Sunday, September 10, 2023

Russia Hails G20 Declaration That Avoids Condemning Moscow For Its War Against Ukraine


BBC: Russia hails unexpected G20 'milestone' as Ukraine fumes 

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has praised a joint declaration by G20 leaders in Delhi that avoids condemning Moscow for its war against Ukraine. 

Russia had not expected consensus and agreement on the wording was "a step in the right direction", said Mr Lavrov. 

The closing G20 statement denounced using force for territorial gain but made no mention of Russian aggression, prompting criticism from Ukraine. 

The two-day summit also inducted a new permanent member, the African Union. 

The 55-member bloc joins at the invitation of hosts India, one of whose key objectives while president has been to make the G20 more inclusive with greater participation of so-called Global South countries. 

The world's biggest economies reached other key deals in Delhi, including one on climate and biofuels - although there was criticism of the summit's failure to commit to phasing out fossil fuels. 

 For the second year in a row, there was no official G20 "family photo". No reason was given but reports say many leaders refused to be photographed, pointing to Russia's presence at the summit.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Kremlin is gloating .... Lavrov Gloats: West Failed To "Ukrainize" G20 As Global South Triumphed (Zero Hedge).

US President Biden and other Western leaders are being criticized for their lack of support of Ukraine at the G20 .... Biden finds himself on the defensive after G20 leaders fail to rally around Ukraine (USA Today). 

Russia Hails G20 Declaration That Avoids Condemning Moscow For Its War Against Ukraine 

G20 Declaration Omits Criticism of Russia, Notes Ukrainians’ ‘Suffering’ (New York Times) 

G20 statement backs Ukraine but omits Russia blame for war (Politico)  

Russia hails G20 a ‘success’ but declaration riles Ukraine (CNN)


Anonymous said...

The sacrifice begins!

Anonymous said...

That’s because everyone knows Russia isn’t the aggressor. And everyone is getting sick and tired of the little comedian beggar called Zelensky

Anonymous said...

I do not know where zero hedge gets the "gloating " observation from

Most certainly, Lvrov is happy about this.

But he is not sitting there rubbing his hands together or cackling like Hillary after killing Gaddafi

Anonymous said...

Leader's leader's u mean followers of Lucifer proud fools

Anonymous said...

It's true and u know it is

fazman said...

Not at all lol, only the despots and I dia. Oh well, the 1.6 billion $$ speaks louder and will wipe off heir putlers grin

Anonymous said...

Cackling Hillary and Gadaffi

That just begs the question. Who killed more?

Outside of official policy such as the Chad/Libyan War or Bill Clinton Wag the Dog Effort.

I am not alleging that Gadaffi was a good person. What I am alleging is that Hillary might have Arkancided more people than Gadaffi killed in Libya.

Anonymous said...

Kamala steps in: VP lands in NYC for 9/11 anniversary at Ground Zero where she is joined by Ron DeSantis - while Biden prepares to mark attack in Alaska 4,300 miles AWAY after shambolic Vietnam press conference

Is Alaska the furthest corner of the United States?

Or is it Hawaii?

Anyways the White House staff hid Joe away in Alaska to avoid higher profile public gatherings. Never know what the nursing home patient might say.

Where will they hide grandpa Joe next year?

American Samoa?

Baker island?

Anonymous said...

Biden needs to lock up the senior citizen voting bloc.

he should change his moniker from Lunchbox Joe to Nursing Home Joe.

It would be more apt.

Anonymous said...

Who's really in charge? Incredible moment White House staff are forced to abruptly end Biden's rambling Vietnam press conference mid-sentence and cut his mic after he ranted about 'Indians' and John Wayne

Rambling Vietnam press conference?

Does Joe need a new nickname?

How about Old RambleFuck

I like it!!!

It is nice to see that drugs cannot suspend the laws of nature forever.

The White house physician should have his license suspended.

Anonymous said...

John Francis
1 day ago

Brain shrinkage? The case for AI grows ever stronger day by day. And really as we observe Joe Biden - pretty much brainless - handling "the most difficult job in the world" - humans are arguably over-brained anyway.