Saturday, September 16, 2023

Editor's Note

I have a lot of things to do today. Blogging will return this evening. 

Update Sunday 11:00 EST: Yeah. Got stuck taking care of visitors and doing a whole lot of other shit that in the end has kept me preoccupied for the past two days. 

I will finally be free tonight, and I will be posting and commenting on a lot of stuff that needs to be discussed.


Anonymous said...

Post no bills

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

'This' is not working, so more consultations with Moscow.

tom pain said...

The media has forgotten that Donald Trump has an age-old problem as well.

So Biden’s Old. But Did He Try to Destroy American Democracy?

Anonymous said...

Biden is not merely old. He is demented.

Trump is not demented. Trump has energy.

I hope Biden is the nominee for the Democrats and that they are not forced to reconsider until august. By that time it will be too late tp get someone else on the ballot and if they break the rules to make it happen, the party as a whole will suffer such a loss of reputation, it will destroy that evil party.

Biden will be stage 6 next summer or very close to it. But Marie Jean Pierre will walk up to the podium and smile while the words "80 is the new 40" spill like effluent from her mouth

Anonymous said...

"UKR has been able to force Russia to reposition its naval forces in the Black Sea. Never in history has a nation lacking surface combatants been able to compel an opposing naval force to retreat from its forward bases"

So they have to fire their vengeance weapons from further back.

The warships in the air defense cannot be used for the defense of Crimea.

Novorossiysk is busy port. It is large and it is impressive. Every nation should have a port like Novorossiysk. It does not have the repair facilities that Sevastopol has.

It will take more time, money/fuel t get on station when sallying forth from eastern ports.

Anonymous said...


So damn funny!

Anonymous said...

All the kamikaze drones did not reach their targets, but enough did to pay for themselves.

DOWN BY THE STERN: Confirming damage inflicted by a UKR naval drone attack west of Crimea, photos have emerged of the of the Russian Bora-classmissile hovercraft Samum (Hull 616) being towed to repair facilities at the Naval Operational Base at Sevastopol.

Note to shipwrights. You do not want to be working 2nd or 3rd shift on the Samum. Get a doctor's note if you have to to ensure you work strictly 1st shift.

Anonymous said...

Near Olenivka, occupied Crimea Russia blew up the sunken "Ibrahim-Yakim". The remains of this Turkish cargo ship that sank during a storm in 2010 was very popular among divers.

Why Russia decided to blow it up is unclear.

During WWII the US blew up many wrecks along East Coast because they interfered with sonar detect of submarines. Russia may be concerned about underwater drones.

Anonymous said...

Democrat Party and their obedient and slavish voters are the death of America.

Shocking video shows hundreds of migrants being let go from buses to roam the streets of Democratic-run San Diego: 'You're free to go'

The Democrat Party is a Death Cult.

How many of those let go are ISIS, Al Qaeda, cartel members, Chinese spies ...?

Were they vetted at all?

Anonymous said...

"A border agent was heard telling one person he could do what he wants as people from countries including China and Pakistan were dropped off on streets "

Unvetted Chinese are being allowed to roam America gratis the Democrat National Committee, the real unelected rulers of AmeriKKKa!

Anonymous said...

You might well dislike what the De4ms are doing in this migrant issue, but what had Trump accomplished? he built a crap wall that was totally inadequate and he claimed (lie lie lie) Mexico would pay for it. In other words: nada, zip, nothing. And yet you dump on the Dems? Trump is and was a failure and that is why he did not get elected for a second term. Loser loser loser.

Anonymous said...

Former President Donald Trump faced ridicule online after describing President Joe Biden as "cognitively impaired" before warning he is leading the United States into "World War II" during a speech on Friday night.

Trump, the frontrunner of the 2024 Republican presidential primary, and other Republicans frequently attack Biden's age, saying he's not mentally competent to serve as president, pointing to a number of gaffes he has made since taking office. Polls suggest voters are concerned about Biden's age heading into the 2024 election, even though Trump is only three years younger than the incumbent president. Biden is currently 80 years old, while Trump is 77.

