Thursday, September 14, 2023

Is Russia Expecting This War To Go On For Some Time?

LBC: ‘Russia expects this war to go on for some time’: North Korea meeting shows Putin ‘playing long game’, ex-MI6 spy says 

Vladimir Putin's meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jon Un shows Russia is planning to "hunker down" for a long war in Ukraine, a former MI6 spy has told LBC. 

Speaking after Kim Jong Un arrived in Russia ahead of a meeting with Mr Putin, the former head of MI6's Russia desk told LBC's Andrew Marr there is "serious intent" behind the meeting.

"The Russians are now indicating they expect this war [in Ukraine] to go on for a long time and in fact, that may well be what lies behind their meeting with Kim Jong Un today," Christopher Steele told LBC.  

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WNU Editor: Talked to my cousin who lives in Moscow last night. He has a lot of military experience, and his opinion is that this war is going to go on into 2026.


Anonymous said...

Will Putin be forced into mounting an offensive soon after the Ukrainian army has been destroyed by throwing itself upon the Russian defensive line?

Anonymous said...

Really? How can this stretch into 2026? Can Ukraine really hold on? If U.S. forces enter the fight will it stay conventional?

Anonymous said...

Don’t push it past the Nazis of Ukraine to gin this up as an ethnic Ukrainian holocaust and start putting ten year olds into uniform.

Anonymous said...

"Russian pilot tried to shoot down RAF surveillance aircraft over the Black Sea in 2022 because he believed he had permission - but his missile missed"

We will be at war.

you can dress Russian up, but you can't take them out.


Anonymous said...

The pilot of the SU-27 fighter jet fired two missiles at the RAF RC-135 Rivet Joint surveillance aircraft on September 29 last year, with the first missing the British plane rather than malfunctioning as was claimed by Russia at the time.

At the time, British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace acknowledged the incident, telling Parliament that two Russian jets 'recklessly' came within 15ft of the RAF plane - with a crew of up to 30 - and one 'released a missile in the vicinity'.


Anonymous said...

Proof that there exists some Russians with functioning brains.

While the first pilot took this as an order to fire at the RAF reconnaissance plane, the second pilot thought the opposite and swore at his comrade when he fired his first air-to-air missile, which came perilously close to the British spy aircraft.

Anonymous said...

If it drags into 2026 Ukraine will have issues. China will almost surely strike at Taiwan by then. Once that happens the US will stop any and all assistance and redirect to East Asia.

Anonymous said...

^ someone russian woke up to a wet dream

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

tom pain said...

Worked with drones and Neptunes | Obozrevatel

Explosions in Eupatoria on September 14, 2023 - destroyed Russian Triumph - details

Anonymous said...

All u got to do is steal all the gold 🪙 it will end in a heartbeat believe me

Anonymous said...

Morons on both sides of war

Anonymous said...

The meeting in Between Putin and Kim was about strategic geo political concerns. I said that earlier this week.

So the MI6 guy is also debunking the "putin begging for ammo" narrative. (though ammo was probably discussed but not in the way most people think).

So in this instance the MI6 guy is simply repeating the obvious. This meeting is about larger things.

NE Asia and the northwest pacific/ near northern Japan would be a major battle ground in a war with America.

In this zone is the russian Pacific fleet at Vladivostok. There is a huge economic problem if a war breaks out in this region.

Most shipping in the Pacific travels into the Northern Pacific to get from east to west and vise a versa. Same with air traffic. This is due to the curvature of the earth making it the shortest route.

If there is a disruption in the flow of shipping , there will be major economic impact world wide.

BTW the Russians or Americans would not even have to fire a shot for shipping to slow down or stop. The simple threat of destruction will do the work. Due to insurance and and potential loss rates, no one is going to want to travel thru a war zone to deliver goods

So that will mean shipping traffic will have to divert south, nearing the equator and lengthening the route distance and travel time involved. That will mean much higher costs and delays. With "just in time" inventories and "global economy " inter connectivity, once again there will be serious economic impacts.

But in the light of russian concerns, this meeting was about two things, the security of thier eastern flank and the utilization of the shared border.

Caecus said...

if you're going to fight a war with minimal forces, always on the defensive, while your enemy is fully mobilised and supplied by NATO, yeah, it's going to last a very long time.

Anonymous said...

The maximum number of casualties that anyone has suggested Ukraine has sustained is about 1% of the pre-war population. This is very likely way too high, but let's play with it. France sustained 4% casualties and went on to win World War One. So, even if Ukraine has experienced 1% casualties, then this war could go on until 2027-8, just in terms of Ukrainian fighting power (assuming NATO is willing to support Ukraine).

Anonymous said...

How can you always be on the defensive, when you leave your ratholes, I mean trenches, to try to retake lost ground. The Russian lose whole units that way.

Anonymous said...


Your figures are misleading. And I do not think it was intentional. But why do I say this?

Because you are using "Total Population". not draft age or "healthy fully qualified male population"

( do you want to add in females, the very old or kids to the age of 12 and above? If you do please say so . It will make more sense.)

The other item you need address is what Total population number are you using, from what year? Pre war or 2022/2023?

As we all know, about 10 million Ukrianinas have fled the country since 2022. A lot of those fleeing were health draft age men who are never coming back.

So when looking at population, you have to look at "capable of fighting" population.

if you do not, you end up counting the baby in the crib and granny in the wheel chair.

Anonymous said...

France won WW1 cause the U.S. entered the fray. France was already quite spent but Germany couldn't handle the entrance of American forces backed by its industry. The one we used to have

Anonymous said...

and we won't be back till it over over there.