown J have done and said, superbly qualified is not the correct description.

Lapides must have forgotten the year long hold on promotion in 1991.

Anonymous said...

An MSNBC panel was shocked by a pair of television interviews Thursday where Donald Trump lawyer John Lauro seemed to confirm an allegation contained within the Jan. 6-related indictment of the former president.

Lauro had told Fox News host Laura Ingraham earlier in the evening that, leading up to Jan. 6, Trump voiced his approval for Pence to send the election back to the states rather than have the Electoral College vote be certified.

“What President Trump said is, ‘Let’s go with option D,'” Lauro said on The Ingraham Angle. “Let’s just halt, let’s just pause the voting and allow the state legislatures to take one last look and make a determination as to whether or not the elections were handled fairly. That’s constitutional law. That’s not an issue of criminal activity.”

Lauro said basically the same thing on Newsmax a bit later.

Anonymous said...

the twit cites 1991e

Approving military nominations and promotions has long been one of the most bipartisan duties of the Senate. But the Alabama Republican shattered that norm with his blanket hold, which the Pentagon says has already stalled more than 260 nominations of senior officers and could balloon to 650 by the end of the year.

Anonymous said...

Democrats tried to scrap the electoral college after Trump won. Remember delaying election night by over a week in 2020 to allow piles of fraudulent ballots to be counted? Just enough to flip a Democratic election? Forgot all that already?

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with Tuberville, but I support him. I figure abortion is its own penalty. The person having the abortion might not realize it at the time, but it is.

Democrats play smashmouth or hardball politics all the time. It is time Republicans do also.

Those senior officers? Do I care? These are the same ones that had drag shows on military bases and would provide transgender surgery to minors on military bases. So those dudes are inconvenienced? Who gives a fck other than Lapides and likeminded not so smart people?

We are literally at war with China as in shots fired and all the DemoFck party can do is push trans agenda, DEI and other shit.

Does Fred Lapides understand that we are in a war with China today?

Anonymous said...


I lived through 1991. I saw the news crews on base. GFY you dumb Russian troll.

I hear the Olenegorsky Gornyak needs new crew members. I suggest you get all patriotic and enlist.

Anonymous said...

We are in a war? let us see your uniform, pussy.
your war is in daily yanking of of your small joint

Anonymous said...

An illegal Chinese biolab was found in Reedley, California

In the lab:

The illegal lab harbored potentially infectious bacterial and viral agents including chlamydia, E. Coli, streptococcus pneumonia, hepatitis B and C, herpes 1 and 5, rubella, samples of malaria and “thousands of vials that contained unlabeled fluids.”

That is 9 or more different infectious agents.

This wasn't some Chinese PhD student who graduated and decided to work in the Us and come up with a cure for something. This lab was intended for war.

The CIA, FBI and Joe Biden did not find this lab. Local code enforcement did.

EFF Joe Biden is too busy siccing the FBI and CIA on American citizens to find out what the Chinese are doing. Joe Biden and the FBI are persecuting Catholics.

We are in the middle of a hybrid war and this is just one little skirmish.

If 3:05 who may be Fred (Fred is too shy to take credit) or may be a Russian troll helps to totally fuck over the country by his stupid voting pattern. I got some place to go. 3:05 does not.

I can get European citizenship. I have a place to live in Asia. I have options. Sht for brains (3:05) does not.

Anonymous said...

Do you think the govt goes around inspecting buildings that are supposed to be inspected for building permits? that is not the way America works, under either administration.
wow. you can get citizenship here and there. Well go do it and stop blathering about what you can do to turn some other nation into a septic tank with your shit remarks.

Anonymous said...

FRONTLINE has built a unique public record, in documentary format, of the former president’s impact on American life, politics and democracy — including the aftermath of his refusal to concede his

Following Trump Indictment, a Look Back at Efforts to Overturn 2020 Election

Anonymous said...

"Do you think the govt goes around inspecting buildings that are supposed to be inspected for building permits?"

You are a fucking moron. Your boss should take you out back and ...

I do not expect the FBI or CIA to have enough people to somehow inspect every building. I do expect the NSA to intercept communications to some effect and the CIA to have enough spies or informants to be able to get more right than not.

Obviously, "The Fuck Known as John Brennan" was and is more worried about covering for Joe Biden viz a viz Hunter's laptop than to find out what his counter part was or is doing. It is because of people like John Brennan, Chrissy Wray and Joe Biden that America is fucked.

Fun Fact: The state use come into peoples houses to count furniture so as to levy taxes. Moral of the story is that when the state wants to... it finds a way.

More fun facts: the sate has software to identify, record and tax every fixture and wall in your abode. Have a room with wood paneling instead of sheet rock? that will cost you more.

Have 12 bathroom fixtures spread across 2 bathrooms? That will cost you more than if you have 10 fixtures in 2 bathrooms. Generally, a house with more fixtures will cost more anyway, but not necessarily. What is of concern is the granularity achieved or wanting to be achieve by the state. And of course the increased levy of taxes. The software? I have seen it. I have used it.

Anonymous said...

5:13 a person with 16 years of study and yet who is still a know nothing idiot.

Mark Levin has gone over the number of times two sets of electors for different states have been sent for various elections. It happened during the election of Thomas Jefferson.

So what happened? The election was decided by congress.

So what to make of 5:13

a) Foreign Raconteur
b) Partisan Hack
c) Just a dumb pinto

Make up you mind about the worthl3ss comment 5:13.