Friday, September 8, 2023

Is The U.S. Media Misleading Americans About Ukraine’s Battlefield Success? US Intel Official: Media Misleading Americans About Ukraine’s Battlefield Success  

The official told Seymour Hersh that Russian President Vladimir Putin was behind the assassination of PMC Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin  

In an interview with renowned reporter Seymour Hersh, a US intelligence official scolded the media for misleading the American public about Ukraine’s battlefield failures during the Spring counteroffensive. The unnamed official additionally told Hersh he believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the assassination of PMC Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin to deescalate tensions with NATO. 

Responding to reports in recent weeks that Ukrainian forces were gaining momentum and recapturing territory, the official remarked, “Where are the reporters getting this stuff?” he asked. “There are stories talking about drunk Russian commanders while the Ukrainians are penetrating the three lines of Russian defense and will be able to work back to Mariupol.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Living in Canada I am exposed to U.S. and Canadian news. Their reporting and analysis on the Russia - Ukraine war is most of the time completely at odds with what I am reading and hearing from my contacts in both Ukraine and Russia. 

So who is right? 

Since the start of Ukraine's counteroffensive in June I have seen no real gains by Ukraine, but the news that I see and read in Canada (and the U.S.) tell the exact opposite. But the truth sometimes comes out. Like this admission from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg yesterday that Ukraine's advances only amount to a mile or two each month, and then only in a few areas (link here).


Anonymous said...

Thus far, they have overstated anything but they are also not immune to the bad information out there and have on many occasions fixed the narrative. Good source. Just need another...

Anonymous said...

WNU, teller of tales of father's days as an artillery officer. Well worn tales.

Paying attention to shoot and scoot?
Paying attention to set up time and counter battery?

Attention to detail such as metallurgy?

Funny thing about metallurgical defects. They migrate. Who had thunk it? Ever seen a hole migrate?

Have the Soviets ever repeated Severodonetsk? It's been a year.

tom pain said...

Ukraine’s counter-offensive is speeding up
slow but consistent in the change coming about

Anonymous said...

810th Naval Infantry Brigade massacred in Robotyne area.

Anonymous said...

Economist article is paywalled and I doubt Extrabadshit has a subscription or read the article. Extrabadshit is now for scanning headlines, but not reading articles. Extrabadshit is as intelligent as a termite or worker bee.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine’s counter-offensive is speeding up

here is the article that Mr Snarky badmouthed instead of doing something about it he felt the need to shit on people. Loser.

Anonymous said...

Fck 810th Naval Infantry Brigade got hammered. CO gone Senior LT gone ...

There is a sick and twisted way of disposing of cats. You tie a cord around a cat's leg. you tie the other end around the cord of another cat. You throw them on either side of as telephone cable. Putin could be one of those cats. Who should be the other?

Anonymous said...

I go with Def Mon. With him you never have to back track. He goes with geolocation, which honestly I do not know how it works.

If you are always geolocated and broadcasting, that is an invitation for HE. So a lot of the stuff has to be encrypted or something. I think some forces purposefully geolocate, when an area is sufficiently behind the lines and is more or less "safe". So geolocation lags the battle front. All the I must selfie now types must die really young on the battlefield.

Some initial reports of forces in various location have been explained as scouts. you do not see them that far south again for awhile.

What I do understand is decreasing Soviet artillery fires and their use of more and more towed artillery. The calibre and range is also decreasing.

Anonymous said...

OPEC And Russia Didn’t Keep Oil Production Cuts To Raise Prices -

So, if Saudi Arabia and Russia did not actually cut production, then higher oil prices in the US is not their fault. therefore it must by Fcker Joe Biden's fault!

Anonymous said...

New York CNN —

Oil prices could climb well into triple-digit territory by next year if Russia and Saudi Arabia don’t unwind their aggressive supply cuts, Goldman Sachs warned its clients.

The Wall Street bank had already factored in the possibility of high oil prices long before Russia and Saudi Arabia announced, earlier this week, that they were extending production cuts through the end of 2023. That announcement lifted Brent crude oil above $91 a barrel for the first time in 10 months. Brent crude is the world’s oil price benchmark and is produced in the North Sea.

Goldman Sachs had forecast Brent oil to be $86 in December and $93 at the end of 2024. Now, the bank says it sees “two bullish risks” to its prediction.

First, Goldman Sachs expects Saudi oil supply to be 500,000 barrels per day smaller than previously anticipated. That alone should add $2 to the per-barrel price of oil.

tom pain said...

What the West Still Gets Wrong About Russia’s Military

Anonymous said...

Extrabadshit did not read the Forbes article, but Extrabadshit is still acting like the Xerox monkey that it is.

One of the takeaways of the Forbes article is that Putin is calling what is happening "cuts", but in reality sanctions and lack of expertise is curbing how much oil the Russians are able to produce.

The high prices in the Us are the result of Creeper Joe taking any more oil leases around ANWR off the table. that and dim bulb, semi-intelligent voters like Extrabadshit combined with some fraudulent votes put Creepy Joe in the Oval office.

Anonymous said...


Why is Hunter being prosecuted for his gun crime? Well he did it, but that is not the reason. He also committed many other financial and FARA crimes.

the reason he is being prosecuted delicately is because the public is mad if he gets away with it.

So they have to prosecute.

The prosecution is nuanced. They are only prosecuting the crime not connected to the president. They dare not prosecute for the financial crimes and drag Joe into it.
that is it and that is all.

