Sunday, September 17, 2023

60 Minutes Interviews Ukraine President Zelensky

60 Minutes: Ukraine's Zelenskyy urges the world to stand up to Putin 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told 60 Minutes correspondent Scott Pelley the world must unite against Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

"There are nations with billions of people who should tell him that the steps you [Putin] are taking are leading to a third world war," Zelenskyy warned through a translator. 

 Pelley interviewed the Ukrainian president in the presidential compound in Kyiv last week, for the 56th season premiere of 60 Minutes.  

Read more .... 

60 Minutes Interviews Ukraine President Zelensky  

Zelenskyy warns Putin could cause World War III -- 60 Minutes  

Zelensky says US support to Ukraine is bigger than war: ‘If Ukraine falls, Putin will surely go further’ -- The Hill  

Zelensky says Putin could cause WW3 if US does not continue support for Ukraine after already plowing $70bn into nation -- Daily Mail  

Zelensky addresses drone strikes in Russia in "60 Minutes" interview -- Axios


Anonymous said...

Thank you again.
He's talking about India, China, everyone else ha.
Hey sorry.
He sounds immature and not smart. An obvious con.
Like a character from a Mel Brooks movie

Anonymous said...

He is about as truthful as Hillary Clinton.

He must have American spin masters telling him what to say, because he sounds just like a neocon propaganda machine.

Did he have the sniffles again during the interview? just wondering.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he’d rather the world burn than give up a bit of land for peace

Anonymous said...

Sounds like 1939 Poland would rather the world burn than give land for peace.


Anonymous said...

you either see Russia as a threat to the free world or you are on Russia's side. Badmouthing the leader of Ukraine a sure sign you align with Putin and Russian autocracy. There is no other choice. Ukraine, NATO and the free world or Putin, North Korea, China, Iran. Your choice here is very clear

Anonymous said...

Thats right hero . The Ukraine? You mean where they now have Drag shows, homosexual bars , child prostitution and human trafficking is common, The Army spokesman is a tranny odd ball who 's reasoning and proclamations sounds Like a chanting satanist? a Regular Weimar Republic "light"

You mean that Ukraine?

Of Maybe the Ukraine where there are no free elections, the opposition parties are outlawed, The churches are closed down by the state and their properties are pillaged?

The Ukraine that sends thousands of men and boys, intentionally, with little or no training into combat and they are slaughtered like pigs in a stock yard?

Or the Ukraine where the head of the security service is a war criminal who has non combatant civilians INTENTIONALLY killed and brags about it,

and the rest of the government is also war criminals because they know about it, yet do nothing to bring this monster to justice, but quite the opposite , they fully support him?

Did I miss anything?

If you give me only two choices? Then , as a Christian, and a beliver in Jesus Christ, I have to choose the nation that mostly aligned those christian principles,

and that certainly is not the Ukraine.

Nor will it be Ukraine after this war is over.....Ukraine is becoming a mini USA with all the ugly progressive stupidity amplified.

Support Ukraine yes??? might as well support Hillary and the rest of the progressive commie, weirdo mob.

BTW 819, thank you for parroting the latest BLOB line, that zelinskis American advisors pushed to him. I remember that lie.

"You are either for us or against us."

It is the same one George bush used after 9/11 to quash any dissent for war and part of his lying narrative to go into Iraq, to get those fake WMDs

Not falling for it this time.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

Biden Not Only Turned Over US Weapons to Taliban, He Made Marines Clean Airport Waste for Them

Anonymous said...

Before they were allowed to leave Kabul in August 2021, having just lost 13 comrades to a suicide bomber, US Marines were ordered to pick up human feces and other disgusting trash at the airport so as to leave it pristine for the Taliban.

So ordered by Joe Biden

Anonymous said...

Marines at every level were infuriated at being “forced to scoop up human poop.”

The order to clean “came with a threat that we would not leave at all if it was not completed,” one junior Marine told authors Jerry Dunleavy and James Hasson

I other news Marine recruiting is down. Liberals flummoxed.

Anonymous said...

“Kabul: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco and the American Warriors Who Fought to the End.”

