Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Editor's Note

 Stuck in meetings today. Blogging will return later today.


Anonymous said...

My neighborhood in Calgary is in police lockdown due to Palestinian supporters/rioters. Shits really hitting home now. Didn’t realize how infested this city is with liberal cockroaches 🪳

Anonymous said...

You do not vote reliably Liberal or vote Liberal at all. You are being replaced by Trudeau and the liberal Party by new stock from other corals.

Anonymous said...

The Russian position on the Left Bank is collapsing. Attack now or starve. The Russians are choosing a fast death with the hope of life instead of a slow death.

The Russian can still hold 1.2 of southern Kherson. supply lines would be shorter. but now The Ukrainians would have shorter distances to shoot at Crimea. The AD of Crimea would have less tome to react.

More assets will be taken out of Crimea. Meaning more Ukrainian assets to hit logistics nodes in Luhansk and Donetsk, The Pentagon will run the numbers and Tagnanrog and Novorussiysk will be green lighted.

Is Biden scared? Yes, he is. His re-election chances look dim. If Kherson Left Bank is taken, Biden will roll the dice and go for Taganrog.

Taganrog gone as a logistics node and Russia collapses.

Cue chihuahua Dmitry Medvedev threatening nuclear war. Let's call the bluff. If it s not a bluff. All good.

Anonymous said...

Christ buddy you couldn’t be more full of shit

Anonymous said...

Korsunka-Kalanchak line. Aka the Putin line!

Anonymous said...

No Russian tanks within 25 miles of the river.

Help is not coming for the 70th. They must break out. Retreat. Attack in a different direction.

Like the Frozen Chosin. Or the Germans of old.

The Tuvan are going to have to rely on their Mongol/Turkish fighting heritage, because Mother Russia is not coming to their aid!

Moscow is all about the white patriarchy!

Anonymous said...

When the Ukrainians get to Skadovs'k all the AD guys in Crime can kiss their asses goodbye.

Better get a head start and pucker up now!

Anonymous said...

SPREADING FEAR: French police have arrested a Moldavian couple accused of painting Stars of David on homes in the South of Paris. Under questioning, the couple revealed they had been paid by Russian agents to target Jewish families.

Russia delenda est!

Anonymous said...

GRAY ZONE OPERATIONS: writes for 'Foreign Affairs' that Putin now seeks to provoke conflict in the Balkans.

The Serbs can be shitheads. So can the Croatians, Albanians and Bosnians.

I have no doubt Putin or subsequent leader would help out the Serbs, but only if they win. I have no doubt that they will fight to the last Serb. Serbia does not deserve to go the way of Germany. Putin don't care.

Anonymous said...

Russia’s second front in Europe.

The West must stop Putin from provoking conflict in the Balkans.

Good luck with that. Reasons?

Blinken, Scholzy Baby, Light in the Loafers Macron, ...

Anonymous said...

PoSt No BiLlS

Anonymous said...

VDV lost 3 colonels in Kherson. As often stated. Promotions are fast in Russia!

I think they could out 3 majors in those slots real fast and be just as good. Problem is how do you back fill the JOs. that is a serious problem.

Paucity of JOs and no noncoms. What could go wrong?

There is a good story of the last bayonet charge. A unit was running out of ammo in Vietnam and pinned down. The Sergeant asked the noob officer in charge what his orders were. The noob officer said fix bayonets. The sergeant said "You heard him fix bayonets.". The Americans charged and the Viet Cong fled. they should not have, but they did. Unit was saved. so how does the story pertain to what was written above?

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaaaah, 2:43 got creative. That is so cute.

Anonymous said...


more propaganda on the russians today? Yes the russians Arte losing.

The ukie air force bombed the Kremlin and putin has died of a heart attack. The new Russian president is Boris Karloff.

Ukrainian forces are doing so well that they are eating snow cones and getting fat. That is why they look so old and fat , but the are not really old and fat. The russians are gonners. Zelinski just got back from Israel with a new secret weapon that will raise the Kraken and kill all Russians. Ukrainian intel assets Boris and Natasha have discovered that failed offensive was because of Moose and Squirrel. Plans to eliminate Moose and Squirrel are being made by Budanov. We will be Victorious, Slava Ukraine!!

See skods , thats how you do it and it makes just as much sense as what you posted!!

