Wednesday, September 20, 2023

US intelligence Says China Is Actually Spending $700 Billion A Year On Defense

Foreign Policy: China’s Defense Budget Is Much Bigger Than It Looks  

The actual number could be more than double the current Western estimate. 

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan recently revealed that U.S. government estimates put the Chinese annual defense budget at around $700 billion. That is far higher than previous estimates and almost on par with the United States’ 2023 defense budget of just over $800 billion. 

Sullivan’s number stands in stark contrast to other estimates of Chinese defense spending. One of the most respected independent sources of defense data, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, pegs China’s military budget for 2022 at only about $290 billion. The new, much higher number also completely contradicts the widespread assertion that U.S. defense spending is so lavish that it amounts to more than that of the next 10 countries put together.  

Read more ....  

Update: China’s Military Spending Is Much Bigger Than We Thought (Bloomberg)  

WNU Editor: I even think this $700 billion is a low-ball estimate. I know China has exploded their defense spending in the past decade, and it is producing results.  

Update #2: I have also been hearing a lot of this .... "For every dollar China spends on developing new weapons, the United States has to spend 20 dollars" (


Anonymous said...

A military airfield near the vatnik capital was hit. Two transport planes were damaged as was a 1st line military helicopter that has drone patrol.

What will it do to logistic in regards to the war?

Hans Persson said...

"And we are supposed to cut the defense budget at one of the most dangerous times since World War II??"

- Best wishes, Military Industrial Complex.

Anonymous said...

CONFIRMED: Ukraine strikes Russian Black Sea Fleet HQ Center.

Our geolocation team has confirmed multiple Storm Shadow cruise missiles hit the building at 44.71458595202312, 33.70458185181108.

Unless the were working from home, N3, N6 and other got wiped out?

So what now. An admiral in Moscow tells a ships captain the Azov Sea to steam around and hopefully engage some Ukrainian vessels?

Promotion opportunities in the Russian military are coming fast and furious.

Anonymous said...

So are the nukes you smart-ass idiot

Anonymous said...


There are more industrial complexes besides the military. Examples are:

Refugee resettlement

Education in the US is more about union jobs, political power and indoctrination than teaching reading, writing and arithmetic.

Anonymous said...

And how much further does that money go? Doubt China buys hammers for $20k a pop.

Anonymous said...

The hammer story is 2 decades old or older. I do not remember all the particulars.

The toilet seat story was a lie by the media. The seat was actually a molding that form 1/3rd or 1/4th of the wall of the bathroom for a plane. Did the wall cost too much? Maybe, but lets at least raise the level of conversation to the level of bar in a better part of town.

Anonymous said...

9:40 AM
for you all things are complex
fact: there's corruption in late stage capitalism. what a surprise? so what? disgusted? move to China

Anonymous said...

9:49 did not specify which 9:40 post he/she/it (would not want to misgender sweetums) was referring to.

Sweetums would have us believe that china has no corruption, because ...reasons.

Sweetums is a maroon.

Anonymous said...

Who’s your president/prime minister again? Not sure you have much wiggle room to criticize anyone with.

Anonymous said...

Nothing complex about understanding that China only needs half its missiles to function and still outnumber ours five to one, for the same money. What is complex is trying to understand how you and so many others came to hate your country so much that you would rather it burn than see President Trump democratically re elected.

Anonymous said...

Exclusive: in a new book, Hutchinson describes incident in which the former New York mayor put his hand ‘under my blazer, then my skirt’

Ex-Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson claims Rudy Giuliani groped her on January 6 | Rudy Giuliani

Anonymous said...

That broad? I give less than 49% chance that it is true.

The picture of her rolling around on a dirty bathroom floor is absolute eye candy.