Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Does Anyone Speak Ukrainian In Odessa?

WNU Editor: Been to Odessa more times that I can count before 2014. From my experience 90% of the time people on the streets, in the stores/restaurants/etc., they were all speaking Russian, including me. 


Hans Persson said...

Goes to show that Russia has done good with its ethnic cleansing.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised when I first came to America in 1650 how few people spoke English and look at the place now!

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This just shows the stupidity of the anti russian campaign fostered by the Americans on the ukraininons. Before 2014 there were issues but not the raging hatred you see now.

But people are slow to figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Goes to show why the entire rest of the south handed over the keys to Russian commanders happily in the opening days.