During a speech at the Family Research Council (FRC), the former president issued a warning about Biden's competence that left some observers questioning whether Trump is fit for the presidency himself.

Anonymous said...

Less illegal Mexicans means less money going to Mexico in the form of remittances that means more money circulating in America which can be taxed as it goes around and around.

So in essence Mexico is paying for it.

Less welfare spent is a cost savings, so yeah that pays for the wall.

It is not crap wall, if fewer people get through than under the old wall, the old vehicle barrier or an open field.

You are the type of liar that would look at a curtain wall of a castle and say it is crap because people can throw fascines in the moat and throw up a siege ladder and climb up. You would say that if you group commanded you to say it and we know that whatever the Times and Post commands, you bleat. Like a curtain wall, the border wall is meant to be manned for maximum effectiveness.

It is estimated that 5,000 children, who crossed at now being sex trafficked. Many think that is a lowball number. That is more than 1 sex trafficked child per 1,000. What is the goal here? 1 per 100? Is the goal you go to the police station, pick out the child and pay the police? Like in Turkey.

Anonymous said...

Warmonger Mike Pence Says U.S. Military May Have to Fight if Ukraine Loses War to Russia

So, if we just get a Republican in the White House, the US will no longer supports Russia.

Not so fast.

I agree with Pence. I still think Pence should not be president. Boebert or Green would make better presidents than Pence, Biden or many others. Yes, I know they are not perfect.

Pence has Mittens disease.

Speaking of the war Buks seems to have integrity problems. They keep getting atomized.

"Бук"; "beech" (tree)


Anonymous said...

Democratic Colorado Governor Signs Executive Order Requiring Mass Replacement of Gas-Powered Lawn Equipment

Makes you wonder who the true fascists are.

Liberals with status will have their Hispanic gardeners on their hands and knees clipping grass with hand scissors. Life will be good. The peons will know their place.

China will replace any emissions we cut and double down. Let's you know liberals are lying about climate change.

Anonymous said...

A major Russian missile attack against Ukraine seems to be imminent.

9 Russian Tu-95MS Bear strategic bombers are flying from Murmansk toward their launch positions over the Caspian Sea.

Their missiles are likely to reach Ukraine around 4-5 am CET
A major Russian missile attack against Ukraine seems to be imminent.

Anonymous said...

Liberals are bad and we are so good that we keep winning elections. We do not tire of winning all the time. Remember: mothers don't let your sons grow up to be proud boys.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Have you never pushed a manual mower?

Anonymous said...

Once in the while truth does come forward. But the problem is the truth or propaganda? First report is always suspect. that is the situation here.... Trying to discern the truth.

Read below. Like one guy said if this is true..

Then it is not a matter IF Ukraine will collapse, but WHEN.

So can anyone confirm the following?.....

Lt. Colonel Vitaly Berezhny, is from the Ukrainian army.

Speaking at a meeting of Poltava City Council, Lt. Colonel Vitaly Berezhny, who serves as acting head of the of the local recruitment and social support center, admitted that local authorities are struggling with their conscription campaign, having fulfilled only 13% of their conscription quota, placing them last in the region.

Berezhny was quoted by local media outlet Poltavshina as saying the military urgently needs reinforcements, as “out of 100 people who joined the units last fall, 10-20 remain, the rest are dead, wounded or disabled.”

End article.

Anonymous said...

I can’t wait until we make all these deranged liberals our slaves. it’s coming

Anonymous said...

Or your cheating, considering your anything but Democratic in nature.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to modern warfare
, eh. And it also doesn’t help that Russia can’t strike the origins of these Nazi ideologues weapons without starting a nuclear scenario with NATO. Russia is not the aggressor here. They have the upper hand and are doing us all a favour by not starting a nuke war

Anonymous said...

So much for Covid concerns. That’s how you know it was all bullshit

Anonymous said...

