Monday, September 11, 2023

New Video Emerges 22 Years After The 9/11 Attacks


WNU Editor: For more info on the above video .... Mysterious 9/11 video that emerged on YouTube 20 years after atrocity (Mirror). 

WNU Editor: I was in my office 22 years ago when I noticed that the browser on my computer was very slow. I was trying to load CNN, and it would just not load. My guess was that CNN's servers had crashed, but I could not load any other news services like the BBC, CBC, France24, AP, etc.. That was when I knew something was wrong. 

I was finally able to load some news from the CBC, and it was then that I knew what was happening. While wondering how could a passenger plane pilot make such a catastrophic mistake, news of a second plane hitting the next tower was being reported. I knew right away that the U.S. was under a coordinated attack, and I made the decision to go home. 

While driving home I called my brother who was living in California to tell him that the U.S. mainland was under attack. After a minute my connection to him died. I learned later from my brother that when I called him I actually woke him up (it was 6:45am his time), and by telling him that New York and Washington were under attack his first thought was that a nuclear attack was underway. 

Getting home I had 3 VCRs, and I started to record the news from the CBC, ABC News, and NBC. I knew history was happening, and I wanted my own archive. I recorded the news from those channels for the next 36 hours, and when finished I took the tapes and put them aside to look at them later. 

Twenty-two years later, I took the tapes out last night, and watched some of it for the first time. 

Sighhhh .... 

It does not get old. It feels like yesterday.


Hans Persson said...

I was actually watching a 2 hours "live" thing on YouTube last night from the moments before the crashes and ends after last tower falls.

Interesting how perspective have changed since then, but nothing is different.

Anonymous said...

Inside job.

Anonymous said...

☠️ and bones did it

Anonymous said...

What is distressing is "New Video Emerged"

Why was it held back?

1) People, most people, want to know the truth.
2) There is certainly the band width on the internet to disseminate it.
3) There is so little original content out there, why not go with what is real? People would rather watch a documentary or real video than Netlfix

Anonymous said...

No sadly it does not seem to get old. Especially with what is occurring now.

Anonymous said...

inside job. Why did WTC 3 collapse so neatly, as if by a controlled demolition, if it was not struck by any aircraft? Monstrous evil at work here, probably coordinated/caused by our own CIA.

Anonymous said...

above: and yes trump won the election and russia was invaded by ukraine and the moon is made of green cheese. now not to be nit picking, but can you offer proof for your assertions? something that would stand up in a court of law?

Alex said...

I remember watching it on TV before school (7th grade). I had no appreciation for the significance nor could I have imagined how much this one event would shape my life.

Hans Persson said...

Alex, at the time I didn't even know what the frack was happening, I didn't realize that I was watching the a change in the human civilization.

Also, I was sitting in my apartment when I was watching Chanel 4's live coverage when the second plane hit. Remember thinking that "shit, now everyone is going to get their asses kicked. But noboth Afghanistan and Iraq is now in ruins, plus other countries that Clinton's and Obama destroyed. The Nobel Prize peace winner.

Anonymous said...

That terrible event did for a time bring a sense of unity throughout the nation.

Hans Persson said...

Yeah, that later destroyed it.

Now we are here.

Anonymous said...

A bunch of geezers who couldn't fly single engine props take over sophisticated multi engine airliners. They manage to turn the airliners without losing control & crashing. They manage to find New York. They fly low level. Both hit the towers perfectly. Not bad for beginers. Apart from the explosion at the Pentagon, has any footage or stills of the airliner that struck it been published?

Anonymous said...

"That terrible event did for a time bring a sense of unity throughout the nation."

For about 2 weeks and afterwards Democrats started handwringing for all us asking "Why do they hate us?"

If you ever bring up direct quotes from the Koran, you are denounced as Islamophobic.

You can quote and make fun of the Bible all day long.

You quote and make fun of the Koran and liberals will tear you a new asshole.

Since liberals play that coward's game, why play the "Why do they hate us" game?

Anonymous said...

The brief, shining moment of national unity after 9/11

Unity did not last that long.

