Saturday, November 11, 2023

Russian Foreign Ministry Responds To Turkish President Erdogan's Remarks That The West Is Silent On The Death Of Palestinians In Gaza

WNU Editor: What goes round comes around.


Anonymous said...

She has a point.

Anonymous said...

11000 women and children bs!, according to who, the Hamas run ministry of health.

Anonymous said...

106. You got it.

But Hamas subcontracted the production of their casualty calculations to the Ukrainian Army and that is why the numbers are so accurate. LOL.

Anonymous said...

WNU the paid or patriotic liar.

The DNR/LHR had a few to several thousand Russian soldiers in its ranks on 2014. butt was an independence movement with absolutely no Russian fingerprints ...handprints ... foot prints, ... butt prints.

Hans Persson said...

While shelling Kiev and other civilian citys, she has the audacity to put blame on others? Oh my goodness the hubris is strong with this one.

Hans Persson said...

She reminds me of that dude in Saving private ryan; "look i washed for supper"

Anonymous said...

great scene feel sorry for the germans.

kind of like LT Spears in the band of brothers, You want a cigarette?

But she has a point. This war was pushed down the Russians throat by the US after deluding the Ukies that Russia was some kind of threat and that Russians were monsters so lets ban their culture (so much for diversity) and start a war with our Eastern provinces and kick the russian Black Sea fleet out of Crimea. Just because it is like their 3rd largest naval base, no big strategic deal.

The US really did a good job on mind screwing the Ukies. In less that a year after 2014 the ukies go to war in Donbas and here we are today. For about 25years after the fall of the Soviet Union the russians and ukies had minimum problems until 2014 , And then Magically the Russians became a huge threat. Sure they were.

Now after probably a million dead from both sides and hate to last generations the NEOCONs and DC can pat themselfs on the back for a job well done. And best yet, they can say that while also saying they helped make the world a better place!.

So from her point of view. Karma happens. And the sultan, he is a cagy old soul. He plays both side of the issue, as always.

just hope some of that karma comes this way to the jerks who deserve it.

Hans Persson said...

Yeah I know the logic of what you're referring to, but hey, statements like the one she made is only for those people with goldfish brains. What about Georgia? What about Chechnya? What about Azerbajdzjan? Give me a break.

Hans Persson said...

The stuff that is happening to her Russia is karma coming back.

Anonymous said...

" the NEOCONs and DC can pat themself (Blah) (Blah) (Blah)"

"DC bad; Kremlin good" - Mordor Orc

Give it a rest Russki

Anonymous said...


No , unlike you, I am not listening to the same people who told us that Benghazi was because of a film, and Trump was a Russian stooge. But you, you want and need to believe these lying morons, and how is that working for you?

In the last 18 months, Did not they tell you that Ukraine was winning and victory was assured? (like afganhnistan).

Did they not say over and over, that the Russian economy was imploding and would soon fail completely? And you believed them.

They said the Russians had no tanks, used human wave attacks and were using shovels. And you believed them.

They said the Ghost of Kiev was shooting down Russian planes. And you believe them

They said that the missile that hit Poland was not Ukrainian. And you believed them..

They said putin was dying. And you believed them.

They said Ukraine had little corruption and troops were fully trained . And you believed them.

They said Ukraine had a 10 million man reserve pool. And you believed them,

They said all the NATO equipment, storm shadows and NATO training would be a "game Changer". And you believed them.

The real question is ... When are you going to wake up and smell the coffee and realize you are being constantly lied to?

Probably never, because you are a sheep.

Even on the trains to the death camps, some believed that they were going to new homes in the East.

You would fit that profile.

Anonymous said...

It depends on you POV Hans. If you believe that nations have a right the ensure thier own security, then.

What about Georgia? What about Chechnya? What about Azerbajdzjan

Makes perfect sense for the Rusians to go into the countries. They are on the Russian borders It is the same reasoning the US went into Panama, Grenada and has interfered In politics in South America for over 150years. It is called "spheres of influence." It is what the Monroe doctrine is really all about.

Note one thing, all this talk about Russia wanting to bring back the Soviet union or Russian imperialism is bull shit. Look at actions not words,

The russians when into those countries , and with the exception of small peace keeping forces in the back country, they did not stay.

If it had been the USSR, or Czarist Russia those operations would have been a lot different

Hans Persson said...

My point is that she shouldn't throw stones in a glasshouse.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, go ahead and try to fuck with Turkey now Russia

Anonymous said...

No , you go ahead and keep supporting the Israelis and you will find Turkey and you will part ways.

but you prove my point. sphere of influence can only go so far. The US never invaded Cuba did they?

The Russians and Turks are now seeing same concerns.

Your treatment of the Turks, has even gotten the Turks to talk to the Iranians.

Your current administration sucks at Foreign policy

Anonymous said...

NATO, EU, the West have been on a collision course with Turkey since 2000. It is a different civilization. Blinken, Sullivan and the other idiots refuse to see it.

Anonymous said...


also the fact that the EU has always treated the Turks as some kind of Red headed step child. So there is a history there

Anonymous said...

The problem is Turks are Muslim not red headed step children. Muslims treaty all others like second class people wherever they rule.

If the Turks converted to Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism or something else they would be in the EU overnight.

I dated the problem to 2000, because that is when Erdogan and his Islamicist Party gained control of Istanbul.

Hitler thought Christianity was flabby. He like Islam better. Putin, I suspect, feels the same way.