Thursday, November 16, 2023

I Needed A Break Tonight

WNU Editor: It has been a rough three years. 

Pandemic restrictions. The Russia - Ukraine war that has engulfed my family and friends on both sides. Taking care and providing guidance to hundreds of Ukrainian families who have fled Ukraine to start a new home in Canada. Providing home care to my 97 year old mother who is now near the end of her life. And doing all of this while still working 60+ hours per week. Correction .... always working 24/7.

Sighhh .... It has been a challenge. 

And I am getting too old for this shit. :) 

But tonight my young, beautiful, super intelligent and always entertaining step-daughter surprised me by taking me to my favourite restaurant in Montreal (Joe Beef). Regarded as one of the best restaurants in North America, and the favourite restaurant for people like the late Anthony Bourdain, Joe Rogan, Prime Minister Trudeau, and others .... sighhh ....  they certainly did not disappoint tonight. 

Best table in the house. Best food. Best wine. Fantastic service.  A personal visit from the chef and some extras from him. And most important of all .... being with great company in a place where the energy and atmosphere was fantastic.

Yup. I needed this break tonight.


Matthew Putnam said...

Heck yea enjoy yourself tonight! Thanks for sharing and have some great quality time.

Anonymous said...

Spoiled baby.

M Armstrong said...

God bless you and all you do for those around you near and far.

Mr. Nobody said...


People need balance and family can be the best to bring one happiness.

War News Updates Editor said...

Mr. Nobody

Yup. Balance and family make a difference.

Ron said...

Thank you Sir.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, Thanks for everything WNU 🙏

Dinob325 said...

Enjoy! Much deserved

RussInSoCal said...

You look happy, WNU. Enjoy the quality time.



Alex said...

Glad you made some time for fun and joy! All the best,

Hans Persson said...

Even lost weight, good for longevity :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed yourself--you deserve it!

Your blog is my go-to site for global war news--here in the USA our news organizations are shit! Very happy for your blog. My prayers for your mother and your family!

infocyde said...

We all need rest. Sounds like you go a nice break to help keep you going. I appreciate your efforts to keep us informed on events relating to war news. I read your blog daily. I appreciate your efforts but remember to take care of yourself.