Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Is Spending Billions On Overseas Wars Good For U.S. Employment And The Economy?

U.S. airmen from the 60th Aerial Port Squadron load cargo onto a Boeing 757 Jan. 22, 2022 at Travis Air Force Base, California. Since 2014, the United States has committed more than $5.4 billion in total assistance to Ukraine, including security and non-security assistance. (Nicholas Pilch/Air Force)  

Zero Hedge/Epoch Times: US Spends Billions On Overseas Wars, But Who Really Benefits? 

Fears over incentivizing global conflicts are rising as the Biden administration requests more than $105 billion in supplemental security spending. 

The administration says the money, primarily for Israel and Ukraine, will be good for the economy. 

President Joe Biden has described the mammoth spending package as “a smart investment” that will “pay dividends” to U.S. security interests. 

Likewise, Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien described the supplemental as “a very good bargain.” 

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the money will “flow through our defense industrial base, creating American jobs in more than 30 states.”  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I support Presidential hopeful Robert Kennedy Jr. on this one .... 

.... “Creating jobs is a poor excuse for a foreign policy that wreaks mayhem around the world,” Mr. Kennedy told The Epoch Times in an email.


Anonymous said...

They could create jobs that would support American industry and local businesses interests. But why would they do that?

Ron said...

in the short term, yes, it will create jobs, for some, but because it is borrowed money on a debt that is unstainable, it harms every citizen. But the war pigs who have bought off our government will do just fine.

Anonymous said...

Military spending contributes more long term good than s0pending on welfare. Welfare from the string blocks increases inflation. Period.

Do I care about 1% to 2% of inflation for several years, if it pulls people out of poverty? No. It is an acceptable cost.

However, pooftas like Joe Biden have shown not only do they not shrink the percentage that are poor, but they increase the number of poor by inviting literally the whole world to the US. If transportation was free and instantaneous, all the world's poor would be in the US. Joe Biden and other Democrats are geniuses. Besides inviting the world wide poor to the US and failing to life sufficient people out of poverty to shrink the percentage of poor in the US, they turbocharged transfer payments and thus inflation with their COVID and stimulus spending.

Military spending if properly done reduces costs of doing business and the cost of living and the quality of life. Naval patrols can prevent piracy. That reduces admiralty insurance rates. Properly constituted militaries prevent wars of aggression and are cheaper than the cost of war.

Anti-military people, you know what they are. Pooftas

Anonymous said...

If a your country does not enter into military alliances to percent war and piracy, then your policies suck and your military is not the right size.

Oh look, the Houthis engaged in piracy on Biden's watch and Putin invaded.

Anonymous said...

Of course its good in fact extremely good for the economy and this is on of the main reasons wars are happening now from a moral point of view its a total different ball game and thankfully the World is waking up to that fact

Anonymous said...

... to prevent war...

Anonymous said...

12:17, you are a faggot. Plenty of things to do besides waging war to grow the economy. If that is your one trick, then you have come no farther in development than chimps patrolling their territory and engaging in war with the troops next to them.

Where did you go to school and did you pass confirmation?

Anonymous said...

Another hit piece by WNU. Unless the Us goes to war against Canada or Mexico, any by the US is an OVERSEAS war.

But Russia is holy. it can war against a score of countries tries on its borders and it is not overseas. Overseas is a freighted word and WNU damn well knows it.

Russia recently has gone to war with Estonia, Georgia, Moldava and Ukraine. Usually, it pretext or excuse is there are ethnic Russians they have their feelings hurt. At least those wars are not overseas. Thank GOD!

One of the big complaints is that the business of government is no longer conducted in Russian.

Anonymous said...

You seriously need to get on meds. WNU doesn't write these articles. Get help.

Anonymous said...

Military spending hasn't been done properly in decades

Anonymous said...

You are so clever. He does not write the articles. No one knew that before you pointed it out Einstein. He is a news aggregator. He can show extreme bias in article selection and omission. And he does.

Now take a long walk off a short pier.

Anonymous said...

Military spending hasn't been done properly in decades

^ Bozo could not come up with an alternate QDR to save its life.

Mr Nobody said...

You two pro military spending gents are not very well read are you?

Do you understand the concept of Non Value added? No?

here this will help.

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This is, I repeat, the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. […] Is there no other way the world may live?

I guess it is not to be a surprised that the concept of "economies of scale" are also lost on you

Anonymous said...

Mr. Nobody Russian sock Puppeter ignoramus.

As an industrial engineer I know what value added.

Read a book faggot.

The Pirate Coast: Thomas Jefferson, the First Marines, and the Secret Mission of 1805

Were those naval warships and marines not value added?

We should have economies of scale in every service for every product and yet the cost of energy and government welfare spending eat up all the productivity gains and then some.

What was your MOS? Butt private?

Mr Nobody said...

You have a serious problem.