Also, hunter can be pardoned by his father an never spend a day in jail. the display of raw power will energize the Democrat base. In spite of the display of raw power, the Democrats will also play the victim card and claim Hunter was only prosecuted because of mean, evil Republicans.

Anonymous said...

Hunter can be pardoned. so what? how many did Trump pardon?

Donald Trump granted executive clemency to 237 individuals charged or convicted of federal criminal offenses, using his clemency power under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution.
the moment assumes Hunter guilty of crimes that he has not been charged with simply because he assumes Hunter must have done something, despite no indictment for it as yet.
Trump and Gang says nonstop the things that Mr commenter says Dems will claim.

Anonymous said...

"The high prices in the Us are the result of Creeper Joe taking any more oil leases around ANWR off the table. that and dim bulb, semi-intelligent voters like Extrabadshit combined with some fraudulent votes put Creepy Joe in the Oval office."

iden won 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3 percent of the votes cast. He is the first U.S. presidential candidate to have won more than 80 million votes. Trump won 74,222,958 votes, or 46.8 percent of the votes cast.
This year there were no faithless electors. So the final tally in the Electoral College was 306 to 232. That, of course, is the reverse of the margin Donald Trump won by in 2016. He called that a “massive landslide victory.”


Anonymous said...


The trial, stemming from a lawsuit against the former president filed by the New York attorney general, is scheduled to start in October and last almost until Christmas.

Trump Civil Trial Scheduled to Last Nearly Three Months

Anonymous said...

This a RED state!

ATLANTA — An Atlanta-area special grand jury that spent months investigating alleged 2020 election interference in Georgia by Donald Trump and his allies agreed the former president should be indicted in the case and also recommended charging one of Trump’s closest associates, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) — though a prosecutor ultimately declined to seek an indictment for him in the case.
Sign up for Fact Checker, our weekly review of what's true, false or in-between in politics.
The recommendations were contained in a 26-page final report presented in January to Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis (D) and made public by a judge Friday.
The report by the

Anonymous said...

The msm has mislead the Americans.

It is a bullshit cabal.

Note how they have to consistently backtrack or bury their reporting.

In every Battle the Ukraine is winning.

Hell if they have been winning so much, why have they not taken crimea yet?

No instead they are drafting mental patients and trying to force people back to the country who do not want to return.

It is a sinking ship. I also have bad news for you. Contrary to what some have reported in the last few days, those defensive lines only get stronger as you go further into them.

But keep plugging along. Maybe they get lucky and reach the other side. But I guarantee you this, There won't be a lot who are alive now that will see that day, if it does happen.
And the grave yards are already over flowing

But not to worry.... Best investment we have ever made.😡😡😡☠️☠️☠️

Anonymous said...

I actually have sympathy for Hunter. Joe Biden made Hunter the imbecile that he is today. Joe probably got him his job at MBNA. I could care less. That is the usual graft and corruption.

How do you make executive vice president of a company as large as MNBA two year after college and being hired?

That part is a little more than your usual graft and corruption.

Hunter never registered under FARA. But they got Manafort for that but not hunter. They got Manafort for that but not Podesta. Podesta and Manafort worked on the same project in Ukraine. Manafort went to jail and Podesta skated. Podesta was allowed to register for FARA after the fact.

The gun crime is minor in the scheme of things.

What is major is that Joe Biden brow beat and seduced his son, so he would become the bagman in his influence peddling that affected US foreign policy.

BTW former, retired asylum escapee, what does OPUT mean?

Anonymous said...

2:49 = 2:54 = 3:04 = Frederico bullscheisse

Anonymous said...

A red state, lololololololol!!!

Anonymous said...

What a loser you are, hahahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hunter & MBNA

Hired 1996 (~ June 1996)

Executive VP 1998

Leave company 1998

Does that make sense?

"MBNA: Employing more than 25,800 people around the world at the time of the merger with Bank of America"

If you made executive VP in 2 years would you not stick around to see if you could go higher?

Or was Hunter like a fart that everyone was forbidden to talk about? So he left for the Clinton administration.

Anonymous said...

WNU, considering you cherry-pick news from sources that agree with your opinions and you have in the past and currently still do re-hash news from RT and other Russian sources, I don't think it's at all far-fetch to say that your contacts in Ukraine and Russia are simply providing you with opinions that you favour, because you have chosen to surround yourself in an echo chamber, not unlike that of Putin.

fazman said...

Well said , and he thinks Russians aren't being fed bs by the spoonful ?

Anonymous said...

That might be. But his information has consistently been better than yours.

Anonymous said...

Corporal Kurtz contemplates the snail and the razor above. And with that we draw the curtain of modesty over this scene, and providence will provide him a towel.

Anonymous said...

uh πŸ˜’

Anonymous said...

Your Mom?

Anonymous said...

yep it's total bullshit oops my son was a crackhead so relatable. Not we are all criminals. Totall 🐝 🐍

Anonymous said...

Well, the kickbacks have been lucrative Im sure

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You both suck. STFU ingrates. Embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

PATHETIC ingrates

Anonymous said...

Offering insults like a north korean baby without engaging in intellectual discourse only strengthens their argument.

Keep the insults coming, I guess?

Anonymous said...

Who are you in this? These ingrates attack the efforts of the blogger, who is a valuable resource to many of us. This is embarrassing. These miserable curs act as if he is not up front about his background etc. Go somewhere else and write a different blog with your opinion. But the personal attacks are immature, classless, and pathetic. You are untouchable filth.