Friday, November 24, 2023

Dublin Rocked By Riots After Three Children Are Stabbed Outside A Primary School


SKY News: Dublin riots: 34 people arrested after violent protests in city following stabbings  

A five-year-old schoolgirl and a female teacher, believed to be in her 30s, remain in a very serious condition, police said. 

Thirty-four people have been arrested following "huge destruction by a riotous mob" in Dublin, Irish police have said. Three young children were injured in a stabbing incident outside a primary school which sparked violent protests and clashes with police. 

A five-year-old schoolgirl and a female teacher, believed to be in her 30s, remain in a very serious condition, police said. 

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WNU Editor: The identity and background of the person who committed these stabbings has still not been released. 

 Dublin Rocked By Riots After Three Children Are Stabbed Outside A Primary School 

 Ireland’s prime minister condemns anti-immigrant rioters after Dublin rampage -- AP 

Dublin attack and riots: how Thursday unfolded -- Irish Times  

'It Snowballed:' How a Knife Attack in Dublin Led to a Riot -- DNYUZ/New York Times  

Violent clashes erupt in Dublin after stabbing of 5 people, as police blame ‘far-right ideology’ -- CNN  

'Irish People Are Being Attacked' - Anti-Immigrant Riots Erupt After Dublin Stabbing Spree -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

"The identity and background of the person who committed these stabbings has still not been released. "

But is known outside of state media.

The culprit is Algerian and Muslim.

the primary school is a Christian school.

Libtards, progs, democrats and other refuse deny that it is a hate crime.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden in a Lying Dog Faced Pony Soldier

It needs be emphasized that Biden had the authority to ship anything from F-15's to Tomahawk missiles to Ukraine from Day 1, without a single Congressional appropriation. It was his choice alone. Nixon shipped late model gear from military units to a non-treaty ally in 32 days.

Joe Biden in a Son of a Bitch

Anonymous said...

Deport, deport, DEPORT!

Will Europe ever wake up…?

Anonymous said...

too bad the riotous mob didn't burn down the homes of the legislators who voted to allow muslim "immigrants" into Ireland.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"It needs be emphasized that Biden had the authority to ship anything from F-15's to Tomahawk missiles to Ukraine from Day 1, without a single Congressional appropriation. It was his choice alone. Nixon shipped late model gear from military units to a non-treaty ally in 32 days."

Joe Biden in a Lying Dog Faced Pony Soldier

Anonymous said...

Russia is destroying and deliberately flooding coal mines in occupied Ukraine. Not something an occupier typically does if they expect to be able to hold on to the land. This is the Krasnokutskaya coal mine, 70km from the frontline, between Donetsk and Luhansk.


Anonymous said...

Yes. Because America never has riots...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Replace falafel and other dishes with zero.

Anonymous said...

These comments are an absolute shitfest. Freakin Gen Z tardos. gawd help us when (if) they grow up to realize their full potential: braindead ZZZombies

Hans Persson said...

I have seen a lot of naughty stuff committed by the gypsies in Ireland.. Oh im sorry, wagon people Oh im sorry, a poor minority... oh im sorry, white men.

Anonymous said...

Travellers who are pure white or Romani are not good for society.

The Romani are interesting. I think if I read correctly they were war captives. After being taken put of their native India as labor they meandered westward working in orchards and as blacksmiths. Shit has to stop. People can always remain as part of a subcuture, but they have to mesh well with the main culture. that works for both sides.

The Travellers I think descend from itinerant labor that grew up following the wheat harvest. It is a place where capitalism sucks. Some of the people involved would end up in The Rookery in London in between seasons. Yeah, that is Britain. Same thing in the US except we had Cesar Chavez. He existed and had to exist for a reason.

Anonymous said...

our tribe good and all others not good and we kill them and do not let live here with my tribe of good peoples.

Anonymous said...

10:11 is using the moral relativism or whataboutism argument. surprised the little cunt did not use the word this or that.