That quote was not mine, but from General Dwight Eisenhower. Are you saying he was not an authority on military affairs or financial operations?

I never said that spending on security was not necessary, neither did Eisenhower. But to say that military spending helps the economy, especially In the long run, is a falsity. Eisenhower's words are clear. Military spending, for any country, is a drain.

As you know , unlike you, I have personally experienced military spending as part of my profession. I have also seen the first hand battlefield results of it.

As an industrial engineer you should understand the advantages of economies of scale. The measurements of efficiency, time study analysis and planned progress outcomes and variations. Project balancing to ensure timelines and goals of production/project build are met. But your written opinions do not show it.

I am referring to your prior posts.

BTW. You asked. I was an Infantryman. Not a peacetime one either.

And how about you?

Anonymous said...

1:58 PM
simmer down with the name callingthee is money set aside for the military
for defense aside from the military
for domestic things
for foreign aid etc etc
if the country does not send more on medical and health and education that reflects the makers of our society.
yes. a gun made and paid for spends money. But it is not one big pot that gets dipped into. It is a sum divided into categories prior to getting dipped in. We could spend more for, say, health, and still spend the same amount for military that we do spend.

Anonymous said...

A worker in the dense industry does not go shopping at a supermarket. they do not buy home electronics,....

Rules For Radicals, Rule 5: "Ridicule Is Man's Most Potent Weapon"

For the record 4:32, you are a moron. Look on the bright side. At least you are on the scoreboard. Not many points, but still on the scoreboard.

Anonymous said...

So sock puppet says they were an 11B.

Anonymous said...

Ike achieved high rank and high office. Ergo he was super smart.

Biden achieved high office. Ergo he is a genius.

If you make millions you are a genius. Ergo Mafia bosses are smart.

I wish I had the quote about mafiosa. the social scientist or whoever said that Mafiosa were not smarter than the average man. they were not physically tougher than the average man. So how do you acco8nt for their success and making a living. they were more violent. Really, whish I had the quote.

Many politicians are politically violent.

Hitler could not pass an army physical. Hitler did not excel academically. Hitler was very politically violent. Got no dirt under his fingernails, but the orders flowed from him.

Do you really want to make a case for Ike being really good at what he did? For starters he had no coat tails. For another he was a war criminal.

Mr Nobody said...

I will say this , Eisenhower knew more about military matters than anyone on this blog.

The two individuals who disagree with him are either incapable of comprehension of simple economics or ideological obstructionist / obstinate.

But I will repeat myself with an easy example of "no valued added" to the economy.

A tank is built. It is the fulfilment of research, investment and work of an economy (just like Eisenhower said.) It then has to be maintained and that is also a cost.

But what does it materially produce for the economy? Nothing.

Instead a bulldozer is built. That bulldozer will go on to help build roads, rail lines and cities. Thus adding to economic growth and social/ cultural growth.

The same can be said about aircraft or ships. It is a simple concept.

You would think that the words of Eisenhower would be enough to convince these people.

I guess they think they know better.

But to paraphrase our mentor LTC Dubois:

"You can lead a child to knowledge, but you cannot make him think."

Anonymous said...

the bulldozer will be built and stolej by as gang.

Or trey this.

a shipload of bulldozers will be stolen, when the ship is hijacked and the crew machine gunned down and thrown into the sea.

Spend million get squat.

Do you remember the ship that was hijacked in the South China sea and the whole crew were machine gunned down? the ship was taken to a local Chinee port and repainted. Eventually China captured the pirates and executed them in a soccer field. there were local city or regional officials engaged in corruption.

So if there was no stink raised and no one had a navy, would you call the act of piracy a net gain or a net loss for GDP?

When was the last time you lived on a ship shithead?

How many shipmates did you lose?

Is your IQ higher than ambient temperature in Yellowstone on cold winter day?

Mr Nobody said...

you are really in need of professional help. I suggest you find some as soon as possible. If you are a vet. The VA and wounded warrior project has hotlines you can call.

good luck

Anonymous said...

Sad sack could not remember their own supposed MOS. Sad

Sloppy field work. I've read post by many a infantry men. None quite like yours. What would be expected of the guy who used s the same key words as the guy who always used BLOBBER.

Spend some money sand get some persona software if you are going to troll.

Anonymous said...

You have no idea. but you truly do need help

Anonymous said...

I have seen vets give their MOS's, their unit identification (after they were out) or their place of service. Not all of these items, but one of them usually salt and peppered in a natural way.

Mr. Nobody does not seem natural. Added to it that he uses the same vocabulary and as BLOBBER and Mr. Nobody comes of as fake.

If he is fake and I think he is, the abuse it warranted.

Mr Nobody said...

You are a fool.

Your version of "natural" is highly suspect, especially after your screed at 1843hrs above.

In reality, you border on the psychotic.