Thursday, November 9, 2023

Attacks On U.S. Bases In The Middle East Are Escalating


CNN: US forces have been targeted in 4 more attacks since US strikes in Syria on Wednesday 

US and coalition forces have come under attack at least four more times since the US struck a weapons storage facility in eastern Syria on Wednesday evening, according to a US official. 

 On Wednesday evening, there were two multi-rocket attacks on US and coalition forces at Omar Oil Fields near Mission Support Site Green Village, Syria, and a one-way drone attack on forces at Mission Support Site Euphrates, Syria. 

One of the rocket attacks on Green Village resulted in three US troops suffering minor injuries, the official said.  

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Attacks On U.S. Bases In The Middle East Are Escalating  

Drone, Explosive Attacks Target US Forces Across Iraq -- Reuters  

Pentagon confirms four new attacks on US bases after defensive airstrike -- The Hill

US forces targeted in broadest Iraq attacks since start of Israel-Hamas war -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...

"US and coalition forces have come under attack at least four more times since the US struck a weapons storage facility in eastern Syria ..."

Hitting a weapons storage site was worse than a sharply worded diplomatic protest, doing or saying nothing, or threats.

When you to great lengths so only destroy things but not actually kill them, it show weakness. Lack of resolve.

Proportionality does not work. It was made up by people who may never been in a fist fight in their lives. You have to kill 2 or 3 times as many of them as they do of you. Or you have t kill 2 or 3 times as many of them than they tried to kill of you. Sometimes you have to kill even more/

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Proportionality does not work. It was made up by people who may never been in a fist fight in their lives. You have to kill 2 or 3 times as many of them as they do of you. Or you have t kill 2 or 3 times as many of them than they tried to kill of you. Sometimes you have to kill even more/

Thank you Armcchair Field Marshal Clausewitz. Fascinating.

Anonymous said...

"At the sea, early this morning, Russia hit a Liberian-flagged merchant with a Kh-31P anti-radar missile, just as the ship was entering a port in the Odesa area. One crewmember was killed, three wounded (guess, the missile went for the weather radar of the ship)."

Do the Ukrainians have any warships? They mainly have patrol boats, with some minehunter and finders, small landing craft and 1 mid sized landing craft. Would they waste a HARM on a patrol boat?

I think they were purposefully going for the civilian cargo vessel.

Russia is making itself hated.

Anonymous said...

Maduro made 6:34 gay.

I know. He has the same id

Anonymous said...

If you squint closely, here you can spot a few nuclear threats made by Russia since February 2022.

You can also see various red lines fade to a shade of salmon pink before they evaporate altogether if you look even more closely.

Medvedev better give that mouth a rest.

Anonymous said...

updates his post on RU Banks. A large-scale hack of Russian banks apparently took place this morning. It lead to the freezing and conversion of customer deposits... Follow
for updates.

has translated social media indicating that 3 large RU banks, RRDB, Bank-Fora & BZhF Bank, announced the freezing of customer deposits between 1 million & 400K ₽ Rubles (10K-4K US $). Deposits will automatically be converted to RU loan bonds.