And remember

Ukraine will be defeated.!!

Anonymous said...

There are people in Russia, both in population and among the elites, who are not very satisfied with what's happening. And Prigozhin's March showed that unexpected things can happen in 🇷🇺. Anything is possible I don't see the situation changing right now.

I think the Putin regime has done everything to make those who are dissatisfied with it leave the country. Those who had the potential to bring in new technologies and strategies, people with potential, have left Russia. So, today, there is no opposition in Russia.

So we can conclude Swaggerbutt has nothing in the way of new tech or strategies for Russia.

Sad. Waste of a life.

Anonymous said...

for those who missed it, 5.nov The Washington Post: said.

"The window for a negotiated settlement favorable to Ukraine — if there ever was one — has surely closed"

Translated this means: We have been comprehensively defeated in Ukraine and by the looks of things we never stood a chance. Now we are panicking, trying to do damage control and inform the public in the most subtle ways that Russia has completely and absolutely won the war

Anonymous said...

This space for rent

Anonymous said...


Skods, Russia is doing fine without my help. Hey, they have hypersonic missiles and the economy is doing great. Putin is well liked and they got rid of all their progressive liberal Homo, hipster, western wana bees.

But us? we get stuck with JOE and have fag flags flying at all our embassies.

GO figure,

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

You see the protests on the streets in the west lately? Police had my neighborhood on lockdown today because of rioters. So shut the fuck up idiot

Anonymous said...

"Russia is doing fine without my help"

Because you are not one of the 305,000 killed or wounded on the Russian side. Nor is your immediate family, so you do not give flying fuck.

I would suggest you talk to your local orthodox priest, but LBH, we both know that will not help you. You are too far gone.

Since you are so worried about being tempted to being gay, because you are unsure of yourself, I will give you this free of charge.

The Ukrainians PR person. It seems as though he is detransitioning. In general I am not too worried about people 19 and older transitioning if they want. I would advise against it. In part it is a fad, a mania. There was a dancing madness mania in Europe about 3 or 4 centuries ago. This is in part different, in great part different. There is a political component to it. There are the locals using it for political power and there are the foreigners using it for power (according to Bezmenov)

Battle is joined and the people pushing it are starting lose. But here are and will be many casualties. Students walked out of school to protest the bathroom arrangement in Virginia. that is actually a great victory. It will be copy catted. The PhDs that are school district supervisors and the local boards of education either get a spine or they will find themselves out of a job or irrelevant.

Two cops in Nashville lost their jobs. They released 3 pages of the Tranny shooters diary/manifesto. They will become folk heroes. I think they will do alright. Is is suspected that the big city mayor of Nashville took orders from the White house and suppressed the manifesto. The mayors of Nashville have been Democrat for as long as I have been alive. So of course they took orders form the White House.

The Tranny shooter? yes, she was a victim. That happens often. A victim becomes a victimizer. She was brained washed with DEI and CRT. Now after high school she attended an art institute. I would not think the art 9instirtute to be permeated by DEI and CRT, but what do I know. she might have got it from so called friends, social media, Hollywood and the rest.
Anyway I will be following the cops and see if they land on their feet in a better police department. The Nashville Mayor? Yes, he looks metro. He is straight, I believe, but he is metro.

What I am saying is this LGBT thing will pass.

Anonymous said...

Thats just peachy

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Russians ships are being blown up as they undergo final fitting out, but Ukraine is being defeated. Whatever you say dudette.

Anonymous said...

The russians are fine, but because there are just miscellaneous snippets of russian exploits, and no detailed plan on how the Ukrainians will win........

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

after some initial mis-steps, the Russians began to prevail in early 2023. Now, there is a general consensus that Russia controls the battle space with its superior ordnance and troop strength, and the conflict is close to being over. Our NATO allies are not hiding their disgust over the fiasco. Ukraine is wrecked. What remains is how the “Joe Biden” regime reacts to yet another major overseas humiliation. As I see it, Mr. Putin must do his level best to not rub it in, since our country is in the throes of a psychotic fugue and might be capable of world-ending craziness.

Anonymous said...

lease this space for 3 months
contact owner

Anonymous said...

these guys are fags

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dude stfu

Anonymous said...

either paid, crippled, or insane. These folks are not serious interlocutors, but self-serving blow-hards incapable of cultivated inquiry and elevated discussion.