Thursday, August 3, 2023

Ukrainian Army Abandoning US Tactics In Their Counteroffensive Because They Haven't Worked

Ukrainian servicemen prepare to fire a Ukrainian self-propelled howitzer 2C22 Bohdana towards Russian positions on a front line in an undisclosed location in Eastern Ukraine on July 20, 2023 [Oleksandr Ratushniak/Reuters]  

Business Insider: Ukrainian troops are abandoning US tactics in their counteroffensive because they haven't worked 

* Ukraine has made only modest gains in its summer counteroffensive against Russia. 

* Troops are abandoning US tactics because they've proved ineffective, The New York Times reports. 

* Russia formed deep defensive lines over the winter, protected by miles of landmines. 

Western-trained Ukrainian troops are abandoning US tactics in their counteroffensive to seize back territory from Russia, The New York Times reports. 

Ukraine had hoped to punch through Russian positions and make sweeping gains comparable to their counteroffensive in the summer of 2022 when it seized back several strategically important cities. 

But the counteroffensive is making slow progress, with troops encountering heavily defended Russian positions, protected by minefields, helicopter gunships, and artillery fire.  

Read more ....  

Update: Ukraine Situation Report: Kyiv Changes Counteroffensive Tactics (Warzone/The Drive)  

WNU Editor: This is sober reading from the New York Times .... Ukrainian Troops Trained by the West Stumble in Battle (New York Times).


Anonymous said...

The US is great at fighting counter insurgency operations when we outgun our enemy exponentially. Looks like the yanks will be having a hard time when it comes time for it to fight a modern conventional conflict.

Of Prague said...

As noted 2 months ago,

No Artillery, no air-cover and a complex obstacle belt.

Under the best conditions you get a body nose.

Without indirect fire support, your chance of survival is near zero.

Anonymous said...

81 out of the 185 Bradleys sent over, and 66 out of the 145 Leopards donated were destroyed in the last 21 days. The modern tactics might work just fine when you consider that similar offensives in 1945 saw the US losing ~30 tanks per day. The real problem is that even if Ukraine is only losing half that each day, they don't have the reserves and stockpiles and production of 1940's America firing on all cylinders. Hell, we don't either, anymore.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i grew up reading some of those stats in the world book encyclopedia. Always compared with that of the soviets.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Take into account that in WW2 for the most part we had air superiority. The Ukrainians have none of that.

Anonymous said...

It didn't work, go back home and have a Coke Hahaha

Anonymous said...

You read that story and you realize one of the reasons the Ukraine is failing. Kaufman , breedlove and the rest refuse to talk or even mention the suicidal thinking of attacking a deliberate defence without adequate ground and air fire support.

The ukies understand this. That is why they changed their tactics. It is called futility.
Said months ago , Foreign forces trained by the USA do not do well.

One reason. The USA has all kinds of big weapons and these weapons allow their tactics to work.

The Ukrainians do not have that same force structure and these American experts fail to see the true reasons the ukies are getting their butts kicked.

Our leaders and those high level advisors to the Ukraine are criminal incompetents

fazman said...

They do have artillery , the biggest issue is the incredibly dense minefields of 4 mines per square metre..
If the west hadn't dithered and babbled and gave ukraine what they asked for Russia wouldn't have had the time to build their defensive line.

fazman said...

Many aren't destroyed but have lost a track etc to mines and are being repaired . The main difference is that crews in Brad's and Leo's are pretty much surviving to fight another day , Russians not so much .

Anonymous said...

this is but one more example of a good and useful article from the best paper in the nation and perhaps the world. This source is of course dismissed by lower IQ types as lying etc because they are hooked on the shit sheets such as Breitbart and NewsMax. Note that those rags are never cited here for useful factual material, researched, verified and well presented.

Anonymous said...

yeah and the regular cnn articles are all legit

Anonymous said...

CNN is middle of the road, sort of, but left leaning, as Fox is fully Right leaning. But NY Times?
editorials might be left leaning but the NEWS is objective good journalism. simple as that: and 130 Pulitzers to prove it.

Anonymous said...

NATOtards are slowly bargaining their way towards acceptance of their total defeat.

Still a ways to go before they actually grasp reality.

Now is the time for you NAFOs to go to Ukraine and get on the front line, don't miss your opportunity. They are paying up to $5K/day now, if you think you'll live long enough to cash your first paycheck.

Anonymous said...