Anonymous said...

"A bunch of geezers who couldn't fly single engine props take over sophisticated multi engine airliners."

1st lie- Geezers

Hijacker age

Average age was 24.

2nd Lie - "couldn't fly single engine props "

9/11 Flashback: US Flight Schools Still Unknowingly Training Terrorists?

1:32 is a sick twisted sadist or a Russian troll.

Anonymous said...

cut the shit and stop blaming all things on "liberals." Who was president at the time? You just need a scapegoat for your personal failures in life.

Anonymous said...

JAIME GORELICK (2:17) is that you?

Jamie of building the wall between the CIA and FBI so they could not exchange information on terrorists fame?

who was or was not president has no bearing on the liberal, the really sick as fuck liberal penchant for calling anyone Islamophobic at the drop of a hat.

Criticize Saud soft power offensive of building mosques in the US and liberals will line up to be the first to call you an Islamophobe.

Anonymous said...

Why don’t you enlighten us then on how it fell in the manner that it did.

Anonymous said...

^^^ Civil Engineer talking shit

His other qualifications are staying at a Holiday Inn Express last night and ...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dancing Israelis

Look it up.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

60 minutes is a news media special operations hit team.

We saw that when Trump released his full interview with Leslie Stahl versus the edited one.

Anonymous said...

ah...more conspiracy bullshit
fact: all media use editors!
fact: 60 minutes is one of the longest running highly regarded shows in history of tv
fact: studies and commissions have substantiated what took place.
If you think it was all an inside job, then provide evidence, data, proof and not simply assertion

Anonymous said...

You can edit an interview so as to get a totally different idea and feel for it, then the unedited interview.

A Biden interview would be edited to take out the pregnant pauses, blank looks , mumbling and stuff.

All editing is not good.

After the full interview was made public Leslie Stahl and CBS took a hit.

Yes good ole Leslie Stahl shilling for Joe Biden. Biden, who had his staff cut the mic on him mid-sentence.

the fallout form Biden trip to Vietnam is incalculable. The Vietnamese are wondering if they should kiss and make up with the Chinese and regard them as their overlord since Biden was soooo pathetic.

There is not conspiracy when you can compare Leslie's Stahl's editing versus the complete tape. Listen to them side by side.

Any you are piece of shit and the wrong child was sent to the asylum.

Anonymous said...

The dancing Israelis. The USS Liberty. Same bat station, same bat channel.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

the items is under the lime. like a layer cake, you have a pile of lime sitting on the ground. The ground is "sub lime." Simple yes?

You can thank me later.

Anonymous said...

Skull and Bones and their Israeli Neo on counterparts. Edhud Barak just happened to be in the London BBC office and announced a war coalition in the Middle East before anyone knew anything. Barak was Jeffery Epsteins noted business partner and photographed entering and leaving the NYC mansion of underage girls. Gen. WESLEY CLARK exposed publicly the plan to topple 7 nations, which had nothing to do with 9/11 at all. Instead ABC News briefly noted a 200+ Israeli intelligence spy ring in America. The Israeli art students who hid in the towers days earlier, and the 5 dancing Israeli agents in Weehawken NJ CAUGHT celebrating the attacks and they themselves photographed them laughing with thumbs up as the WTC was smoking over their shoulder. The police detained them for a lengthy period with a court record of the evidence implicating how happy noted intelligence agents were of almost 3,000 Americans dying being burned alive. Always thought that might be a key to the story since it was multiple connected groups involved in stuff NO MEDIA dares bring up...happily ever again. 60 years since Kennedy was murdered by a similar nexus, 9/11 20+ years and what comes next is pure dystopia and destruction to rebuild new. Good luck God Speed. It's too late now. What's coming is already happening in motion. Just remember righteousness.. the understood and applied wisdom of ascension and descending consciousness.

Anonymous said...


You are correct. Story was buried and no one now mentions it.

Good luck to you also. We will all need it.

It is going to be an ugly ride.

"Haveing courage means being sacred as hell, but saddling up anyway."
John Wayne