Why aren’t these people being shot? Americans have grown weak and feeble

Anonymous said...

First shift Russian trolls are really bad at their job.

Anonymous said...


about a 80-90% kill ratio. Pretty ugly. But is does correspond with the news of 4 to 6 months ago when they were saying a new guy has about a 4 hour life span in that war.

Anyway these kind of losses are non sustainable. If they really are recruiting the old, lame and disabled , then they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

By the time next year, the ground forces of that army will be a shambles and it will not really matter how many toys you give them, whether that is ATACMs, MLRS or some new kind of super tank. It is the people running the equipment that will not be able to manage the OPTEMPO.

and no, a hand full of F16s run by green pilots will not make much difference either.

Gents , it gets to a point were you just are combat incapable. Thats the way it is.

But as always...we will see.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

@915AM, wrong person bro. Think I misread 1038PMs post.

Anonymous said...

how far is a bridge too far?

Anonymous said...

But President Trump would be a good example of someone who is sublime. Since you asked

Anonymous said...

9:42 is that your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

9:42 the question is not directed to you, rather 10:38.

Anonymous said...

9:46 not 9:42

Anonymous said...

The Kremlin fggts did not want a mass surrender of Russian troops, so those Russians were fired upon by their own artillery at Adriivka.

Currently, the bootlicking fggts are engaged in an online coverup for their betters at the Kremlin.

Anonymous said...

45:5 not this or that and the other..ah, fuck it

Anonymous said...


got ant proof of this. or are we having a ghost of Kiev moment?

Anonymous said...


got any proof??

Anonymous said...

The UN International Court of Justice in The Hague resumes hearings tomorrow in Ukraine's lawsuit against Russia regarding the Genocide Convention .

Anonymous said...

No reply?

Ghost of Kiev moment then.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hint: no one cares about your byzantine comment comments. Time for bed, Master Asperger

Anonymous said...

Your kilo sub is beyond economic repair. That was 25% of your sub force in the Black Sea.

The Rapucha landing ship has a destroyed superstructure. No pulling cable there to replace burnt out cable.

Most of the other ships vamoosed from Sevastopol. Ports further away reduced time on station.
Novorossoysk is a very nice port. It is also very busy and does not have repair facilities. Collision with the civilian traffic is a real issue. Of course you have never been a merchant or naval sailor, so WTF do you know.

Anonymous said...

Biden ethics official is linked to Virginia 'porn Dem' who posted X-rated videos with her husband online for TIPS while claiming money went to a 'good cause'

This keeps getting better and better. The Porn Dem has a good profile, but looking at her straight on ... OMG.

But finally we have a real political pee tape.

Anonymous said...

can you offer proof and not innuendo or claims with no basis?

Anonymous said...

Get your own Recurbate and Chaturbate accounts. Does Ms. NSFW have accounts and have they made some still of the video?

Anonymous said...

More of the same.

Who is this idiot who comes up with these Russian war crimes lies and fabrications of mass surrenders or killing their own people?

You Must be working for Sara

Anonymous said...

^^^ Can you put the 1st several word into a browser search bar and press enter?

Merely not providing a link does not prove there is an absence of evidence. It does indicate that you are petulant pud.

There really needs to be barrier troops behind Russian keyboard warriors. Wait there is. It is those FSB agents loitering outside the building. You do not do your job well enough, you will be picked up by the FSB.

Anonymous said...

Cape Fiolent has been hit. My WAG is that another radar has been forcibly decommissioned.

Unless you put an ammo dump in the middle of nowhere as far way as possible from the port.

Anonymous said...


Idiot. you have no concept , except to parrot the MSM line.

There are no reports of the Russians intentionally bombing thier own troops.

The only ones are ones by friendly fire. Which in this war is no longer unexpected.

And in this case , since this was three isolated POWs then to get caught in that crap ( on the front line) this is also not unexpected.

