Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Is The U.S. Prepared To Fight A Major War?

The Atlantic: Ukraine Isn’t the Reason the U.S. Is Unprepared for War 

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, the United States has provided Kyiv with more than $43 billion worth of security assistance. Opponents of aid to Ukraine have argued that the United States is drawing down inventories of systems and ammunition that are already in short supply for its own forces, and which would be needed in any high-intensity conflict. 

Our country could very well lose a large-scale war for lack of weapons and ammunition—but not because of aid to Ukraine. In a major conflict, the U.S. would run out of munitions in a few weeks, and in less than a week for some crucial categories. The quantity of weapons we are providing Ukraine is marginal compared with necessary weapons that we have not stocked. As Mackenzie Eaglen of the American Enterprise Institute has argued, “Over the past nine fiscal years, budget after budget has traded away combat power, truncated needed weapons early, and permanently closed production lines.”  

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WNU Editor: You have to wonder where is all that defense money going?


Anonymous said...

where is all that defense money going?

sex change operations for the troops

dresses and ladies underwear for the senior brass

diversity training

etc, etc, etc.

It is sickening what the US military has become under Obama/Biden.

Anonymous said...

Some of it is going to green energy programs and other Democrat Party boondoggles.

Gavin Newsom will be no better than Obama or Biden. Sure he will be virile looking and have good hair, but if that is the DNC standard, then why not hire form the pool of GQ models?

I use to say that Newsom was smart, when he got out of college. He and a few friends worked for a billionaire and managed some of his money by running some businesses. I mean the business did not go bankrupt and produced profits, right?

Now, I am considering that I am ignorant. I took a newspapers word for it that the businesses did well. Maybe it was all the work of Gavin's friends and partners. Maybe the businesses were barely afloat or survived by government handouts.

What I see today is that Gavin will follow slavishly whatever the buzz in currently in Democrat circles. He is not a maverick. He does not buck the system. He does not occasionally disagree with his party. He is 10 out 10 with the party.

Anonymous said...

Here’s All The Ridiculous Military Pork Baked Into The Proposed COVID-19 Bill

Yeah, COVID was such a scourge. It was so bad that Congress had time to stuff it with non COVID things.

I like the military spending BTW. Maybe not all of it. The A-10 spending seems wasteful given that the Air Force is junking them.

the number of hospital ships (4) seems wasteful to me when the military cannot meet its recruiting goals. Well it was 3 years ago, but ..

Tom Pain said...

Perhaps if some of the dim bulbs spending time badmouthing the Democrats and act like adults, they would confront the issue dealt with in this article. Then they would see that is Congress, ie GOP, playing budget games that is often the cause of the issue, though there are also other factors responsible. What are these factors? Well the article is only partially given since it is paywalled. As my contribution to the dimbulbs, ie Trumpster Dumpsters, here is the complete article:

Ukraine Isn’t the Reason the U.S. Is Unprepared for War

Anonymous said...

I think this is misinformation legally we have to have a certain amount of inventory on hand and we have even began to touch it so far just surplus we are sending

Anonymous said...

Or the pallet of ammunition I'm willing to donate I've been stockpiling for 20 years AMERICA!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


I never wrote that Ukraine was the reason why the Us was unprepared. In fact, I did not write that the US was unprepared. You have a reading comprehension problem, maggot.

I did write that

a) There were green energy boondoggles in the DoD spending

b) that if or when Gavin Newsom is president , he will be no batter than Obama or Biden.

He will be better than Biden in that he has good hair and looks virile. Other than that it will be the same Democrat clap trap.

Tommy, you have a special day and say hi to the special ed teacher for me.

Anonymous said...

The article is misleading in this sense.

Ammunition is a limited resource. So who gets what is a zero sum game. Giving ammo to the ukies does hurt your security posture.

Every bullet or shell you give away, is one less one you have to practice with or use in a fight.

The article reporter says Ukraine support is not the cause. She is correct in one regard. Why did the blob allow US production to go so low?
Why in the past no general grade office resigned in protest to address this failure.
And if it is so meager. What right does DC/ blob have and How stupid are our leaders in giving our soldiers and sailors ammo away when we have so little ?

Makes you think

Anonymous said...

In a war of attrition you need money and men. The US would run out of money long before it ran out of men.

Anonymous said...

If they try a draft it will not go well for them the hate for the government in the usa is strong I or anyone in my family will not fight for Biden or trump they will be fighting on the home front at that point. Down with this over taxing corrupt government

Anonymous said...


Russians trolls thick as fleas on a street dog

Has one of those bozos toured a factory much less worked in one? They make hitler look like a genius and he was deluded.

Anonymous said...

Wtf are u talkng about

Anonymous said...

ima talking about you phule first what is money

Anonymous said...

Mad monkey money 💰

Anonymous said...

The nukes are already paid for. They would run out of those in a few hours. There’s your math