Thursday, November 23, 2023

Election Shock In The Netherlands. Geert Wilders' PVV Party Wins The Most Seats

DW: Geert Wilders: Far-right populist wins big in Dutch election  

With almost all votes counted, Geert Wilders' far-right PVV party is well ahead of its closest rival. The anti-Islam populist has vowed to form a government. 

With 98% of the votes counted on Thursday, Geert Wilders' far-right Party for Freedom (PVV) won 37 of the 150 seats in the Dutch parliament. 

The populist party was well ahead of a joint Labor-Green bloc with 25 seats and the conservative People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte with 24 seats.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The affordability crisis is what propelled Geert Wilders and his Party for Freedom (PVV) to their showing in these elections. But they only won 37 of 150 seats. He will still need to form a coalition government with some of the other parties to effectively govern. 

Update: We shall see .... Geert Wilders is just the start of Europe’s Right-wing wave (Unherd).

 Election Shock In The Netherlands. Geert Wilders' PVV Party Wins The Most Seats  

In a political shift to the far right, anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders wins big in Dutch election -- AP  

Dutch far-right firebrand Wilders courts rivals after shock victory in legislative elections -- France 24

 Geert Wilders aims to become Dutch PM after shock election win -- The Guardian  

Dutch far-right leader's party gains most seats in shock election win -- Axios  

Geert Wilders' victory in Netherlands election spooks Europe -- BBC  

Europe reels as far-right Wilders tops Dutch election poll -- DW  

Geert Wilders is the EU’s worst nightmare -- Politico  

Wilders and the PVV: What do they stand for? -- France 24  

Tax, healthcare, immigration: why Dutch people voted for Geert Wilders -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...

Shit leftists soon will experience what justice tastes like

Hans Persson said...

The pendulum is swinging..

Anonymous said...

The questions is. Will he stay true to his convictions or will he decide to not rock the boat?Many right wing governments when they do win an election after a few easily reversible laws/executive orders settle down into a not rocking the boat policy. They don't promote leftist viewpoints but they don't fight them either.They just sit around and do nothing. Scared of causing a severe backlash.That's the thing. Leftwingers are far more focused on new hard to change laws and directives while rightwingers are focused mostly on doing nothing when they win. A trully militant right winger would immediately get accusations of you know what.

Hans Persson said...

Agreed. But often its a block/coalition issue.. Most of the "right" politics gets bargained with to achieve a milder version of a "right" leaning government. Media focuses on bloopers of politicians rather than boring politics.

Hans Persson said...


Hans Persson said...

Damnit! policies

Anonymous said...

Who cares Hans. You read and write two languages. A spelling mistake is no biggie.

Hans Persson said...

Thank you.
Any Dutch people here care to explain in their own words on whats going on and whats the hopes of the Dutch natives?

Anonymous said...

Dutch here

He got most of the votes 8 years ago ,
Failed to create a coalition (as WNU pointed out is required to effectively govern in our system) cus people refused to form one with him .

Lets see how that goes now i guess.
The Msging in the media is that he is now very moderate ( as opposed to how extreme he was) , so they’re really trying this time.

Personally not a big fan of him ,
Or any dutch politician for that matter.

Their power is very limited , but more importantly their ideas are very limited.

Hans Persson said...

Well put. Interesting. We all love underdogs tho.

Anonymous said...

People wanting to afford the basics = far right