Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Russia - Ukraine War News Updates -- November 14, 2023 (Videos)


WNU Editor: For the past week I have been hearing and reading reports that there is a purge of the Ukraine Army underway. The Ukraine Ministry Of Defense is denying these reports .... UPDATED: Media writes Defense Ministry considers dismissing 3 commanders, ministry denies (The Kyiv Independent).


Anonymous said...

"SABOTAGE: California Gov. Gavin Newsom confirms that the vehicle fire which indefinitely closed the I-10 freeway in downtown Los Angeles was deliberately set. The arson fire damaged more than 100 columns supporting the overpass."

a) Hybrid warfare?
b) Homeless person running wild because Democrats allowed it?
c) Disgruntled other person?

All of these would be harder if there were not trash lying around. How does one vehicle affect 100 columns? Trash pile up

Bin Laden brought the world trade centers down by softening the steel support columns with fire. They could not support the load of the floors above them after they became soft.

Al Qaeda had engineering students, engineers and others marking places to place explosives to expertly and with minimal explosives to bring down highway overpasses in Iraq. They marked the spot with spray paint.

Combine the ideas or facts of the above two paragraphs and it would give a person the idea of using fire to bring down a bridge or make it unusable.

Hope would people get in? Allowing them through customs because Orange man bad or allowing them to come across the southern border without inspection.

This has the work of the FUCKERS of the Democrat party written all over it.

The vehicle has a VIN #. will the FBI, aka the palace guard, release it. they won't for a good long while. People might connect the dots faster than them if they connect the dots at all.

Was the vehicle abandoned, because it stalled and quit? Was the vehicle stolen? Was the vehicle illegally parked and some person repurposed the vehicle for terorrism?

This investigation will be given the Nashville mass shooting by a Leftard tranny treatment.

Anonymous said...

hey skods

Guess you don't want to comment on the beating the ukies are getting at Aveedvka? What is it with all these ukie units refusing orders or surrendering?

See the latest from the last thread?

To make matter worse......

Old Zelinski is having a purge. Guess the money is running short and he does not want to share anymore. :) Not Good at AFU GHQ anymore. If he did not have a coup before, General Zaluzhnyi needs to have one now before he ends up on the chopping block. Someone has to take the blame for the ukies numerous screwups. And now with the money getting tight, no men left to fight, its blame time at the OK corral.

Well thats how it goes in those corrupt, drug addled, kleptocracies. There is no true loyalty except to money.

Still waiting on that Ukrainian plan of ultimate Victory.

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

The Ukrainians kill or wound about 1.2 to 1.5 times what the Russians do.

It has been over a month and the orks still do not have Avdiivka The orks have lost ground in South Kherson and had to send the 910th and a VDV regiment, to staunch the bleeding.

the Two Majors Telegram (Russian) are concerned. they want to talk to the commander of the 810th. He is busy since his deputy bought the Big Dacha in the Sky.

Have you considered that while the orks have been saving missiles for a winter infrastructure strike, the Ukrainians might be saving up ATCMS and shadow strikes? If the the Russian naval ship can be hit in Kerch Shipyard than so can the bridge.

The Israelis have Gaza city surrounded, so they do not need as much AA anymore. So Putin's dreams are dashed.

Avdiivka falling or not is not as important to the political class in the US as if the I-10 bridge being taken down by terrorists (if that is the case).

you gloat about artillery and how the US cannot ramp up. it can produce 80,000 rounds month. It can produce more, but the producers want to see long term contracts. the US, German, Swedish and other countries produce more reliable rounds than North Korea.

Interesting North Korea. The Chinese are cracking down on North Korean spying and smuggling in Manchuria. Such trust. North Korea really does rely on illicit activities in Manchuria it seems. Also Japan. They are notorious in Japan.

If there were a clamp down on the Korean rackets in Japan it might offset the boost that Kim Jong Un gets form selling ammo0 to Russia.

Are the problem in the Ukrainian army? Of course. there are also problems in the Russian army. the Z storm battalions are not just staffed with criminals. They are also staffed with refuseniks. Prison battalions and barrier troops but SWaggerbutt wants to talk about Ukraine. How is your ass by the way. is it still sore?

Anonymous said...

have some more vodka and keep drooling

Anonymous said...


you are smoking some serious dope skods

But thats what happens when you get your information from. Jay in Kiev, Kiev independent and Kiev post. But they are totally objective and unbiased. About as Unbiased as MSNBC is with Trump..
So who do you think is going t get the axe pick in the head, Zelinski or Zaluzhnyi?

I hope it is zelinski but you never know with creeps like Yermak running around you Never know. Thugs everywhere.

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Strategically the situation has been trending towards Russia, but it has broken decisively in their favor since the Israel-Gaza meltdown last month. We've seen funding, arms support, and international interest in Ukraine fall sharply in the last month, with it looking increasingly unlikely that any new authorization for Ukraine aid or funding will pass the US congress. Meanwhile, losses among Ukrainian forces have become so obviously dire that they're being openly reported in the Western mainstream media. As the aid and funding spigots close the regime in Kiev will begin to eat itself, with predictable consequences on a now-depleted force at the front line.

I remind the reader that it was far from obvious in 1974 that South Vietnam would implode in 1975, and they were in a far better position militarily than Ukraine currently is. In fact the "reasonable" take in 1974 was to declare the war at a stalemate... which the usual midwit pundits have been rushing to do for Ukraine.

How now, brown cow?