Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Royal Navy Nuclear-Missile Sub Accidentally Dove to "Danger Zone". Was Moments Away From Implosion

Daily Mail: Royal Navy nuclear submarine equipped with Trident missiles 'suffered huge malfunction that sent the vessel into an endless dive - with engineers saving the 140 crew members moments before they faced being crushed by underwater pressure' 

A Royal Navy nuclear submarine equipped with Trident missiles suffered a huge malfunction that sent it into an endless dive before the vessel was righted moments before the crew faced being crushed by underwater pressure, it was claimed today. 

The Vanguard class sub had been carrying 140 crew when its depth gauge suddenly failed while on a mission in the Atlantic. 

It caused a frantic scrabble with engineers managing to stop the submarine and its nuclear reactor from plunging further just moments before disaster struck.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is what would have happened if the plunged was not stopped .... A nuclear submarine was plunged into danger. This is what would happen if it sank (Metro). 

Royal Navy Nuclear-Missile Sub Accidentally Dove to "Danger Zone"  

Royal Navy nuclear submarine sinks towards ‘danger zone’ -- The Telegraph  

Second depth gauge saved UK Vanguard nuclear sub diving dangerously low, defense minister says -- Breaking Defense  

Royal Navy Nuclear-Missile Sub Accidentally Dove to "Danger Zone" -- Maritime Executive  

Royal Navy trident nuclear submarine saved moments before sinking -- The National  

Navy nuclear sub malfunction plunged vessel into 'danger zone' -- Metro

Royal Navy Trident nuclear sub saved moments before plunging to 'danger zone' -- Daily Record


Anonymous said...

Biden Had His Personal Lawyer Send FedEx Driver to Penn Biden Center to Pick Up Boxes of Classified Docs ONE DAY BEFORE NARA Retrieved Boxes

Sure Biden cooperated. He came clean on some smaller stuff to make it look like he was sorry and cooperative, while he hid his bigger theft of secrets. Psychologists have name for it.

Hans Persson said...

I cant even imagine how it must have felt like..

Anonymous said...

I question if this so-called incident really happened. Why was this alleged incident reported in the media? Unless the real reason was this paragraph in the news story:

‘For example, the Russians have been dumping the radioactive waste from their nuclear submarines in the Arctic for a very long time, for decades in fact, so the risk tends to accumulate when you have years of radioactive material being dumped in a given part of the ocean.’

Anonymous said...

Ask a bubblehead. That is if you have friends.

I can think of an easy back up.

Anonymous said...


"Since the August 2003 incident, K-159’s snapped hull has been resting around 250 meters underwater at the entrance to the Kola Bay. So far, the fuel on board has not leaked into the surrounding waters, scientists say.

The K-159 is far from the only radioactive item in the junkyard of debris that was dumped in the Barents and Kara seas over decades by the Soviet Navy. An estimated 17,000 objects are scattered across thousands of square miles, including 18 nuclear reactors and another entire nuclear sub that was scuttled off Novaya Zemlya in 1982."

The orcs want to be done by 2029.

No wonder K-159 sank. Rust bucket!

Anonymous said...

The true face of the Obama admin

Anonymous said...

comments here reflect the low IQ of those making silly or plain assholish remarks. If you can not offer an adult comment, stay in the bathroom and unload your shit there.

Anonymous said...

Can't fix stupid. The UK sub almost became a real problem. Time for subsafe

Anonymous said...

So the the professor has wifi and unloads his shit form the bathroom

Anonymous said...

"comments here reflect the low IQ of those making silly or plain assholish remarks. If you can not offer an adult comment, stay in the bathroom and unload your shit there."

Assholish comments like the above? LOL!!

Chile said...

Your blog has become a trusted advisor in various aspects of my life.