TASS: NATO works on scenario of nuclear weapons use against Russia, says Russian diplomat
According to Mikhail Galuzin, the Russian side has repeatedly pointed to the condition that "negatively affects the situation in the sphere of international and European security"
MOSCOW, August 10. /TASS/. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) works on a scenario of using nuclear weapons against Russia, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin told TASS on Thursday.
"NATO practices the so-called joint nuclear missions. It means that non-nuclear alliance member states are involved in the military planning of nuclear weapons’ use and their experts are trained how to handle US nuclear munitions," Galuzin said in an interview with TASS.
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WNU editor: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin was reacting to this .... Nuclear Tensions Escalate as NATO Simulates Attacks on Russia (Frontier India).
So stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Idiotic alcoholic
Russia has been nothing but belligerent with their nuclear threats since this war began, so are they really surprised NATO would be conducting these exercises?
I agree with Fusion.
WNU literally justified the war against Ukraine on language and culture. That makes him special in special ed kind of way.
The people in Ukraine had the same patriarch as Russians even after 2014. So much for culture.
One of the few arguments, which WNU did make was to be able to use Russian in the courtroom to understand the proceedings. Sure that is an issue. But do you go to war over it?
I think not, but WNU is defending it.
"The Chinese fund hundreds of groups in this country, including climate groups. In 2020, Newsweek reported that they knew of 600 groups funded by the Chinese Communist Party. They also noted that they fund Black Lives Matter."
Democrat voterslapitup
Democrat voters would eat shat if it was put in front of them by a Democrat leader.
Truth hurts doesn't it 7:12 AM ?
"Zlochevsky added that, although Hunter 'was stupid,' and his dog was smarter, he was needed on the board 'so everything will be okay.' "
a) A dog has an IQ of a 2 or 3 year old.
b) Hunter Biden's IQ is less than that of a two year old.
c) Hunter is the smartest guy Joe Biden knows. Therefore, Joe Biden does not know anyone as smart or smarter than a two year old.
Extra Credit (5 points): What is the IQ of a Democrat voter, if they voted for Joe Biden?
Only now does 7:12 AM figure out what he has been eating.
What sort of imbecile p;iles up that Hunter bullshit and babbles endlessly with no purpose? Fact: Trump will face 4 trials for trying to overturn the election and other misdeeds, and all that dummy can babble about is the president's son?
Perhaps dummy missed the former Trump professor who stated that Trump was the dumbest student he had ever had
Trump will face 4 trials because the US is a banana republic. I posted in August 2020 that the Us would become a banana republic, but I said it would be a new and improved banana republic since it had nukes.
I was right.
We have no pee tape, which idiots with 16+ years of education promised us, but we have plenty of pictures and tapes of Hunter admiring his schlong.
Why talk about the president's son?
Because the son was the bagman for the president select. That is why you dumb fcker!
Also Joe Biden has 3 children. If you have 2 children and one turns out bad, it might be ill luck and beyond your control.
If you have 3 children and 67% of them are messed up or bad, well maybe it is bad parenting. Would it be more accurate to call it bad grooming?
Fun fact: Gold digger Jill has riches and a title (1st lady). She also won a Darwin Award in that she is a genetic dead end, because she allowed he hubby to shower with her one and only child.
Did 7:12 shower with their child/children?
The Russia investigator on exposing assassinations and Putin’s plots, looking over his shoulder — and using a cat to find a secret agent
Bellingcat’s Christo Grozev: ‘Prigozhin will either be dead or there will be a second coup’ |
You all at the beginning of this thread make me laugh. You criticize this guy for saying the obvious. Of course the US has plans to use nukes.
They also have plans to send in troops. The boys at the pentagon J3 and J5 would be guilty of gross negligence if they did not.
As for the russians talking about the use of nukes, by the West. Why not? this is a major conflict for them.
Also the US has invested a lot of money and credibility in supporting the ukies....how far will they go if the ukies lose? Will they double down?
Lastly, for the neocon faction of the US gov, this is an ideological struggle, to the death.
Nulland, Hillary, Powers, blinken, and the neon establishment. Kagan, Krystal, Appelbaum and all the rest hate Russia. and I would not doubt they would push for the use of nukes if they saw their pet cause fading to nothing.
Remember what Blinken said, .....nuclear war is not as dangerous as climate change......
He is nuts.
These people are unhinged fantasy fanatics.
Clearly. Yes i think he sounds like he has a 'prepper' mind set. Looking forward to ww3? He sounds like an RU war hawk at times. That's what my contacts think.. my big teddy, Barbie and pooh said....
"Remember what Blinken said, ... nuclear war is not as dangerous as climate change..."
Blinken is a democrat, which means he is a stupid beast.
Dismiss climate change if you will....note that s4 big insurance companies leaving Florida and check out Hawaii and fires in Canada and Calif and heat records in Phoenix etc, etc
if all you can do is bad mouth the other party that says you and your party simply have no policy issues, no platform...
No 10:11 that is a false comparison
And a false assumption.
1st of all, the progressive left's policies are clearly idiotic. From their BLM is a peaceful movement, Antifa is non violent, the insistence that zelinski can do no wrong, to the Dem Prosecutors de-criminalizing crime., the denying of sexual differences of men and women and much much more with which they are creating an unsustainable social environment.
second you assume that we all support the Republicans and follow thier guidelines.
