Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Congressional Report Says U.S. Cluster Bombs Are Failing "10% to 30%" Of The Time In Ukraine

American cluster munitions 

Business Insider: The US says the cluster bombs it's giving Ukraine fail less than 3% of the time. Experience suggests the real number is far higher. 

* The United States is providing Ukraine with cluster bombs it says have a failure rate of 2.35%. 

* But past use suggests "failure rates of 10% to 30%," according to a report prepared for Congress. 

* Cluster bombs that fail to explode can pose a risk to civilians for decades to come. 

The US claim that the cluster bombs it's sending to Ukraine have a failure rate of less than 3% is unlikely to hold up under real-world conditions, with past use of the widely-banned weapon suggesting as many as 3 in 10 fail to explode. 

At a press conference on Friday announcing the transfer, Colin Kahl, US undersecretary of defense for policy, said that the "dud" rate for US-provided 155-millimeter DPICMs, or dual-purpose improved conventional munitions, is just 2.35%. He compared it to the alleged failure rate for Russian cluster munitions of 30-40%.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: This US Congressional report may be critical of US cluster bombs, but this Ukrainian officer is happy to have them .... Cluster munitions proving exceptionally effective in battle — Ukrainian officer (The New Voice of Ukraine).  

Update: According to Newsweek Russia is improving their cluster bonbs .... Russia's Modified Cluster Bombs Could Change the Course of War (Newsweek).


Anonymous said...

well Skods

So much for that high North Korean dud rate. I guess the Norkies made these things tooo?

But how can this be when you constantly tell us the only failures in this war are with the russians??

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

WNU, a Russian speaker, never gave an accounting of the Russian dud rate. WNU is special like that.

Regardless of the 10% to 305 dud rate, the Russians hate them. Russian casualties are up. The lower the dud rate the better, but in the end all it needs to do is stop an offensive.

Anonymous said...

The gays win again.

Anonymous said...

They did. You took it like a champ and now your viral load is so high, you brain function is compromised.

Anonymous said...

^^ you are dirty person and need to have your mouth washed out with soap.

Anonymous said...

Because of the high failure rate of cluster munitions, which will result in countless civilian casualties and deaths, all those involved in the production and use of cluster munitions are guilty of war crimes, and should be severely punished. This includes the engineers who designed them, the workers who make them, the corporations who sell them to the government, the military people who transport and deploy them, and the politicians who budget for and pay for them. Once all the smallballs involved in the entire process are punished like they so richly deserve, then perhaps sanity will be restored to the world.

Anonymous said...

!:48 nice that the Russians try so hard to bugger the West.

If it like the nuclear Freeze movement. anything effective and Russia encourages or outright funds groups to protest land mines, cluster munitions, nukes ... anything that works.

Why don't you sidle up to Kerry. He has a few more miles on him left. He marched for Nuclear Freeze then, he will march now.

Hans Persson said...

They used cluster munitions one shell at the time in the beginning. Many videos from that time shows how ineffective they were. However, now Ukies are using them as intended (multiple arty fires at once) and have shown to have very positive and unexpected consequences like blowing up or disabling Russian vehicles, lately just stopping whole Russian advances like those recent ones that the Russian trolls were so hyped about. But from what I can see is non of that would be possible without all those small scout drones.

Hans Persson said...

"can pose a risk to civilians for decades to come"

Dude, cry me a river. What do you think the Russians are doing? The use of munitions that scatter small mines everywhere that hampered the progress of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Anonymous said...

The dude wants you to cry a river. He wants to get in your face with real or faux outrage and then shrink in guilt, so he and his kind own the info space and can shape it how they please.

It is very inconvenient that you have a mind of your own and a good memory and know that Russia used cluster munitions first.

Anonymous said...

... then [you] shrink in guilt...

Anonymous said...

But you all miss the point.

The Russians are the baddies, right?

The baddies
Always do bad things and break the law?!!

But not our glorious NATO and that pillar of Christian virtue the united states!!

They would Never use CBs or FAEs or WP on people would they?

No, of course not. That would be a barbaric act and only baddies do that.

And if the ukies and the Jews are doing it, well that is because they are misguided or stupid.

Anonymous said...

Their is a world of difference using these weapons in offence (invading) or defense .You miss the point

Hans Persson said...

Anonymous said...

And the Big-Bootays

Anonymous said...

Drones are a given now. Can’t wait for the snake drones, bat drones, shotgun antidrone gunner drones, ISnow, Intuitive Tinsel, and the like.

Anonymous said...

Like Hellyfish drones, maple-loppers, geometry hornets, flying foxes, and cyborg cicadas.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I know—pretty pathetic.

Anonymous said...


No there is not a difference You are extremely stupid or just bat shit crazy

Explain the difference in using these weapons during an offense or defence? You cannot because there is none.

The other thing dumb ass. is that you miss the point.

The point is "the ethics" of using these types of weapons at all.

Anonymous said...

By the time the US/EU are done with Ukraine they will have turned into europes Cambodia

Anonymous said...

You must have taken a rubber bullet yo the head , ofcourse there is .

Hans Persson said...