Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Video Footage Shows A British Challenger 2 Tank Destroyed In Combat In Ukraine


Business Insider: For the first time ever, a Western Challenger-2 tank may have been destroyed in Ukraine 

* A video circulating Tuesday appeared to show a destroyed Challenger-2 tank in Ukraine. 

* If confirmed, it would be the first time the tank has been destroyed and a symbolic win for Russia. 

* The elite 82nd Air Assault Brigade was supplied with 14 of the tanks and is operating in the South. 

Footage appears to show a destroyed Challenger-2 tank in Ukraine, left burning in a field as part of the counteroffensive against Russia. 

The Challenger-2 is a British tank, and the 14 Ukraine received in a recent aid package are among its strongest Western-donated weapons. 

 The apparent destruction — seized upon quickly by jubilant Russians when it began to spread on Tuesday — would be the first time a Challenger-2 has been destroyed on the battlefield. 

In the video, shot from a moving car, the wreck of a ruined armored vehicle could be seen engulfed in dark smoke on the roadside. 

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 Video Footage Shows A British Challenger 2 Tank Destroyed In Combat In Ukraine  

Challenger 2 Tank Destroyed in Ukraine, a First From Enemy Fire -- Bloomberg  

British Challenger 2 tank destroyed in combat for first time, Ukraine footage appears to show -- The Guardian  

British Challenger 2 tank 'hit' in Ukraine -- BBC  

Ukraine Has Lost Its First Challenger 2 Tank In Combat -- The War Zone


Anonymous said...

WNU has a woody. Good for him!

American, British, German or Russian, nothing withstand an ATGM that hits from the top.

Other than that most people would want to take their chances with a European tank than a Russian tank, which have the alarming tendency to supernova.

You can buy a squad of tanks for the price of 1 KA-52.

Oh year, it is fall. The AMRAAMs will show up soon and it will be open season on Alligators

Anonymous said...

Nothing new here. bound to happen. It will happen the the Abrams arrives also.

The question is...who recovered the tank? Russians or Ukrainians? If you say one or the other, please send link to the source of the report.,

Anonymous said...

"Nothing new here. bound to happen. It will happen the the Abrams arrives also."


Hans Persson said...

It didn't get destroyed first of all. Secondly it wasn't damaged in combat. It got damaged behind the lines from drones/artillery.

That one is going to get repaired.

Anonymous said...

At least the turret seems to have stayed on :-)

Anonymous said...

Funny guy, the Russian troll at 3:50.

We all know even those who live under bridges or holes in the ground that everyone in the tank can die whether the turret is on or off.

The Israelis calculated every time they lost a tank, 50% of the crew died. So they designed their own tank to improve crew survivability and also some countries like France are fickle and might embargo you. The Israelis put the engine in the front of the tank. that way the engine block catches the round. Engine in front, engine back, the tank is still dead. But the Israelis increased the number of tan crew members that survived from 2 to at least 3. That was their experience.

Now we have ATGMs and the Trophy systems. We shall see. Sometimes no matter what you roll snake eyes and everyone in the tank dies. Still if you design the tank better you can have greater survivability. It helps moral. It prevents some attrition.

If you survive, you can look for trolls under bridges.

fazman said...

Russians aren't used to seeing knocked out tanks with turrets intact

fazman said...

After repairs etc have been calculated , the actual combat losses of Western mbts has been very low , with many many more enrolled. Yes they've list tanks , but they are not running out of tanks or crews .

Anonymous said...

And the sources for all that are?

fazman said...

PGZ plant Poland working overtime , also Abram's inbound, numerous Leo 2 and 147 Leo 1 .

Anonymous said...

The Russians are ... losing crews

A thousand of them are going to hold a 1 year reunion. In an ash tray.

fazman said...


Forgetting Forbes mumbo jumbo , it's the video that speaks volumes

fazman said...

They are doing KA 52 training as we speak, from inside turrets .

Anonymous said...

Corrupt Billionaire Behind Zelensky's Rise To Fame & Power Arrested


Anonymous said...

What I liked about "The Shrub", was that the so-called Shrub was not going to leave me and my mates in country. Others in Washington DC might have.

There is dark money sloshing all over the US, Russia China and elsewhere. But 5:49 wants us all to be lawful stupid.

5:49 needs a dip in the Moskva.

Anonymous said...

"BBC Defense Correspondent Jonathan Beale has said that an unnamed Western defense source confirmed to him that all the crew of the Challenger 2 survived but also described the video as showing a “damaged” tank, which appears to be an understatement, at least."

If a Russian tank would have been hot, they would have lost 3 people.

The British tank was hit and the crew survived. I am not totally convinced. We shall see. I could see the crew bailing when the tank became a mobility kill and they cleared the tank before the coup de grĂ¢ce happened. If it got hit by an ATGM, I am not sure I am buying.

fazman said...

Blow out panels, chobam armour , thus is rhe same tank that ate dozens of RPG hits in the one meal.
Reportedly also shrugged of a T72 direct hit in gulf.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA Hooray is Bidenomics let's go put Hunter and Zelenko urgently on the front line let's go rainbow patrol forward warriors 300 !!!

Anonymous said...

3 former managers of the Tractor Plants Concern have all been convicted, released, and will have to pay fines for their role in embezzling funds for the development of the Kurganets IFV/APC. The fine they'll pay is only 1% of the value of funds embezzled.

fazman said...

Off topic , buy more good news

Anonymous said...

Thats great faz. I hope that mental patient that they are now recruiting will be able to load those rounds.

Gillitine inthusiest said...

Send in the trans the red white and trans army cannot be defeated just ask the taliban and the kong