Friday, September 8, 2023

Poland Wants To Have The Strongest Land Force In Europe Within Two Years

Polish soldiers on tanks take part in a military parade in Warsaw on Polish Army Day, 15 August, 2023, to commemorate the anniversary of the 1920 victory over Soviet Russia.Wojtek Radwanski/AFP  

Euronews: Poland said its army will soon be the strongest in Europe. But is that possible?  

Through a series of major arms deals, Poland is set to establish military supremacy in continental Europe - though the high cost of this expansion is a source of concern for some experts. 

If everything goes according to plan, Europe will soon have a new military superpower: Poland. 

The leaders of the country’s ruling party Law & Justice (PiS) have recently announced that the country is set to have the strongest army in Europe within the next two years, thanks to the major modernisation of its existing equipment and a massive reinforcement of its troops. 

Read more ....  

Update: Poland Aims To Create Largest Army in Europe Within Two Years  

WNU Editor: I am sure Poland can achieve its goals of having the strongest land force in Europe (after Russia) in the coming years. The big question that remains unanswered is "can they afford it"? Will the public be willing to pay more in taxes and have less services to fund and support such a large military force? Only time will tell.


Anonymous said...

They will afford it. There is a major land war instigated by an empire that occupied them twice for centuries and whom connived with other empires and Fascist nations to dismember their country.

Partitions of Poland
Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
The Polish–Soviet War[N 1] (late autumn 1918 / 14 February 1919[3] – 18 March 1921)–Ribbentrop_Pact–Soviet_War

I think a Russian Gaslighter is something akin to a NAZI Gauleiter.

Anonymous said...

with Germany being sabotaged by the UK/US military/neocon/great reset complex, the way is open for Poland. No pipeline, no cheap energy, so hoorray Poland, you finally get to overtake Germany - well done :P

Anonymous said...

No US or neocons needed. Germany shot itself in the foot with the Greens, SPD, Merkel spy.

Oh wait, who funds the Greens? Moscow!

Merkel was a Manchurian Candidate for who? Moscow.

“The modern environmentalist movement has become the new home of communism.” - Rush Limbaugh

Anonymous said...

Waste of money. That much spending is no value added, this is doubly true when most of their weapons will not be produced by them.

Gadfly Speck said...

I had a high school history teacher who had a deep and abiding love for the Poles and hated how they had been wishboned over the years by countries who felt they deserved a slice of Poland. Good to see the Poles ahead of the partition game for once.

Anonymous said...

Poland will only be spending 4% of its budget on the military, so that level of spending is definitely sustainable. Its economy has been growing incredibly strong for over twenty years. If these rates continue, Poland per capita GDP will likely reach the level of Europe's top economies (Italy, France, Britain) sometime in the 2030s. So this level of military spending should be easily handled by the Polish people as their absolute wealth and relative to the rest of the EU will keep increasing.

Poland knows very well the danger Russia poses to it. The Polish people remember Russia's involvement in the partitions of Poland, the Hitler-Stalin Pact, over a century of Russian incorporation, and being forced into being a satellite state. They know a Russia willing to invade and despoil a supposedly "fraternal" people like Ukraine won't hesitate to do the same to them. So I believe they will easily make such a sacrifice to protect their homeland.

Whether or not Poland becomes the actual strongest armed force in Europe (and likely behind only the US and Turkey in terms of real defense power for NATO) depends on whether larger states like France or Germany rearm extensively as well. If they do, then Poland won't be the strongest army in Europe, but they will still have a very strong defense.

Considering how much the Russian Army is being destroyed in Ukraine and that this is likely to continue for the next two years, it will take at least ten years afterwards before Russia could rebuild an effective military. By that time, Poland's army and air force will clearly outclass Russia's in terms of capabilities.

A Polish-Ukrainian partnership will pose an enormous challenge to Russian aggression in terms of its combined population, economy, and military.


Anonymous said...

Of course Poland can have the strongest army in Europe within 2 years. Primarily because over the last two decades the bar has been getting lower and lower. At present, EU/NATO land forces are a pathetic joke.

Anonymous said...

^ yup. current Israeli military vs EU? It would be very close, which is itself a scandal.

Hans Persson said...

My friends from Poland says the economy has been booming last 2 years due to NATO investing in the country.

Aside from that, they know whats coming.

Also, people should read up on how they keep migrants in its country. Very interesting and also not what the mainstream wants to put out there ;)

fazman said...

They will because russia is being decimated without any loss of nato life

Anonymous said...

Poles hate the russkeys with a passion thats almost holy. They will spend, spend, spend.

Anonymous said...

No kidding.

Anonymous said...

I fought with the polls in Afghanistan and I have a cousin who married a poll and now resides in Poland. I’m torn on this subject. I hate the west and NATO, despite being a Westerner and a veteran. But if Poland becomes a modern day Nazi Germany, I can see mySelf fighting for them. I am deprived of a culture to be proud of here, and I am ready to move and fight for anyone who will have me and shares my values.

Hans Persson said...

That last sentence is probably something we all have in common..

Anonymous said...

It's impossible, the economy is shit, there's a lack of natural resources and they still want to spend now hahahaha after Ukraine it's shameful, it's like those zombie movies, after the invasion they want to spend ...

Anonymous said...

Fuck the snake worshipping hog-breeders.

Anonymous said...

your mother finds your sharts a delectable relish on her crumpets. But why, Sir?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the next Demogogue will emerge from the pripet mires. Perhaps not for the first time in history

Anonymous said...

You gotta Fight!
For your Right!

Anonymous said...

How's the market for birchbark?