Monday, September 11, 2023

Europe's Culture Of Corruption Raises Concerns In The EU

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky (R) and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen make statements following talks in Kiev, Ukraine, June 11, 2022 © AFP / Sergei Supinsky  

Politico: Ukraine needs to do more to fight corruption, Germany’s Baerbock says 

Kyiv ‘still [has] a way to go in the implementation of the anti-oligarch law and the fight against corruption,’ German foreign minister says.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Monday called on Ukraine to step up its efforts to fight corruption during a surprise visit to Kyiv. Ukraine “still [has] a way to go in the implementation of the anti-oligarch law and the fight against corruption,” Baerbock said on arrival in the Ukrainian capital, the German foreign ministry said in a statement. 

The German minister praised Kyiv’s “impressive” progress on judicial reforms and media legislation — completed even as Ukraine has spent the last 18 months fending off Russian President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion, which has cost thousands of lives. Baerbock also reassured Kyiv that it would get Berlin’s “decisive support” for its European Union bid. 

Read more ....  

Update: EU believes Ukraine is ‘a very corrupt country' – Politico (RT)  

WNU Editor: Zelensky is not convincing in making this case .... Zelensky: Corruption cases in Ukraine don't involve foreign funds (Kyiv Independent). More here .... Corruption in Ukraine has nothing to do with assistance from partners – Zelenskyy (Ukrainska Pravda).  

Update #2: In a recent interview with CNN, Zelensky talks about the war and the problem of corruption (see video below). 


Anonymous said...

What a liar.

zelensky-corruption-cases-ukraine-dont- have anything to do with foreign assistance money.

What a joke. It has everything to do with assistance money

Ron said...

I am under the impression from other information I've read that Ukraine has almost no economy and their government is completely funded by the U.S.A. money, to the tune of several billion a month. So where is the money for the graft coming from? our current government is America last minded but I would like to see some of those 70 some odd thousand new hire IRS agents to go over there and track the monies.

Anonymous said...

Freudian slip in your headline, WNU?
Must have meant '*Ukraine's* culture of corruption'
And it is such a shame, for a country so rich.

Anonymous said...

German promise of more help.

" Now I can buy that house in Beverly hills"

Anonymous said...

Zelinski is wrong.

If I were Zelinsky, I would say the same exact thing.

The Biden Crime Family is a perfect example. Self designated American paladins want Ukraine to be as pure as the wind driven snow, while the Bidens in public make of with dump truck loads full of cash in broad daylight.

The Paladin's remedy. Simply not have Joe run again for president and not bring the party down.

All I see when I see Von der Leyden is corrupt Deep State Bitch. She is the kind that will tell us to tighten our belts, to eat bugs while she consumes beef, worry about climate change while the carbon footprint of her 7 children is the size of dozens of families, etc.

In other news the Ukrainians captured a new type of Russian radar that the Pentagon will be interested in dissecting.

Anonymous said...

Literally there was an article at American thinker, where they talk about how much of the aid money to Ukraine comes back to Democrats in Washington. Not just the Bidens.

If Russia was so uncorrupt, they would not be riding into battle on T-55s.

Anonymous said...

The US, EU, Russia and Ukraine are all involved.

Any articles on Russian corruption?

Russian corruption would affect Russian performance or lack of it in the war.

Therefore Russian corruption would affect the war.

Fatman is such a shill.

Anonymous said...

" Now I can buy that house in Beverly hills" - LittleFinger

The number of people wanting houses in Beverly Hills is approaching zero.

Little finger is not keeping up with the news.


Anonymous said...

the ha ha Beverly Hills troll is so yesterday. The Democrat filth rich flee to Santa Barbara not Beverly Hills.

Look where Prince Harry ended up. It was Santa Barbara not Beverly Hills.


Anonymous said...

Sanctions against Russia are taking their toll. A Russian Airbus A-320 which was flying from Sochi to Omsk had to make an emergency landing in Novosibirsk Region.

All western aerospace companies such as Airbus are not supplying spare parts and due to this circumstance have revoked any assurance of the safety of their produced planes.

Anonymous said...

for all the babble about corruption I have thus far found not one shred of hard evidence, data, proof. What I have found is a lot of blaming on this one, that nation, that political party. and still no solid evidence. Simply babbling about one's dislike.

Anonymous said...

So rich in corruption 😂. No wonder you and left just can’t let go. By by international money laundering machine. But then again there’s always Canada to do the washing

Anonymous said...


We do not really care about russian corruption.

We are not paying for that. But Ukraine. That is our rat pit that we keep shoveling money into. It is disgusting.

But thats what you are supporting. Just like Joe and blinker, you keep criticizing the editor and others when it is pointed out.

I bet you believe that new blob bullshit by Romney that this is the best investment ever.

What crap. In the mean time, our country is being run into the ground.

Just trying to get you focused here.

Anonymous said...

Please give us evidence of Biden's "corruption" instead of simply alleging with no proof. The GOP is big on alleging but never in submitting proof. and the Supreme Court right-leaning members and corruption? that goes to the heart attack) on American corruption

Anonymous said...

We do not really care about russian corruption.

Unless you are a Russian artilleryman and you have to move closer to the frontline because you gun is worn out. Where are those replacement tubes again?

Where is the T-14 Armata? Most expensive mock-up evah!

We are not paying for that. But Ukraine. That is our rat pit that we keep shoveling money into. It is disgusting.

You is this 'we'?. You are ruSSian not American.

What is disgusting is that your sneak attack failed and then you could not defeat a much smaller country that Bite-Me has on a shoe string budget.

Anonymous said...

Who is this 'we'?.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Mr Nobody said...

This is not about Biden , the corruption subject is as follows.

a. Zelinski says "there is" corruption in the Ukraine.
b. But then zelinski says it has to do with internal funds "not assistance money".

This is laughable. I mean it is absolutely hilarious. This guy missed his calling, he should be in DC.

Ukraine is broke. All its funding is coming in from Nato Government loans, Grants and other money programs. The rest is provided by ngos.

Only a small percentage is Gov UKR money.(from grain sales or whatever)

So Where is the out flow with assistance money?

Here is "just one way" it works.

Ukies need 10 million in medical funds. So the USA gives them the 10Mil. So what happens to the ukie funds that were allocated to the medical programs??

Well, that my friend, went into Uncle Igors pocket to pay for his house in Spain.

Then zelinski can say....oh that was not assistance money. Of course this is technically true, but also a lie. Assistance money helped facilitate the corrupt practice.

Anyway. Like it or not, The Ukrainians are going to lose this war. One reason will be is that the Ukrainian Government is so corrupt to be unmanageable. It is like South VietNam in that respect. And Even after this current war: How would such a corrupt place ever be able to dig its way out of being a failed state?

The editor sometimes mentions that no one wants to go back, even after this war ends. That tells you something does it not?

Unless you have a purge and a new ideological or religious movement to revitalize the culture and society, it will not dig its self out. It is doomed.

Culture is destiny.

Anonymous said...

No, so rich in resources dumbass. The balance of your drivel is opaque to me.

Anonymous said...

Calm down it's a trope, dope. Wash you butt.

Anonymous said...


This is your favorite Russian troll.

I am sorry to inform you that typing in highlighted text does not give added validity to your argument.

Go back and try to use logic this time.

You are talking about the russians again. Last time I checked, I do not think we are sending them any US tax dollars in aid. But maybe you know differently?

Please let me know.

Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

So rich in resource yes, but is the poorest European nation. That’s because it’s more rich in corruption than any other commodity