Saturday, November 18, 2023

Australia Says Navy Divers Injured by Chinese Sonar Pulses


Sydney Morning Herald: Australian navy divers injured after sonar pulses detected from Chinese warship 

A Chinese warship’s “unsafe and unprofessional” use of sonar is suspected of injuring Australian navy divers during an operation in international waters.

Divers from HMAS Toowoomba suffered minor ear damage in Tuesday’s incident involving a People’s Liberation Army-Navy destroyer, which used its powerful sonar despite being warned Australian personnel were underwater nearby. 

The incident occurred before Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the APEC summit, sparking questions from the federal opposition about why the details were withheld until Saturday.  

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Australia Says Navy Divers Injured by Chinese Sonar Pulses  

HMAS Toowoomba naval divers forced to exit water over Chinese warship sonar pulses -- ABC News Australia  

Australia Says Its Navy Divers Were Likely Injured By The Chinese Navy's 'uNsafe' Use Of Sonar -- AP  

China navy used sonar pulses against divers, Australia says -- BBC  

Australia says divers injured by sonar pulses from Chinese navy -- SKY News  

Australia Says Navy Divers Injured by Chinese Sonar Pulses -- Bloomberg  

Chinese warship ‘injures’ naval divers – Australia -- RT


Anonymous said...

So the Biden Xi talks went really well. If they had gone any worse the Chinese would have rammed the Australian vessel or fired upon it.

The force is strong in alt Biden. It is the force of weakness.

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama endorses Justin Trudeau (again) - POLITICO


Xi is going to ream them all. Their allies too.

Break out the lube

Anonymous said...

The Gutter having reported, this commenter would like to propose the simple expedient of providing adequate ear protection to navy divers in international waters.

Anonymous said...

Aussies pussies.

Anonymous said...

10:54  asks "How good can Obama be, when he thinks Trudeau is worthy"

Don't be so critical, Obama is good at some things. Like sucking cocks.

Anonymous said...

Lol, says the nation of troops that cry when their is no domino's on the front line

Anonymous said...

yep...all those guys bad but how come you kddp losing? and they keep winning?just mauybe you are the asshole

Anonymous said...

Theres no law against using your sonar in international waters. Same as theres no law saying our coastguard boats can't run patrols on the other side of the planet.

Anonymous said...

2:11 PM sez: "Lol, says the nation of troops that cry when their is no domino's on the front line"

??which nation is that??

nobody plays dominos anymore. Are you 100 years old?

Anonymous said...

1:30 has his mind on his hobby and pastime: sucking dicks.Only a prick licker like that sees the act in all things he imagines. Keep it up, dick licker.

Anonymous said...

Looks like mommy didn't let you have pizza, you should try it

Anonymous said...

try this moron

Anonymous said...

You'd have to go to university and for 3 years and study hard just to reach moron level

Anonymous said...

4:20 PM I was referring to the known fact that Obongo is a faggot, like yourself no doubt.

Anonymous said...

Whales have been killed off the coast of New Jersey due to sound. The sound is from underwater explosions to map the sea floor to decide where and how to make platforms for wind turbines.

If whales can be damaged by sonar from the US Navy you would think the same would be true for human divers. There are plethora of stories about how mad activists are about the USN using sonar.

This action by the Chinese is at the very least a provocation. At the other end of the scale it is an act of war.

WNU saw the act for being a provocation to test the West, so he posted it. He might not see it as an act of war. He would have to speak to that himself. It is unknown what he thinks this more than a provocation at this time.

Anonymous said...

Sound weapons are more than Sci-fi staple like in the movie Dune.

Sonic Weapon

Figure the W/m^2 at the source and figure how much attenuation there was a the distance form the Chinese scow and the Australian divers.

Anonymous said...

Of course you're going to use your sonar when there is a hostile military power running patrols off your coast. You can't blow up Nordstream and then act shocked when other countries want to know what you're doing with a bunch of divers overtop of a spiders web of undersea cables and pipelines. If you act belligerent you will invite belligerence in return.

Anonymous said...

There ya go

Anonymous said...

"If you act belligerent you will invite belligerence in return."

The Australians were in Japan's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) jackass.

If you act like a jackass, you will called a jackass in return."

Anonymous said...

"In February 2022, a Chinese warship aimed a military-grade laser at an RAAF aircraft while sailing through Australia’s exclusive economic zone, between the Northern Territory and Papua.


HMAS Toowoomba had been in the region, inside Japan’s exclusive economic zone, en route to a scheduled port visit and conducting operations in support of United Nations sanctions enforcement"

I would suspect that it was near the Senaku Islands. Either the Australian government did noit say or the Newspapers failed us.

If it is not the Senkaku Island, then it is more of a provocation.

Damn near oil tanker sinking time.

Anonymous said...

EEZ, that's a funny way of saying international waters, huh? Is that what we call it when it comes to Taiwan? Hypocrite retard.

Anonymous said...

Laugh it up mobik bait