Thursday, November 16, 2023

Are Ukraine's Frontlines Breaking?

Pepe Escobar, Strategic Culture: Evidence keeps piling up, via leaked reports, of an across-the-board breakdown in the Ukrainian frontlines.  

Previously, we focused on the southern Zaporozhye front. Now let’s focus on Kharkov, in the northeast. 

The attached document, fully verified for authenticity, is a July report to the Chief of Staff of the operational-tactical group “Sumy”. 

The report essentially says that it’s impossible to withdraw two thirds of the A7383 unit from the battlefield to recover combat readiness because the remaining one third is incapable of holding the fort – which happens to extend along 55.5 km. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Conflicts like the Russia - Ukraine war where both sides are not willing to compromise to end the war do take a long time to resolve itself. This war will not be an exception. But all wars do come to an end, and the above analysis by Pepe Escobar is repeating what all of my contacts/friends/and family members in Ukraine have been telling me for the past few months. 

Bottom line. Time is not on Ukraine's side.  

Update: I concur with the analysis below on Russia's current war strategy.


Anonymous said...

Really good point and revelation that has already happened in the past, I remember the Nazi soldiers who always said that it was better to know the past than the future, example how the Roman Empire failed, Persian, Greek, Ottoman among others with numerous potential soldiers and weapons compared to America, today we talk about "future" and what is the future of China Russia?

Mr Nobody said...

From the beginning in 2022

This is not Ukraine's war to win

It is Russia's war to lose.

All reports and all the metrics show the Ukrainians are losing and incapable of taking back thier lost territories. So as far as winning this war,

>>>In accordance with zelinskis definition of winning,<<<<<<

it just not going to happen.

All the "Russia is losing " snippets reported on this blog only serve to deny the larger picture and the totality of this situation. The denial of the inevitable outcome in this situation is delusional wishful thinking.

It is 1864 after Gettysburg, the Confederacy lost too many men and too much equipment at Gettysburg. The Army of Northern Virginia was never the same. In the mean time , Union production and manpower numbers were increasing at a steady rate.

This is the Same type of conditions you are seeing in the Russian-Ukraine conflict.

This summer Ukrainian offensive was Ukraine's Gettysburg.

They are not going to recover from it, because they do not have the manpower or economic power to recover from it.

The only question now is. How far off is Appomattox Courthouse?

War News Updates Editor said...

Mr. Nobody

"This summer Ukrainian offensive was Ukraine's Gettysburg".

That is a good point.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well said!!

Anonymous said...

But don't worry, the CIA chief's current visit to Zelkensky will fix everything. And if you believe that, I have some prime acreage in the Florida Everglades for sale, cheap.

Anonymous said...

WNU said that wewhen the Ukrainina armor punched thorugh the mine field the artillery laid new mind sna d Russian Helicoipterts and ground attack planes came to plug the gap.

Who is to blame?



He could have given ATACMs earlier. That would have prevented as many helicopters form being in existence or have the loiter time to plug gaps.

Biden also dragged his feet on air craft. Aircraft with long range air to air missiles would have taken out SU-24s and SU-25s.

Many people have criticized Ukraine for combined arms. Combined harms has ail land and sea in there. Where was the air part? Manchurian Joe Biden made sure it was not there. Manchurian Joe did not say No and make it super obvious that he has been bought and paid for. He dragged his feet until it no longer matters.

Mr. Nobody has no MOS. Funny that.

Anonymous said...

Russian artist Alexandra Skochilenko, 33, accused of spreading disinformation about the Russian Arm

Time to celebrate my fellow vatniks!

Anonymous said...

"According to a report today from Agence France-Presse, central Asian migrants are leaving Russia in significant numbers as a direct result of the war in Ukraine."

They are not getting welfare. I suspect some of them are doing day labor like Latin American migrants outside a Lowes in the US. Some might have actual jobs, but might leave for fear of being press ganged.

Do jobs now going lacking workers?

I look to the president of Kazakhstan. Does he snub Putin, simply tell him "No.", tell Putin "Hell No!", or is he solicitous?

Anonymous said...

After living and working in Russia for the last decade, Tajik construction worker Zoir Kurbanov recently decided it was time to head home.

Life for many Central Asian migrants in Russia after it invaded Ukraine was not the same: wages were falling and men faced a danger of being sent by Moscow to the front.

Then, Kurbanov got an offer for jobs on building sites in Mariupol and Donetsk -- cities in occupied Ukraine.

"I refused," the 39-year-old said.

Falling wages? During a war? When the labor pool is drying up?

Anonymous said...

"Russia's been relying on central Asians to staff construction, industrial and menial jobs. The war dragooning is scaring them off, unsurprisingly."

What happens when menial jobs are not done? Toilets can get quite nasty in a day.

Anonymous said...

Chest Thumping Time!

"The Russian police were checking me everywhere, asking if I had done my military service," said Argen Bolgonbekov, a 29-year-old who served in the Kygryz border force.

What starts as a document check can often escalate, he said. On the pretext of uncovering some kind of offense – real or fabricated – Russian authorities sometimes offer migrants a stark choice: prison or the army.

Anonymous said...

"The pressure on migrants increased. We were disrespected. There were more and more raids – even in mosques people were being arrested," the 35-year-old told AFP.

Now that will come back and bite them

Anonymous said...

Earlier this year, lawmaker Mikhail Matveyev called for Central Asians who have recently been granted Russian citizenship to be drafted instead of ethnic Russians.

Why not equally?

Anonymous said...

Why are they not mobilized?
Where are the Tajik battalions?
There is a war going on, Russia needs soldiers.
Welcome to our citizenship

lawmaker Mikhail Matveyev

Anonymous said...

Bro is seriously reading a propaganda piece and stopping every second sentence to paste the newest mind blowing revelations here. Brain rot.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how Russia treats little brown people.

Anonymous said...

Amazing the lengths the Russians have to go through to get people into their army, but they are going to win.

Because they can take an ethnic Turk, tell them they committed a crime, and tell them it is prison or cannon fodder.

A lot of those forced recruits are not coming back. The political authorities, religious authorities and journalist will remind people of what Russia did.

Anonymous said...

The campaigns have not sat well with governments in Central Asia.

Although economically dependent on Moscow, they are striving to maintain their sovereignty and regularly call on their citizens not to take part in the war.

Pasted another sentence. What are you going to do about it Russian?

Anonymous said...


All your little carping posts are not going to change anything. They just take up space. By the way, I thought you were going to another blog? I guess they did not welcome you with open arms because you seem to be spending a lot of time here,

Anyway skods , still waiting for that Ukrainian victory plan.

Ukraine will be Defeated.,