Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Presidents Biden And Xi Meet To Discuss Military And Economic Issues


Reuters: Joe Biden, Xi Jinping meet to discuss military, economic issues 

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden meets Chinese leader Xi Jinping for the first time in a year on Wednesday, for talks that may ease friction between the adversarial superpowers on military conflicts, drug-trafficking and artificial intelligence.

However, deep progress on the vast differences separating the world's economic superpowers may have to wait for another day. 

Officials on both sides of the Pacific have set expectations low as Biden and Xi are set to discuss Taiwan, the South China Sea, the Israel-Hamas war, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, North Korea, and human rights, each of them areas where the leaders have been unable to resolve long disagreements. 

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Presidents Biden And Xi Meet To Discuss Military And Economic Issues 

Biden meets with Xi Jinping to discuss U.S.-China relations: Live updates -- NBC  

Xi arrives in San Francisco for talks with Biden, APEC meeting -- Xinhua  

Biden-Xi meeting aims to stabilize US-China relationship -- AOL/Script News  

Biden and China's Xi Jinping meet in effort to smooth tensions -- NBC 

Biden-Xi meeting: What both sides want from US-China talks -- BBC  

Biden aims for improved military relations with China when he meets with Xi -- AP 

Taiwan set to dominate talks as Xi meets Biden in San Francisco -- France 24  

What’s on the economic agenda as President Biden prepares to sit down with Xi Jinping -- Yahoo New  

What Joe Biden hopes to get from his high-stakes meeting with Xi Jinping -- CNN

Xi/Biden: Photo Op Or "Defining” Moment?" -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

Hunter Biden, fentanyl, woke fluoridated tomato stands, caravan, Gays, Taku forts, baby Jesus

Nicholas Maduro

Anonymous said...

grow up dummy ^^^

Ron said...

I saw Biden flanked by Yellen and Kerry. I heard Biden yesterday, speaking about the upcoming visit with Xi, say that our greatest threat is climate change, read as man caused global warming causing a collapse of the environment. meanwhile, China is gripped with early winter weather, (you won't hear about this on MSM), and needs to keep 1.5 billion people warm. meanwhile, Chinese scientist study solar forcing and climate history and call bullsh!t on man caused warming. Xi will fake his climate concern in front of the western fools and then do what is best for his people and the future of the communist party. What is best for his people; fossil fuels to run the industry that sells us EV's, solar panels and windmills that we are mandated to rely on. hmmmm, whose living under a communist regime?