Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Attacks Continue Against US Forces In Syria


VOA: More Attacks on US Forces Following Strike on Iran-Backed Targets in Syria  

Pentagon — Iranian-backed militants have attacked U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria at least four times in the past 24 hours, raising the number of attacks to 52 in less than a month, U.S. defense officials tell VOA. 

"These attacks must stop, and if they don't stop, then we won't hesitate to do what's necessary, again, to protect the troops," Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters at a news conference in Seoul on Monday.

The four attacks occurred after U.S. forces carried out strikes against two Iran-linked sites in Syria late Sunday in response to attacks on American personnel. The strikes hit a training facility near Abu Kamal and a safe house near Mayadin, according to the military.  

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Attacks Continue Against US Forces In Syria  

Resistance hits back against US bases in Syria, multiple casualties reported -- The Cradle  

US conducts airstrikes against Iran-backed groups in Syria, retaliating for attacks on US troops -- AP 

U.S. strikes more Iran-linked sites in Syria, Pentagon says -- Axios  

US and Iran-backed groups trade fire in Syria. Will it get worse? -- Al Jazeera 

Is this the Middle East escalation we've been fearing? -- Responsible Statecraft


Anonymous said...

Your orders: Just sit there and get plinked at all day like a sailor on the USS Liberty.

Your results: A lot of guys come home with life-altering severe PTSD like a sailor on the USS Liberty.

Anonymous said...

The Israelis paid $117 million in compensation.

You have 3 options

A) The liberty was spying for the Egyptians.
B) The Liberty was spying for the Americans and the Israelis were afraid info was passed along to the Egyptians
C) The Israelis made an honest mistake.

The US government classified the report as TS. So I think (A) is most likely at 60% to 70%.

I give (B) & (C) 30% to 40% chance with more to (B) than (C).

I love it when RuZZians bring this up. it is not as though news junkies and armchair military historians do not know this. 2:28 has to let his Goebbels show.

Is (A) likely? the USD government was against Israel before it was for it. The USG switched sometime between the 56 war and the Yom Kippur war.

The Roosevelt admin was very anti-Semite. Sure there were some high ranking people who were "Jewish", but it does not mean they were pro-Israel. Those anti-Semite in the government did not go away.

Has the USSR/Russia ever a paid? Not that I know of/

Anonymous said...

Why Did Israel Attack USS Liberty?


WHERE ARE RUSSIANS WARSHIPS NOW? Sunk or hiding in the Easter black sea in port.

Anonymous said...

Nothing there that the Iranians can’t handle themselves young grasshopper. All those vessels are in range of their shore based anti ship missiles

Anonymous said...

lol i guess my comment struck a nerve with the israelis pretending to be american here

Anonymous said...


You Suck

The jews knew exactly what they were doing and the US Gov covered it up

ANSWER D. The liberty was in international waters and had no right t be attacked. You blood sucker

Jackpot Village said...

Your post was a delightful exploration of the topic. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...



The article explained it. You did not read the article. The Americans opened fired from a lack of nerve or not getting the order through the 1MC or sound powered phones.