Monday, November 20, 2023

Houthi's Release Video On Their Seizure Of A Cargo Ship In The Red Sea

Warzone/The Drive: Houthi Helicopter Raid On Ship In Red Sea Seen In New Video 

The video shows at least seven Houthi commandos leave a helicopter that landed on the Galaxy Leader then capture the bridge on Sunday. 

The Iranian-backed Houthi rebels on Monday released a video showing Sunday’s helicopter-borne raid on the Galaxy Leader, a Bahamian-flagged vehicle carrier transiting the Red Sea. The Houthis still hold the ship and its 25 crew members. A U.S. military official told The War Zone it is believed to be the first Houthi helicopter attack on a ship. 

The video opens with a view of a Houthi Mi-171Sh variant transport helicopter with what appear to be UB-32 rocket pods and a PKM light machine gun at the door flying toward the vessel. The helicopter - bearing the black, red, white and green Palestinian flag and the red, white and black Houthi flag - flies low over the ship stern to bow and then lands just long enough for at least seven armed Houthi fighters to jump out and board the Galaxy Leader before the helicopter flies off.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Ships are now going to be foreced to take an alternative route .... Two Ships Divert Course Away From Red Sea Area After Vessel Seized by Houthis (Reuters). 

Houthi's Release Video On Their Seizure Of A Cargo Ship In The Red Sea  

Chilling video shows Iran-backed rebel commandos hijack a cargo ship during a helicopter raid -- Business Insider 

International Maritime Security Construct issues warning as Houthis threaten commercial shipping -- Long War Journal  

Yemen’s Houthi rebels hijack an Israeli-linked ship in the Red Sea and take 25 crew members hostage -- AP  

US demands immediate release of ship, crew by Yemen's Houthis -- Jerusalem Post  

Yemen’s Houthi capture ship on suspicion of Israeli connection -- CNBC  

Japanese company confirms its ship seized by Yemeni rebels opposed to Israel -- UPI


Matthew Putnam said...

Some armed primitives taking over a ship manned by neutered personnel who are constrained by international idealistic unarmed democrat cunt fuckery is not impressive in any way. Their small unit tactics and movements are hilarious and severely undermining to anyone who has an eye for such a thing. Their encroachment on the bridge was abrasive and quarter swooping was non existent. Eat your preemptive corner and heil you 600AD fuckheads.

Bunch of over-wielding Cunts.

Anonymous said...

6:47 PM

Describing IDF.

Matthew Putnam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

As a former merchant sailor what the Houthis are doing is abhorrent. They need to be crushed.

Have you seen a video where a person is executed with a head shot and their head explodes. Those are usually hard to watch. I saw one of a female leader of a drug gang get executed in southern China . It was hard to watch. The leader must have been apprehensive but up until she was led to the post, you did not really see it.

When the Chinese government head shot the pirates in the soccer stadium in the mid 1990s, it made me happy. They had hijacked a ship in the Yellow Sea and machined gun the crew down and then threw them overboard.

I might view the head shots in the stadium differently if I knew how the pirates were recruited and what happened to the ringleaders, who were local officials.

Right now I want to see all Houthi air assets and missile assets destroyed. I know the US won't do it, because Blinken will make sure that Iran and by extension the Houthis are not hurt.

Blinken is a real bastard. He is Jewish genetically, but his religion is Leftism. He is an evil man.

9:58. You are full of shit. May you choke on it.

Anonymous said...

More poetry from the great Matt 🙏

Anonymous said...

So many ships were taken off somalia , took years to respond , nato can and will when it's a nato member ship

Anonymous said...

Now I get what you are

Anonymous said...

Remove falafel?

Anonymous said...

Obama is a saint and Blinken is a disciple. Blinken will try his damnedest to protect the Houthis from retaliation without becoming to obvious.

Blinken and other Obama holdovers are the problem. Biden will sigh any piece of paper he is told to sign.

It does not really matter for 40% of the electorate if Blinken is obvious., because they “Always vote blue, no matter who.”

The Democrats have a "bubblewrap strategy" for Biden's election campaign.

Biden Staffers Ramps Up ‘Operation Bubble Wrap’ To Keep President In One Piece Before Election Day: REPORT

Another 10 to 20% of the electorate will not care or take notice of Blinken's malfeasance so long as he is not too obvious.

Austin is growing to too fat physically and financially too care about the Houthis.

The new joint chief's is Mr. DEI and a twin of Sheila Jackson Lee except xer has a y chromosome. So he does not care what the Houthis do.

Anonymous said...

How to Understand the Fred voter. A Primer

Emo over Intelligence

Anonymous said...

16-year-old Vladyslav Buryak – the son of one of Zaporizhzhia’s highest-ranking Ukrainian officials – spent 90 days in Russian captivity, and faced unimaginable horror at the hands of Russian soldiers.


!cuz deys orcs!

Anonymous said...
