Friday, August 4, 2023

Russian Warship Heavily Damaged In Ukrainian Sea Drone Attack

Novorossiysk is a major Russian port and another home to elements of the Black Sea Fleet. (Google Earth) 

 CNN: Russian warship seen listing in Black Sea after Ukrainian sea drone attack on major base 

Ukrainian sea drones attacked a major naval base in Russia on Friday, leaving a damaged Russian warship listing in the Black Sea in a brazen strike carried out hundreds of miles from Ukrainian-held territory. 

Dramatic social media videos showed the vessel, an amphibious Russian landing ship, tilting badly and sitting very low in the water as it was being towed near the base at Novorossiysk, Russia’s largest port. 

The incident comes against the backdrop of rising tensions in the Black Sea and stepped up Ukrainian strikes against targets across Russia after President Volodymr Zelensky pledged to “return” the war to Russian territory.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I see a trend. A US Global Hawk was in the Black Sea this week. Whenever this US spy drone is in the region, a drone attack like this one usually happens within 48 - 72 hours. 

The ship that was struck, the Olenogorsky Gornyak, is a Russian navy landing craft (link here). 

There is speculation within Russia that this drone attack was launched from Romania, NOT Ukraine. The Military Summary channel has an extensive report on this attack (see video below) 


Russian Warship Heavily Damaged In Ukrainian Sea Drone Attack  

Ukrainian Drone Disables Russian Warship Near Russia's Novorossiysk Port -- Reuters  

Ukraine says it has put Russian warship out of action in sea drone attack -- The Guardian  

Footage shows the 'moment kamikaze drone attack hits key Russian naval base, sparking fireball and damaging warship' in the Black Sea as furious Kremlin blames Ukraine -- Daily Mail 

Russian warship appears damaged after Ukrainian drone attack on Black Sea port of Novorossiysk -- CBS

Russian warship damaged after Ukraine attacks Black Sea naval base with sea drones: sources -- SCMP 

Ukrainian drones hit key Russian port, damage naval ship: Kyiv official -- Al Jazeera  

Russian Navy Ship Heavily Damaged In Ukrainian Sea Drone Attack -- Zero Hedge  

Ukrainian Drone Boat Scores Direct Hit On Russian Warship (Updated) -- Warzone/The Drive


Anonymous said...

" I see a trend. A US Global Hawk was in the Black Sea this week. Whenever this US spy drone is in the region, a drone attack like this one usually happens within 48 - 72 hours. "


Russia p0rovided satellite data to Vietnam during its war with China in 1979 resulting in many chin ese casualties.

Sucks when the shoe is on the other foot.

Russia provided Saddam Hussein GPS jammers in 2003. It resulted in ordinance going off target. Russian politicians and generals patted themselves on the back every time those GPS jammers increased collateral damage.

Anonymous said...

reported that Ukrainian defenders had broken through the first line of defence of the Russians and moved to the intermediate line in some areas in the south of the country.

Ukrainian Armed Forces break through first line of defence and reach intermediate line in some southern areas | Ukrainska Pravda

fazman said...

Cant wait until.our local FSB agent wakes and reads this and says its photo shopped

Anonymous said...

😂 🤣 it’s a Ukrainian news site! How many Pulitzer Prizes did that site get? Since that’s all that seems to matter these days. Lefty loonies strike again

fazman said...

The bridge has also been hit again and an oil tanker..bad for Russia

Mr Nobody said...


Sorry mate, that is a propaganda lie.

If it did happen, That would be a huge event and would be reported on all news wires. Since there is no conformation, we must assume it is like the "ghost of Kiev"

Anonymous said...

Devon Archer Testimony on Bidens Doesn’t Back Up Biggest G.O.P. Claims

Anonymous said...

9:22 is another Frederick R. Lapides non-sequitur special. Really pushing that DemoKKKrat line.

If Resident Biden is selected again the Republic will be dead.

what is the difference between Lapides and a Russian troll?

One lives in America and the other lives in Russia. Oh and the troll is smarter.

Anonymous said...


I have not posted today.

But I agree Skoda, 922 is an idiot. A progressive idiot.

And thank you for saying that I am smarter than him. I will take that as a complement, since you always say I am a Russian troll.