Thursday, November 23, 2023

CENTCOM Confirms Reports That In The Red Sea The US Navy Warship USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116) Shot Dowm Multiple Attack Drones From Houthi-Controlled Areas In Yemen

ABC News: Navy ship in Red Sea shoots down more attack drones from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen: CENTCOM 

"The ship and crew sustained no damage or injury," CENTCOM said in a statement. 

The U.S. Navy destroyer USS Hudner shot down several attack drones over the Red Sea that were launched from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen early Thursday morning local time, according to U.S. Central Command. 

"The ship and crew sustained no damage or injury," a statement from the command read. Just one week earlier, Navy officials announced the same ship shot down another drone originating in Yemen that was heading in the direction of the ship.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: There is no clarification/confirmation from the Pentagon that their warship was the actual target. But considering the number of drones that were shot down and the presence of the USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116) near Yemen, my gut tells me that this US Navy warship was the target.

 CENTCOM Confirms Reports That In The Red Sea The US Navy Warship USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116) Shot Dowm Multiple Attack Drones From Houthi-Controlled Areas In Yemen  

Navy warship USS Thomas Hudner shoots down multiple attack drones over the Red Sea after they were launched by Houthi rebels in Yemen -- Daily Mail  

USS Thomas Hudner Downs Multiple Drones Launched from Yemen -- USNI News  

US warship shoots down attack drones over the Red Sea -- CNN  

US Navy Warship Shoots Down Drones Fired From Yemen Rebel Zone -- Bloomberg  

US warship shoots down multiple ‘attack drones’ in Red Sea -- The Hill 

USS Thomas Hudner shoots down ‘one-way attack drones’ in the Red Sea -- Navy Times  

US warships shoot down Yemeni drones over Red Sea -- The Cradle 

US intercepts explosive-laden drones launched from Yemen -- Middle East Monitor


RussInSoCal said...

Yes of course - the Yemeni Yemen Drones from Yemen. By Yemen and of Yemen. Did I forget to state clearly that the drones were of Yemeni (Yemen) origin?

/Definitely Yemeni drones from Yemen, not Iranian ones.

Anonymous said...

Your comments cheer up my mornings ,
Very true

Anonymous said...

The world is tired of the US bullying them around. And with Biden in office and an imminent defeat in Ukraine, nobody will fear or trust them anymore. You can only screw the world so much before it eventually hits back at you.

RussInSoCal said...

1:56 AM

Oh I know. It was so much better back in the day when tyrants could slaughter and rape writ large with no consequences. By the millions. We're all really hoping for those good'ol days to race right back.

Are you a Stalinist or a Nazi? (or sort of a hybrid)

RussInSoCal said...

Meanwhile, in Ireland:

"NOW - Multiple children stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland. (@disclosetv) November 23, 2023

This is the bastard who stabbed those Children & women today in Dublin, Algerian filth is all. Subhuman trash.
All you " refugees welcome " people have blood on your hands. These " people " have no place in ireland/Europe. #Dublin #TerroristAttack #irelandisFull

— Ailin O' Laoghaire (@Alanoleary21) November 23, 2023

Today is the day Ireland woke up.

Grog (@TheGrogLander) November 23, 2023

An immigration centre in Dublin has been set alight tonight.
The Irish aren’t f*cking about.#Ireland #IrelandBelongsToTheIrish

Ashlea Simon (@AshleaSimonBF) November 23, 2023

Anonymous said...

Curious that the Navy shoots down the drones launched by the Houthi, acting purely defensively, but does not attack the launch sites in Yemen. If the US continues to act purely defensively, one of these drones will undoubtable get through and cause a sensation and escalation. Might as well do it now as later, Navy.

Also no mention of what kind of drones these were, and how the US downed them. $1,000 drones shot down by $250,000 missiles? But I assume if these were drones headed for Israel, they were not cheapo short range drones.

Anonymous said...

"If the US continues to act purely defensively"

Biden, Obama, Blinken et al are all bitches and bastards.

Anonymous said...

Muslim Stabs Children at Dublin Catholic School. Media Covers It Up.

Whatever your political views, any reasonable person has to acknowledge that the thoroughly censored mainstream media version of the story makes no sense. There’s no context and there are no explanation. What, why and where are solely lacking. Rioters inexplicably clash with police after a stabbing. Why?

The level of media censorship is so extreme as to make it impossible to understand what’s going on. And that’s no longer media bias, it’s simply political censorship.

So simpletons, liars, or college professors have the rejoinder, "If the media is so bad, why are you still reading them. Ha ha I am so clever!"

This is why:
The result is a ‘Pravda’ like story in which you can only understand things by reading between the lines and inverting the official denial.

This is how you still get the news, when it is obfuscated.

the news is almost so bad that news readers intone:

"Some one did something somewhere"

Which is is very bad because it does not follow the template laid out by Ilhan Omar of"

'Some people did something'

Adding the 'somewhere' is just a bridge too far and over the top. the public does not need to know that.