Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Are U.S. Military Barracks This Bad?

Courtesy of the U.S. Department of Defense  

The Center Square: U.S. troops describe living in military barracks as 'continuous misery' 

Sewage backups and inoperable fire systems are among the safety hazards that U.S. service members living in barracks face, according to a new report on how such conditions undermine quality of life and military readiness. 

A U.S. Government Accountability Office report found that the Pentagon's assessments of conditions at barracks "are unreliable" and "observed barracks that pose potentially serious health and safety risks – such as broken windows and inoperable fire systems – and that do not meet minimum [U.S. Department of Defense] standards for privacy and configuration."  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: And the Pentagon wonders why they have a recruitment problem.


Anonymous said...

The picture look like a set up. How could something overflow or back up for that long? Is it at the bottom of a hill.

I could see 2 or 3 stalls having mess from over flow.

The only way there is that much over flow would have to be that bathroom is at a low point relative to the rest of the sewer system.

Many places in Russia do not have this problem or the potential for this type of problem, because they literally have no indoor plumbing.

Anonymous said...

""Service members we met with at this installation described living in the barracks without air conditioning on hot days, especially after being outside all day for work or training, as continuous misery," according to the report."

BFD. I have not seen AC in NE corridor in barracks. We survived.

Anonymous said...

People living nearby said they heard sounds resembling a "moped" before a loud explosion, according to Telegram channel SHOT.

Videos show a massive fuel tank explosion after a suspected drone strike in Putin's prized resort town

Anonymous said...

It was not like this when Trump was president

Anonymous said...

At the moment, public hearings in the case of Russia violating the Convention on Prohibition of Genocide are ongoing in the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague. On the third day of hearings, 32 states testify in court.

Russian tribunal in Hague: 32 countries speak in favour of Ukraine on third day of hearings | Ukrainska Pravda

Anonymous said...

I think the reporting on the report is worthless. The Washington examiner is where I looked.

"We observed barracks at seven of 10 military installations we visited that appeared to require significant improvement,..."

A) Okay, lets have the names.

B) My guess is there is a problem with funding, leadership or public works.

IF the is a problem with funding toward August the Leadershit can make a case for funding for specific projects or material and submit it in late July or in August so higher up can reprogram unspent funds before the end of the FY. Really, not sure if that is workable given the size(?) of the task, but everything in these excrable articles is so nebulous.

Even the FUCKING picture is nebulous. There is not metadata. literally would have an easier time of being given a random picture of Ukraine battlefield and finding using open sources.

Investigative Reporter Mr. Brett Rowland should be fired for incompetence. I do not have access to a picture GAO-23-105797, but maybe he does or could have. He does get paid to look things up and report.

GAO: they took the picture
23: Year they took the picture?
105797: probably a sequential number for ID purposes on top of GAO-23-

The bathroom shown probably has flooded more than once. I will assume it has. If it hasn't, then it is a one-off and the base commander, the troops got very unlucky and the GAO got 'lucky' if you call that luck.

Anonymous said...

11:22/11:23 < Yellowbelly sapsucker or a fucking Russian troll.

Anonymous said...

If this is an army installation, then there is no excuse. Either the installation commander failed or " Army Installation Command" failed to support that Post.

Installation command was formed back in the early 2000s, to stop exactly this kind of crap.

Anonymous said...

The money should come out of the operations and maintenance pot. So, if a base commander kicked a request upstairs there could be significant money, money enough to fix one building I would think.

Since the reporter(s) is/are stupid they cannot tell us if there are in shortfalls in the operait9ns and maintenance budget and why that might be.

Maybe the the DoD stole from the maintenance portion of O & M to fund a deployment, because some diplomat or president said something to make America look weak. So they have to deploy more assets or keep them on station longer and that take money.

Maybe it is FUCKER BIDEN'S fault!

He does look weak.

Anonymous said...

I served from 1974 to 78 and the barracks I lived in were great--more like efficiency apartments (with roomates). Except for basic training, of course.

Anonymous said...

^ It would help to have the name of the bases where you served and the names of the bases audited by the GAO.

There might be back story, which may or may not things understandable. I'm wondering now if the deadlines are that tight, the reporters that uninformed or lazy. I am wondering if the reporters wrote it in such away as to be click bait on purpose.

They can't go to the 9th degree due to reader interest, space, time, money, but a little bit of extra effort would have went a long way.

Anonymous said...

It gets worse when you deploy.

Anonymous said...

Been deployed and it was good. so for you next russian troll cheap trick you will complain about the contractors and how muxh they made.

Anonymous said...

330 is right.


Not enough facts. Were you a zoomie or a USMC grunt?

Zoomies always got the best of everything.

So it really matters on three things: who you deployed with, where you deployed, and AT WHAT TIME.

Example if you deployed to Afghanistan in 2003/4. the place was a hell hole with very few amenities or comforts. NO CHU for you!

If you went there in 2010. it wasn't that bad. Unless you were a platoon stationed at a combat out post way out in the middle of no where.

Anonymous said...


I know all about 4 hole burners and smell a fuel and shit burning.

Sometimes an out house is better than a bathroom with plumbing and sometimes it is not.