Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Taiwan Is Being Armed 'To The Teeth' By The U.S.

Taiwanese troops following an undated exercise  

BBC: The US is quietly arming Taiwan to the teeth 

When US President Joe Biden recently signed off on a $80m (£64.6m) grant to Taiwan for the purchase of American military equipment, China said it "deplores and opposes" what Washington had done. 

To the casual observer it didn't appear a steep sum. It was less than the cost of a single modern fighter jet. Taiwan already has on order more than $14bn worth of US military equipment. Does a miserly $80m more matter? 

While fury is Beijing's default response to any military support for Taiwan, this time something was different.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The flow of arms to Taiwan is massive .... Breaking Down Taiwan’s Arms Backlog, Part 1: Overview and Methodology (CATO). 

 Concerns that this may all backfire are justified .... The US is quietly arming Taiwan against a Chinese invasion — but it could backfire (Business Insider).  

Update: Here is an interesting read .... How Would China Take Over Taiwan? One of These 5 Strategies (AEI/Bloomberg).


Anonymous said...

First a blockade that we won’t be able to stop, as it will be in chinas backyard. Then Taiwan will negotiate with and join China. Done deal.

Anonymous said...

Taiwan should learn from the Ukraine debacle.

Anonymous said...

The US is quietly arming Taiwan against a Chinese invasion — but it could backfire (Business Insider).

However, some exspurts believe the move could aggravate Xi Jinping.

2 year olds and dictators throw tantrums, when they do not get there way. So now we are suppose walk on eggs, when dealing with Xi.

Anonymous said...

Xi is super mad at Putin. Putin fucked up and now Xi does not have Taiwan and it is all Pootie's fault!

Xi and Putin brokered a modern day Ribbentrop-Molotov Cocktail Pact. As in Poland Putin was to go first and after 15 days if all was going well Xi was to attack.

Stalin waited 16 days to see if Hitler could pull it off and Hitler did.

Xi waited 16 days waiting for Putin to take Kiev. Putin failed. Xi called off his invasion.

If NATO would have ran away like old men and old women, Xi would have attacked. But not when NATO had its back up.

What I have taken away from WW2's early days is not that Hitler was a military genius or an evil genius or a Svengali. Hitler simply took measure of his opponents to see how far he could push them. That is it. Call it gambling. whatever. He took a measure of the man.

You can explain Hitler not as an exceptional man but in terms of simple ape politics.

Look at it from Xi's point of view. He is 70. If it takes 2 or 3 years more for Putin to conquer Ukraine, Xi could die in his sleep and the next CCP leader will get credit for taking Taiwan. Imagine the indignation gnawing at Xi's mind every stinking day!

I'd be mad at Poot Poot too.

Anonymous said...

Imagine the Chinese would flood Cuba with these kind of weapons. Just imagine.

What would the US do? They'd embargo and then potentially go in - as they have done in Cuba a couple of times.

I get it, not entirely the same scenario, BUT there are some parallels and we should respect the Chinese.

I do admit I do not know the answer, but the US is pushing hard. And does anyone trust the current government? After covid and the lies around the "vaccine" and while they built concentration camps and while they allow Marxist/Feudalist/Communist/Fascist ideas to spread?

nah.. no trust. We first need to see what happened during 2020, when big tech colluded with the Democrat party to mass censor, down-rank, shadow-ban, deplatform, debank their opposition. They even threw many in prison without seeing a judge. They try to get rid of the front-runner opposition. They broke the constitution with their 2020 election changes. They weaken your border.

Nah. ZERO trust.
Trust needs to be earned and they've gone far into minus by now.

First trials, then some public hangings. Then we talk.

Anonymous said...

Would the US embargo?

Depends on who is president. Currently, the candidates are Biden, Newsom, Hillary and Mooch.

The Mooch angle is that Joe will be booted form the ticket during the Democrat National Convention. I seriously do not believe that Biden can continue to defy gravity. Axelrod sounded the alarm bells yesterday. So the thinking is that Mooch will be selected to head the ticket for the steal. What are Mooch's qualifications? They are the same as Isabel Perón
and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. She is married to a former president. She also was an diversity and outreach coordinator for a large hospital, which was a very important job to the survival of the hospital. So much so that the position was disestablished when she left. she also ruined school lunches for a whole nation. At least she showed up. Kamala showed up to Guatemala after a very long time of being appointed Border Czar said they had to find root cause and then disappeared into a black hole.

Anonymous said...

1st we hang the vatnik firebrands.
Then we hold the trials.

Anonymous said...

Shitstiring Amerika

someone said...
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Anonymous said...

What is it with these Ukraine-Russia comments written under most stories here?Newsflash most people on the planet don't care.Not everything is about Europe.This is only hurting whatever cause you're supporting by turning people against the whole thing.

Anonymous said...


eat excrement

- A victorious Ukraine means a safer Taiwan. In the words of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, "The security of the Indo-Pacific region is inseparable from European security."

- European stability, which Russia is trying to undermine, affects the American worker. The US and Europe are each other's biggest export markets. In 2022, 45 out of 50 states, including California, the largest single-state economy, shipped more goods to Europe than to China.

- The lessons the US learns from Ukraine will make America stronger in the Indo-Pacific. Supporting Ukraine revealed existing flaws in the American defense industry, which the US is now addressing. Fortunately, these issues came to light when the US was not engaged in a war.

Anonymous said...

Russians continue tp beat their heads against Vuhledar. No that is not it. Putin and his flunky generals beat the heads of contract soldiers and mobiks against Vuhledar hoping to break it like a battering ram breaks a wall.

So many headless stump all for Putin's Pride.

Anonymous said...

Those soldiers at Vuhledar would be better used at Kherson.

Putler remains a master strategist!

Anonymous said...

4:18 PM LOL that some tortuous thinking

Anonymous said...

4:18 PM that's some tortuous thinking!

Ron said...

I think the Chinese leaders will continue funding the deterioration of the American mind. Buying politicians, entertainers and corporations that gas light the public keeping a complete set of facts out of any discussion they want controlled. The fentanyl, the mass immigration the green fraud. They are funding a lot of it. Tik Tok has the younger folks. They will keep patiently moving towards their goals waiting for the U S to break socially.

but, like 10:39 said, Xi being a dictator, when power and control starts to slip they get stupid and everything I opined above would be wrong.

Anonymous said...

A naval blockade could be shooting fish in a barrel if the US has enough shooters with precision munitions. B21’s could pick off surface ships easily if we buy it in much higher numbers.

American subs will also have ample opportunities to break a blockade.

Anonymous said...

Since the blockade would be only 100 miles off the Chinese coast, then yes, any attacking force would be fish in a barrel

Because once that attack starts, the attacking force would be targeted by every aircraft and missile system on the chinese main land. You may do some damage to the blockade, but you will probably not make it back home

But go ahead and give it a try. It would be interesting, from an academic stand point, to see the results.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...
