Thursday, September 14, 2023

No Answers From The White House On Why President Biden Continues To Make Up Stories About His Life

Zero Hedge: Watch: White House Asked Why Biden Made Up 9/11 Ground Zero Narrative 

The White House press pool is beginning to ask the right questions, and we can expect that these obvious inconsistencies will continue to dog the Biden campaign into the 2024 election. 

First, on Wednesday the White House's national security council spokesman John Kirby was at the podium and was appropriately grilled about why "the president lied about being at Ground Zero the day after the 9/11 attacks" among other falsehoods. "What is going on with the president? Is he just believing things that didn't happen did happen, or is he just randomly making stuff up?"  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The smirk on John Kirby's face when he is asked the question on President Biden's false narratives tells me that he really does not care what the media or public are concerned about when it comes to the President's lies. That in the end it will not make a difference. President Biden will still be re-elected in 2024.


Anonymous said...

The arrogance is astounding

Anonymous said...

He always has been a liar and arrogant jerk. thats why he is where he is.

Just remember this little show of his and in the future remember never to believe anything he ever says.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years - The Washington Post


Anonymous said...

We have bigger problems than Trump you fool

Anonymous said...

That fool is Fred Lapides or a troll pretending to be Fred.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, whoever 1200 is they are seriously fucked in the head. they should get a brain scan to check if they even have a brain. An absolute drooler.

So 4 years is about 1,460 days

Divide the alleged 30,573 lies by 1,460 days you get about 20.9 lies per day.

I would like to see the list (data set).

I would like to see the methodology.

I would like to see the same methodology applied to Obasm and "I did not have sex with that woman."

the Washington Post by the way is one of those newspapers who endorsed an Alzheimer patient for president. Less than 3 years later with more than 25% of the presidential term to go they want to take it back. As if we won't remember?

I suppose in a 1984 world not enough will remember given the constant bullshit thrown at us by NYT, WaPo and other legacy media.

1200 is so pathetic they are not even fit for soylent green. You would be bound to get some prion disease if you partook of that.

Anonymous said...

1. do not dismiss the media with highest reputations in the nation and which get Pulizters...that is juvenile. If you distrust their studies, show how and why.

2. here are the answers to questions you raise on methods used etc is systematic and done by professionals.
A four-year Fact Checker project comes to an end.

Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years - The Washington Post
The former president faces multiple charges related to his lies about the 2020 election. Here’s a look at some of his most repeated falsehoods. Fact-Checking Trump’s Election Lies - The New York Times

now thee is the evidence. The ball is in your court to refute the facts and data. simply dissing them is not just juvenile buft stupid and unthinking.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

media with highest reputations

Foisted a demented, criminal fool on the nation

highest reputation amongst the Mafia!

Anonymous said...

WNU stated (others too) that Biden is stage 5 of 7 for Alzheimer disease. Progression rates vary, but Biden was stage 3 or 4 and the Washington Post endorsed the plagiarist anyway.

So Washington Post has highest reputation?


Washington DC?
Fly over country?

You have to qualify that remark. It is more of a willful assertion by a deluded fool.

Anonymous said...

It's a joke.
Clown Land

Anonymous said...

wtf cares except you

Anonymous said...

the puppet masters no longer care what the public thinks about anything. they have their agendas and their puppets in place, why should they care?

Anonymous said...

You can't even spell Pulitzer. gimme a break. And your grubby little friends also

Anonymous said...

1:44 wtf except cares you

Anonymous said...

12:54 "1. do not dismiss the media with highest reputations in the nation and which get Pulizters...that is juvenile. If you distrust their studies, show how and why."

Pulitzers? lol and Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize lol as for libtard "fact checkers" rotflmao

Anonymous said...

What, Me Worry?

Anonymous said...

yeah i know--
Things Fall Apart

Anonymous said...

So the Washington Post is highly regarded?

By whom?


The media should apologize to the Catholic Church...but won't
September 14, 2023
Remember all those 'unmarked graves' at former Catholic schools in Canada? Guess how all that turned out

Thousands of Canada's indigenous children died in church-run boarding schools. Where are they buried

When will the Washington Post so called reporters apologize to the World public?

Prediction: 12:00 PM will be found to be a moron.

Anonymous said...

I am concerned about comments I have seen in the past about Fred L. being a child groomer and predator. Surely this can not be true?

Anonymous said...

getting a wee bit desparate and in so doing show yourself to be a big asshole.

Anonymous said...

Since the first awards were presented in 1917, the Pulitzer Prize has become the foremost American prize in journalism and literature. Created by newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer, the awards continue his passion for excellence in writing and serving the public through the craft.
Now compare what you read with what is read by intelligent people and see how many awards those papers got compared to what you read, or see on twitter or facelift. Don't' simply diss a paper and show how low your IQ is.

Anonymous said...

losts of deflection here. I am simply talking about prizes for journalism. not for peace. not for pizza making. Journalism. Babble all you want, but note how much of what get known in the news is picked up from distinguished outlets and NOT from facelift, twitter, Breitbart, Newsmax, et al

Now here is an explanation of the problem for conservative media, but you will have to read it to understand!

Opinion | Conservative Media Has an Audience Problem

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?