Thursday, November 23, 2023

Putin Tells The Brics Summit The US Has Wrecked Chances of Peace In The Middle East


The Guardian: US has wrecked chances of peace in Middle East, Putin tells Brics summit  

Russian president blames US for Gaza conflict as he attempts to woo global south 

US unilateralism has wrecked the chances of peace in the Middle East, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, told a crisis Brics meeting on Gaza as he attempted to woo leaders of the global south. 

The virtual meeting of 11 nations, convened by South Africa’s president, Cyril Ramaphosa, came as Arab foreign ministers toured capitals to drum up support for a fresh UN security council resolution mandating Israel to introduce a full ceasefire and end what they say are breaches of international humanitarian law.  

Read more .... 

 Update: Putin says BRICS could help reach political settlement in Gaza conflict (Reuters)  

WNU Editor: Putin is not alone .... South African leader accuses Israel of war crimes. Putin and Xi strike more cautious note at meeting (AP).


Anonymous said...

Russia is considering taking in 15,000 white farmers

"A delegation of Boers recently travelled to the world's largest country to consider taking their money and escaping from farm murders and expropriation."

So a South African leader backs up Putin. Is this a surprise, when south African leaders are so racist.

Where else can Cyril Ramaphosa go and sing the "Kill Whitey" song except BRICS or the Democrat Nation Convention. At the DNC he can sing the song and be given a standing O only to have the DNC walk it partially back for political purposes. No such problems at BRICS.

So South Africa supports Russia. Really? Shocker!

Does WNU know the words to the "Kill Whitey" song verbatim? I bet he can really belt it out!

Anonymous said...

Russia is considering taking in 15,000 white farmers


Anonymous said...

the russian position has nothing to do with the position of the South Africans. If the south Africans back the Palestinians , that is their decision.

Or are you saying the South Africans are being controlled by Russia?

Anonymous said...

"The Russian position has nothing to do with the position of the South Africans."

It is the company you keep.

Half the blacks are against the other half of the blacks. The blacks are against the Asians. whites and colored people. Not a stable country. Very Racist.

The current account for SA is very bad. If it stay like has been for the past 10 years for another 5, it is not like Russia will have a partner. Current Account predicted Egypt.

But you do you and be happy.