That is what happens when the rest of your unit withdraws the line of contact. Your supporting arty covers your withdraw,

Stop spewing bullshit on subjects you have no experience in. You are a bad as these reporters and egg head analysts who have zero experience but are now called "experts " on war.

Now if you are like the Thug ukies who bomb their own people at long range who are "actually in a POW camp". that is different. Nice touch the ukies used a thermobaric bomb to fry them all.

Forgot about that one did you?

Keep on making stuff up, our better yet since you do not have the imagination capable of making stuff up, keep repeating the MSM narrative.

In 6 to 8 months that new Ukie army of : misfits, Retards and Shanghai'd press gangers.... is going to fall apart.

But after all these dead and wounded, we will not see an apology from you.

You progressive liberals never take responsibility for anything when your stupid ideas fall apart.

You are going to be about as successful in the Ukraine as your drug reduction program is in Portland.

Anonymous said...

That much arty does not happen by accident.

Those were the only troops to be subjected to such shabby treatment by their own side. As poorly treated as they were, you would think they were Black Americans pampered by the loving Democrats.

Drug reduction in Portland is going as well as Democrats intend it to go.

Once An Accident, Twice A Coincidence, Three Times A Pattern

You Russians and Democrats have that in common.

Anonymous said...

Ben Bergquam Reports In Panama: Pregnant Woman Left to Die as THOUSANDS of Illegals Funnel Through Darien Gap En Route to US

Bergquam showed the gruesome reality of what can happen on this dangerous trek. A body of a dead pregnant woman is lying next to him while he is reporting.

“This is the reality of what democrat leftists ‘compassionate’ policy gives you,” Bergquam said from the Darien Gap Route in the Isthmus of Panama.

Ben also interviewed Afghanis making the dangerous trek. He asked them about Biden abandoning Afghanistan and giving the Taliban full reign. They responded that having Trump back would be best.

Even Afghanis know "Trump is BEST!"

Anonymous said...

At least 11 different points during the interview, former President Trump flubbed numbers, misstated facts or omitted critical context.

Fact checking Trump's 'Meet the Press' interview

Anonymous said...

Trump built a huge length of border wall despite everything the Democrats threw at him.

Trump did not get us in a new war.

Trump was pulling out of Syria until high government officials disobeyed direct orders of the CINC. It disagree with pulling out of Syria, but can see it being the right thing to do in lieu of the fact that a strong case was not made to convince the overwhelming majority of people as to why we were there.

Tax revenues grew under Trump.

America was energy independent.

So you think you have gotchas. Fuck off and travel to a jurisdiction that allows euthanasia. Maybe you will have to travel from Russia to Switzerland. Maybe you will have to flv from somewhere else. It will be for the best.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...


YOU SAID>>>>>>"That much arty does not happen by accident."

That is the brightest thing you have said all day..

But your ignorance still shows through.

here is what happened....

Your forces have just retreated off an objective area and the enemy has just occupied it.

So you know the area well. Best yet!!!!

You know the enemy is there and "EXACTLY" the specific ground he is now on!!!

what do you do...??????

Gee Wally, I guess we call for arty and bomb the crap out of them.

That's right Beav.... Just like we were taught at the Captain's course. Those guys are sitting ducks.

Of course they got the hell shelled out of them , Thats just what you do.

this is what is really hard for non vets to understand. many of these "crimes" or "horrible occurrences " happen for all the right tactical reasons.

Then the no nothing press twists the circumstances to fit a F'd up narrative because that is what that no nothing pussy of a reporter back in Kiev , Moscow or Berlin or DC wants you to believe.

He does not want to go to the front , he is a grifting hipster who "supports the current thing"


Praxiteles Swan,
Sometime Captain,
5th Texas Volunteer Calvary

Anonymous said...

Except their (Russian) FO's or drones called artillery on their own men.

Anonymous said...


You are making shit up as you go along.

Anonymous said...

You are not as smart as Gaius Baltar, now are you?

Anonymous said...

No, but I used to play cards with Colonel Tigh.