Friday, August 4, 2023

Commander Of Russia's Elite Airborne Troops Leaks Number Of Elite Casualties In Ukraine War

Commander Mikhail Teplinsky. Russian Defense Ministry  

Newsweek: Top Russian General Leaks Number of Elite Casualties in Ukraine War 

The commander of Russia's elite airborne troops, General Colonel Mikhail Teplinsky, leaked the number of casualties sustained by his unit since President Vladimir Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine began, prompting the Kremlin to scramble to delete his announcement. 

In a video now deleted by Russia's Defense Ministry, Teplinsky, commander of the Russian Airborne Forces (the VDV), revealed on Wednesday that 8,500 Russian paratroopers have been wounded since the war in Ukraine began in February 2022. 

The figure marks the highest number of casualties among a single type of military force mentioned by a Russian military official since the war began, according to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.  

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WNU Editor: I expected a higher number. 

 Commander Of Russia's Elite Airborne Troops Leaks Number Of Elite Casualties In Ukraine War  

8.5K Russian Airborne Troops Wounded in Ukraine, Commander Says -- Moscow 

Times Russian general's admission his elite troops took casualties is removed -- Business Insider  

Putin has purged the commander of notorious airborne regiment over 'mass casualties' among paratroopers, claims Ukraine -- Daily Mail  

Top General Reveals Russian Troop Losses, Kremlin Desperately Tries to Hide Speech -- Kyiv Post


fazman said...

You expected a higher number , yet the bots here will still claim 850.

Anonymous said...

That field jacket still smells of moth balls. Looks kinda empty without all the fake medals and awards.

Anonymous said...

The number was 8500. As per usual you didn't bother to read the article before typing your garbage. Foolish boy.

Anonymous said...

You're the bot Fazzy.

Anonymous said...

@2:28 you're the one who's foolish!!

Anonymous said...

Attacking Faz is childish. Got something to say? say it. Stop being a cunt.

Anonymous said...

Russian WIA numbers are not higher because VDV are serious about mixing in light armor.

America is so unserious about Airborne that they are just now adding back the light armor they removed in the 90s. American basic airborne school is where they send 2LT for morale building. Like Ranger "leadership development course", many graduates are there for "scare badge" and do not go on to serve in real combat unit.

Both NATO and Russia refuse to learn from WWII, where aircraft usually carried platoon, not company, size elements, plus light armor on gliders. Most successful WWII airborne operations came late in that war, like Operation Varsity. It took America that long to get it right and it helped that the Axis were coming apart at the seams.

Anonymous said...

The general is part of a misinformation campaign. If casualties were that low for the VDV to have not taken Vuhledar is amazing. Either he is lying or the VDV bunch pansies.

It is unsurprising that WNU would echo the general and fulfill his propaganda role here in the West.

Friend of Faz said...

Russia has doubled its 2023 defence spending target to more than $100 billion - a third of all public expenditure - a government document reviewed by Reuters showed, as the costs of the war in Ukraine spiral and place growing strain on Moscow's finances.

Exclusive: Russia doubles 2023 defence spending plan as war costs soar | Reuters

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jesus even Fazman’ mom is on here. Hey it’s time to spoon feed Joe Biden his dinner, so get to it you liberal die hard

Anonymous said...

Yo! the guard will soon bring fat trump is meal. 4 trials coming!!! think he will beat all 4? ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

3:04 cannot stay in character. Sad.

Anonymous said...

No, you're acting like a child whether i agree w your position or not.

Anonymous said...

retards with nothing to say but like little girls at playground spit out silly crap at one another.

Jim said...

Fazman is usually correct. It’s the anon bots who stir shit that have no idea

Anonymous said...

Is that not what you’re doing?^^^

Anonymous said...

Fazman is never correct and that is why we have the

fazman said...

Once again you're incorrect , according to you the mighty Russians take no casualties and the official figures released by Russia are accurate . Please get back to us with more updates lmfao

fazman said...

If you can finish Dr Zeus and stop being illiterate l said its you that claim that Russians are T1000s and all Russian propaganda is to be taken as gospel. You would have us beleive it's 850 regardless of any data to the contrary

fazman said...

He needs to go to college for 5 years just to be able to graduate as an idiot. He still can't explain why the 3 day op of the mighty red army is taking years .

fazman said...

But hey it's all going to.plan , no need to raise the age of conscription..

Anonymous said...

Here faz. Giving you a second chance to answer the question from yesterday.....What is the Plan?

Tell us about "the forest" Fazzy.

Are King Louie, Goku or Captain Kirk going to come down and save the day?

You got a country whose arms industry has been bombed into a shambles.

They have become a welfare queen dependent on NATO weapons supplies.

The graveyards are over flowing with the bodies of young men and more are dying each day in large numbers..


GIVE US the PLAN, Fazzy

TELL us FAZ. TELL US. THE BIG SECRET OF how ZELINSKI and his MOTLEY CREW of GRIFTERS are going to save the day.

Your sarcasm sucks. Give us a solution or shut the hell up.

"Can't see the forest through the trees."

What bull shit.

You Never served in the military a day in your life. You have no idea what reality is like out there.

You are full of it Faz.

Have. a good day FAZ and answer the question you coward