Tuesday, September 12, 2023

U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Endorses Impeachment Inquiry Into President Biden


FOX News: McCarthy to green light Biden impeachment inquiry this week 

McCarthy will tell House Republicans impeachment inquiry against Biden is the 'logical next step' for their investigations 

Fox News Digital has confirmed House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., will tell House Republicans today that beginning an impeachment inquiry against President Biden is "the logical next step." 

The House GOP conference plans to hold a meeting on Thursday morning for key committee chairs to lay out their latest findings and the status of the investigations into the Biden family.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., are expected to lead Thursday's meeting.  

Read more .... 

U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Endorses Impeachment Inquiry Into President Biden  

House of Representatives to open Biden impeachment inquiry, Kevin McCarthy says -- BBC  

McCarthy directs House committees to open Biden impeachment inquiry -- The Hill  

McCarthy announces Biden impeachment inquiry, escalating GOP probes into family's business dealings -- CBS  

McCarthy orders impeachment inquiry into President Biden -- ABC 

News McCarthy calls for formal impeachment inquiry into Biden amid pressure from conservatives -- CNN  

US House Speaker Announces Impeachment Inquiry Into Biden -- VOA 

McCarthy opens impeachment inquiry into Biden without House vote -- Axios  

McCarthy directs House committees to open formal impeachment inquiry into Biden's alleged involvement with Hunter business dealings -- NYPost


Anonymous said...

California strikes back

Anonymous said...

Above is another probably on purpose ambiguous post.

Is this McCarthy representing Californians getting back at Crooked Joe


is this the crooked Democrat Party establishment getting back at Joe, so Gavin Newsome can be installed?

Gavin Newsome seems to be in the race as stealth candidate (See proposed debate with DeSantis).

Anonymous said...

fret not, for we will have the jailbird

Anonymous said...

I recognize the above troll technique. Thanks for the meta data, pal.

Anonymous said...

birds of a feather fly and flock together

Anonymous said...

"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants it to be known that she was the first to push for impeaching President Joe Biden, chiding fellow Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz for trying to steal some of the credit."

Anonymous said...

is this the crooked Democrat Party establishment getting back at Joe, so Gavin Newsome can be installed?

I am not a crackpot.

Anonymous said...

Gavin Newsom’s Not-So-Stealth Presidential Campaign

Gavin Newsom just jump-started the 2024 campaign

Newsome said in September that he did not have a campaign or was stopping one.

Between now and sometime mid-summer the Democrats can always switch horses. After that ballot issues and other problems would make it difficult.

Right now the Democrats are riding a nag that doesn't remember its name. But Democrats are really good at flogging dead horses, so no problem.

Anonymous said...

and you sir flog a jailbird

Anonymous said...

You flogged the pee tape and the Steal Report.

There is actually a pee tape. A Democrat is running for a house seat in Virginia. She makes her husband watch her with other men and she gets paid for it. Oh and it is a public venue.

Makes me glad that I got me a second generation commie instead a liberal woman.

Is the term "liberal woman" and oxymoron? I vote yes.

A good liberal or Russian troll like yourself will make a bee line to Chaturbate or Recurbate to see the pee tape. Russian trolls are not real men. They let the mobiks do all the men's work of defending Russia. Anywho you are still alive to revel in watching a possible future House of Representatives member pee on someone.

Anonymous said...


Are you off your meds again?

That last post is really out there.

Anonymous said...

Another try by right wing in gop that will end with embarrassment. they impeach and do not even have a charge? how democratic!!

dump on Joe for his age but at least he did not try to overturn an election and will not be going to jail.

Anonymous said...


Cut the crap. right wing. The Reps would not know right wing if it jumped up and slapped them in the face.

They are part of the uni party. This impeachment will be either one of 2 things.

a. a farce

b. an attempt to get rid of Joe because the uni party has no more use for Joe and wants him gone.

This is the flip side of the Trump debacle of justice.

Throw crap at the wall and see what sticks

That way trumpy cannot run in next years election. Just the way they want it.

The political battlefield is being shaped right now.

they want you to have a choice...but only THIER choice.

You ideological idiots are getting played.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden has a literal Trump card to play against the House’s new impeachment inquiry.

In January 2020, the Donald Trump-led Justice Department formally declared that impeachment inquiries by the House are invalid unless the chamber takes formal votes to authorize them.

That opinion — issued by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel — came in response to then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to launch an impeachment inquiry into Trump without initially holding a vote for it. Not only is it still on the books, it is binding on the current administration as it responds to Tuesday’s announcement by Speaker Kevin McCarthy to authorize an impeachment inquiry into Biden, again without a vot

Anonymous said...

7:43 is a troll and that is what they live for.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Brother.

Yes, you and I will be in Manzanar.

Anonymous said...

Name-calling is pure Trumpism
This call for impeachment is the dying moan of a dying once important party.

Anonymous said...

We never get tired of winning!
we are winning again and again

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

Sevastopol: Confirmed Kilo-class submarine destroyed

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Ok , just for you. Once again.... Here is your 3rd grade reading lesson

....look at the word . It is a two syllable word. The word's two syllables are "sub" and "lime"

sub means "under". Like sub terranean which means under (sub). and terranean (the ground). So subterranean means "under ground."


Now, once more with another example...

subfloor. Again, the word has two syllables. "Sub" and "floor". "Sub" meaning "under" and floor. So the word subfloor means "under the floor."

See how easy the was?? Now you too can use the word sublime with confidence!!

Because you know know it means "under the lime"

You can thank me later.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

Give it up he won't answer your question, I do have to admit he is full of himself.