No That is incorrect. The DEMs and the Reps are all part of the BLOB. There is no FAITH in any of them.
As far as climate change, are you trying to Equate it with a Nuclear WAR?
If you are, you are just was imbecilic as Blinken
I figured a "brave" Democrat hopped up on supposed facts would bring up Hawaii.
People brought in invasive species to Hawaii. Specifically, they brought in non-native grass. the nonnative grass is not as drought resistant. It is more flammable. The nonnative grass is 25% of coverage or 25 percent of all grass coverage.
Anytime foliage can go through cycles of heavy rain (lush growth) interspersed with dry seasons, yo are going to get wildfires. But I do not expect your typical drooling idiot Democrat to figure that out or admit it.
it would be too much to ask a Democrat to read about wildfires from the Civil War to Ww2. Gathering knowledge like that is too much to ask of a Democrat. For that matter it is too much to ask a democrat to read.
Maybe 10:11 could look at figure 16-1. It is a chart, which is similar to picture, so maybe 10:11 would deign to take a gander at it.
Maybe 10:11 could learn something about the West.
Hurricanes around Hawaii are common. I was on a ship north of Hawaii skirting one. The waves were washing 3 to 6 feet over the main deck. So you can imagine the wind that could kick up such waves.
If 10:11 (aka the village idiot) would check out Wikipedia a further, she/her hers would find that paleontologists find evidence of wild fire during the time of the dinosaurs.
Perhaps the village idiot could check out the wiki page on Fire-adapted communities.
These people in Hawaii live in a wildfire zone and did nothing to protect themselves. They did however build a sea wall to protect themselves against waves. but they left he landward side of their community unprotected.
What do I think of 10:11. I think they are a know nothing city slicker.
city slicker
1) A person with the sophisticated manner and dress traditionally associated by rural people with city dwellers.
2) One accustomed to a city or urban lifestyle or unsuited to life in the country.
The City Slicker could drive down Washington State Highway 16 and see for itself the warning signs giving the fire hazard due to dry conditions. Those signs have been the for decades and decades.
Why would Slick bother to know anything outside of it narrow confines. It loves being a bigot.
After September 20 2023 look out fools time is oooo
The war already happened it's your mind u fools
They want ur mind and soul u fools
666 lives in your mind already
Turns back before your lasting breathing u fools
Look to the light of Truth within and without sin
Just might save your soul's and mind u fools
Don’t cry little man
Or just go 😡 mad man
The possessed military all day
We must not be naïve. I feel confident that Russia too has a plan to use nuclear weapons against NATO.
Now I know who the crazy person is. He is that guy who never debates, but runs away instead. He comes back and spouts gibberish one liners to clutter up a thread.
Not only is the vocab small, but the material they borrow from to spout their gibberish is extremely small. Btu what else could a small minded person do?
666? Really? You cannot quote from anything else such as another religion or a work of fiction like Chthulhu?
That schizo dude is the best. I will die protecting him.
You would die protecting him? You need porn that much?
1:04 you are gaslighting. What you need to do is to take a long walk off a short pier wearing lead boots.
The Republican Party Platform, 2020
922AM won this round - good comment all around
@ 10:11AM
just because companies react to the financial opportunities given to them (by distorting a market through influence by one party who claims a climate emergency) does not mean this crisis is real and especially does not mean it is the most important crisis or could be compared to a very realistic nuclear holocaust which we are facing - just ONE mistake, and you will not even see that we were right about "climate change" fanaticism
Finally, I was working at one of the largest companies in this field. They are people, they react to stimuli - especially of financial nature.
It is not a real crisis, if you listen to all the noble prize winners who speak out against this "99.9% scientists agree" bullshit. They literally get censored TODAY and uninvited from events they should present on as experts. Because they disagree.
I've also worked in science ,believe me, it is not as easy as saying "99.9%" scientists agree. The research funds come with conditions and let you work only on the topic they want you to work on.
Climate change is a control mechanism, as it is being tied to carbon - everything releveant to humans on this planet - is carbon based. How many children you can have will be determined on carbon score (and social credit) score.
Please be extremely careful around people who push a climate agenda. It is more than you imagine.
10:11 aka the yellow belly sapsucker is an ignorant mo.
State Farm in the late 1980s or early 1990s or thereabouts spun off a company that held all the claim for hurricane damage for Florida.
So way back then hurricanes could really hurt a company the size of State Farm.
The insurer is not charging enough or cannot charge enough for the risk. If it is the latter then is has to stop writing policies. If the y keep writing policies selectively based n risk, they open themselves up to charges of racism or discrimination. Only way out of it is a blanket policy such as a full withdrawal.
What yellow belly does not take not of is the fact that a lot of companies have pulled out of car insurance in California. It is not because of climate change. It is because of government policies like allowing illegals to flood the country and allowing 20% or more of drivers to drive without insurance.
So insurers are pulling out of coastal areas. It has a lot to down with population density and government policy.
Population density not a big deal? The nearest river floods. Since they turned farmland upstream back into marsh, I really have not hear much about floods. Why? that upstream marsh acts as sink or sump.
I know. I hope that you are in a safe place
all these trolls indicate the presence of gold
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