Thursday, November 23, 2023

Pentagon Wants More Money For Diversity, Equity, Inclusion And Accessibility In 2024

FOX News: Pentagon asks for $114M to spend on diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in 2024  

The Pentagon's DEIA funding request is the most expensive of its kind from the department in recent years 

The Department of Defense (DOD) is requesting approximately $114 million to finance its latest round of diversity initiatives. 

The DOD plans to use the funds for "diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility" (DEIA) programs in fiscal year 2024. "The FY 2024 President’s Budget request demonstrates the DoD’s commitment to DEIA and includes $114.7 million for dedicated diversity and inclusion activities," the department wrote in its Strategic Management Plan for fiscal year 2022 to 2026.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This amount is double from what was requested in 2022.


Anonymous said...

Part of this money will be used to host a service-wide gay-pride parade and trans beauty contest.

Anonymous said...

The decline continues

Anonymous said...

By now this is treason, not incompetence.

Anonymous said...

So happy they included ACCESSIBILTY. Now, university professors are included.

Be kind to the handicapped and retardos.

Anonymous said...

And this is AFTER failing audits MULTIPLE(!) times with now TRILLIONS(!!!!!) missing

It's a scam
They rob you blind
It's the Dems
Arrest them
Trial them
And the guilty have to be hung

Anonymous said...


Ron said...

THe question is, does this request have to get passed the house of reps? If both this and aid to Ukraine can get past the house, I'd be surprised.

Anonymous said...

You know Democrats prioritize DEIA over Ukraine aid.

They want DEIA and Ukraine or DEAI instead of Ukraine aid.

Anonymous said...

Back in the 00s the Army was one of the most diverse groups of people I had ever been around and I grew up in a diverse area. Straight white males stay away. Let the DEIs fight the next political war.

Anonymous said...

I saw huge changes in the officer corps from 1990 to 2000.

The military undertakes great efforts to increase diversity without lowering standards. One such effort is Naval Academy Preparatory School or NAPS. If you look at NAPS compared to ROTC, OCS or the academies, the percentage of minorities are higher in my experience. It has been this way for almost half a century or better.

The intent and the effort is there and has been there for decades.

What we see with DEIA is unwell, paranoid people, straight up racism, and hucksters looking to make quick buck.