Fought until the end and then forced to pick up poop or else they could not come home.

Anonymous said...

t 8:47 AM
asnd his fellow butt bopys


Anonymous said...

Juvenile is8:19/11:58, whose publishing history is mighty thin for the number of years spent.

Russia has to be defeated. 8:19 had a Captain Obvious moment there. Well, Okay, I lied. It was not obvious to him, he only took the position, because his clique, the DNC did. He is not officially a member of the clique, but they deign to allow him to vote for them.

If Russia wins, the US loses reserve currency status. During the 2011 crisis with Greece, Portugal , Spain and the others why did the US maintain reserve currency status? What was the reason given?

Setting aside reserve currency status, supporting Ukraine is the moral thing to do.

But know this if or when Russia is defeated the battles are far, far from over. The US is also an oligarchy/dictatorship. People should study mamo. When was the CCP an oligarchy and when was Mao a dictator? How easy was it to shift form one to the other? Some of that question is answered, when you study the backroom discussions in Beijing in the lead up to the Korean War. In 1950 Mao still had to persuade others in the oligarchy that going to war was the right choice. Later Mao was dethroned and the oligarchy re-emerged only to be subsumed by Mao.

Putin must be defeated. Afterwards we can focus on the other front, where we should already be fighting via the ballot box.

Anonymous said...

I give you good moral reasons not to support the Ukraine and you give me empty platitudes. I am not going to support NATO. Those are the same idiots who bombed Lydia for no good reason and 100 other mistakes.

Sorry, I agree with Orbin on the situation in Europe. These are as much democracies as Chicago and LA. One party rule dictatorships with no real hope of change.

The US , the NEW USA I should say, is living in a fantasy world. And the "rules based order" is a scheme in which it makes the rules so it can do what the hell it wants with no consideration about any body else.
And if you are a deplorable, you see that it is no longer a democracy either. It is the Portrait of Dorian Grey.

So If you want to support a moral cesspool, that is your problem.

Because here it is back in your face.

a. You either have morals or you do not,

b. You either follow the tenets of Christ or you do not.

c. You either abhor evil , or you do not..

You want to follow Ukraine and the USA down the road to hell, that is your mistake. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.


You are correct. If the US loses this war, it will probably be the beginning of the end for it as The arbitrator of world finance.

But it was not you or I who started this mess. You and I are not the responsible agents for this debacle. We know who that is. I will not support the US in This effort, but I will not also support the opposite Side.

I can tell you this. This war is what they call a water shed moment in History. The world will, never be the same after this. If the US loses, so be it. I will not sacrifice eternal principles , for a temporary gain. These clowns made thier bed and they can sleep n it.

as for 1158, he is and ideological nut case. just like the old time commies, no matter how many times you show them the truth, they deny it...... because it does not fit their ideological goals or narrative.

You all have a great day ...and Go with God!

Anonymous said...

11:58 has a webpage with god jokes. It is an atheist.

Anonymous said...


Got it. Makes sense. He is lost.

Anonymous said...

the aerguments remain silly and name calling.
You either support Ukraine, fighting a Putin ordered invasion of a sovereign nation and those allied to help that nation or you are supprint Russia, and its allies N. Korea, China and Iran. Simple as that. No name calling needed. Which side are you on: simple as that. Pick and cut the bullshitting.

Anonymous said...


You are a lost individual. One day, I hope you find calmness of spirit and joy in this life time.

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Simpleton,

I supprint nobody.

Anonymous said...

You said this as serious?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh there'll be a choice but you'll never know it.

Anonymous said...

"You said this as serious?"

Get your money back for the TESL course.

Anonymous said...

Really!! Lololololololol!

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

"You said this as serious?"

Yup, TESL. You have grounds to sue.

Your sentence may be grammatically correct. Although I am a native speaker, I think, I will not claim to 100% knowledgeable about English grammar. You sentence does have all the hallmarks of not being constructed by a native speaker.

It just seems off compared to how people speak colloquially.

I short of all the idioms using the word serious. Your use of the word serious seems off.

Off to the trenches with you Vlad.