Thursday, November 23, 2023

AP-NORC Poll Says Half Of Americans Believe The U.S. Is Spending Too Much On Ukraine Aid

U.S. military aid to Ukraine in October under the Presidential Drawdown Authority was the lowest in nearly a year and a half. November may be worse. 

 PBS/AP: Almost half of Americans think U.S. spending too much on Ukraine aid, AP-NORC poll says 

As lawmakers in Washington weigh sending billions more in federal support to Kyiv to help fight off Russian aggression, close to half of the U.S. public thinks the country is spending too much on aid to Ukraine, according to polling from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. 

Those sentiments, driven primarily by Republicans, help explain the hardening opposition among conservative GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill who are rebuffing efforts from President Joe Biden to approve a new tranche of Ukraine aid, arguing that the money would be better spent for domestic priorities. 

Yet opposition to aid is down slightly from where it was a month ago in another AP-NORC poll. Now, 45% say the U.S. government is spending too much on aid to Ukraine in the war against Russia, compared with 52% in October. That shift appears to come mostly from Republicans: 59% now say too much is spent on Ukraine aid, but that’s down from 69% in October. 

Nonetheless, the Republican resistance to continued Ukraine aid remains strong.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Almost half in new poll say too much money is going to Ukraine (The Hill)  

Update #2: Americans tiring of Ukraine war spending – poll (RT)  

WNU Editor: Polls or not I am still predicting a major Ukraine aid package being passed by the U.S. Congress in the coming weeks/months.


Anonymous said...

How many people in the public have ever read a quadrennial defense Review or know its purpose.

Most everyone has played stone, paper scissors. Warfare is a lot like that. Everything has a counter. How many in the public know what the Russians have or is throwing at Ukraine and how much it take to hold it or throw it back?

All sorts of polls are taken and often for nefarious purposes. Oftentimes the bad polls are to shape policy debates or political campaigns. The phrase "push poll" exists for a reason. You can get poll results you want by how you ask the question.

So here we have WNU pushing a "push poll", because he is a patriot, an irredentist or a Kremlin agent.

Anonymous said...

How many in the public know what the Russians have or is throwing at Ukraine and how much it take to hold it or throw it back?

Most people don't skods.
And neither do you.

because if you did, you would have realized long ago that the ukies are not going to win this war and we are throwing money down a rat hole.

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I do. The number or new recruits, the total number of mean, the losses, the units and where they are.

You are so fun. You are so uptight, you are like a virgin every time it is BOHICA time. Does it hurt?

Anonymous said...

Surprise surprise, the quadrennial defense review says we're could lose a war against micronesia! Budget increases are needed NOW!!

Anonymous said...

Surprise surprise the Russian ass troll can say QDR and still come out smelling like a rent boy.

Anonymous said...


Take it for what they are QDRs are political posturing. The Majority of the content is wrote by MIC lobbyists like General Dynamics.

Remember skods, logisticians rule the world, and we make a lot of money out of policy requirements. :)

As always skods.....calling people names is not going to change the world or the reality of what the situations is..... which is

Ukraine will be defeated.