Saturday, November 11, 2023

Washington Post Claims A Senior Ukrainian Military Officer Coordinated The Nord Stream Pipeline Attack

Ukrainian military officer coordinated Nord Stream pipeline attack © Oleg Bohachuk for The Washington Post  

Washington Post: Ukrainian military officer coordinated Nord Stream pipeline attack 

A senior Ukrainian military officer with deep ties to the country’s intelligence services played a central role in the bombing of the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines last year, according to officials in Ukraine and elsewhere in Europe, as well as other people knowledgeable about the details of the covert operation. 

The officer’s role provides the most direct evidence to date tying Ukraine’s military and security leadership to a controversial act of sabotage that has spawned multiple criminal investigations and that U.S. and Western officials have called a dangerous attack on Europe’s energy infrastructure. 

 Roman Chervinsky, a decorated 48-year-old colonel who served in Ukraine’s special operations forces, was the “coordinator” of the Nord Stream operation, people familiar with his role said, managing logistics and support for a six-person team that rented a sailboat under false identities and used deep-sea diving equipment to place explosive charges on the gas pipelines.  

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WNU Editor: It is convenient that the Ukrainian military officer who is being accused of coordinating the Nord Stream pipeline attack is in a Ukrainian jail. 

Washington Post Claims A Senior Ukrainian Military Officer Coordinated The Nord Stream Pipeline Attack  

Report: Ukraine intelligence officer behind Nord Stream pipeline explosion -- UPI  

Senior Ukrainian official coordinated Nord Stream pipeline attack: report -- FOX News 

Ukrainian Special Forces Officer Allegedly Involved in Nord Stream Attack -- Der Spiegel  

Senior Ukrainian Military Officer Organized Nord Stream Attack – Washington Post -- Moscow Times  

Washington Post: Ukrainian colonel coordinated Nord Stream pipeline attack -- Meduza  

Ukraine military officer had key role in Nord Stream sabotage, reports say -- Al Jazeera 

WaPo Drops Bombshell On The Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Narrative: A Ukrainian Colonel, Covert Ops, & The CIA's Shadow -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

This is probably a diversion scheme. Peace talks are coming soon (next 6 months to a year) and the playing field has to be shaped in the auditorium of world opinion.

This report is trying to re-enforce the idea that the Ukrainians blew up the pipe line and are responsible for that action. Because if the blame falls on the west, it will complicate things in a major way.

How? The attack on the pipeline was an act of war. If the ukies take the blame , it is not a big deal because they are already at war with Russia.

But if the West did this, then you have a diplomatic and political minefield to play with.

But No way the Ukies did this op. The Ukrainians have never been a great naval power. They do not have the training, equipment or skill sets to conduct such an operation.

The only possible suspects are the Brits, Americans or Norwegians. The Norwegians may ( and that is big may) have the capability do this kind of operation due to their experience with oil rigs, But that is a stretch.

Anonymous said...

WNU can shove it up his ass. This is why. Russia can and did attack Utilities in Ukraine all day, every day.

Not only did they attack the utilities every day, but did so in the winter with the hope the pipe would freeze and the destruction compounded.

WNU like to play the I am an an English learner bit. Went to school for it most likely and probably in his 4th or 5th decade of speaking it.

Let's make this easy for WNU. Electricity is considered an utility. Gas is also considered an utility. They are both utilities. So why is one sacrosanct but not the other? For the same reason it is holy and meet that Russia uses cluster munition before the Ukrainians, but if the Ukrainians use them then it is a provocation.

There are ships capable of blowing up the utility, but they are owned by the American, Ch8inese, Russians and Chinese. Not so much. maybe shithead will relegate story to us that Ukraine did not use equipment because its operatives were freediving.

Come on shithead it is the Washington post. That is like Pravda or the RT.

Anonymous said...

industry is not sacrosanct in wartime.

That is not the issue. The issue is, Who blew up he pipeline?

If it was the ukies, they are at war with he russians, therefore, fine legitimate target. no further repercussions.

If it was the West, it is an act of war. Many say we at war right now. That may be, but currently it is a shadow war, no open hostilities and no declarations of war.

If blame was officially placed on the west, the possibility of a shooting war would be high. Or at least some type of retaliation in kind by the russians.

Anonymous said...

Soviets Burned By CIA Hackers
"When the Reagan White House discovered that the USSR was stealing American technology, it planted a Trojan horse in a chip that controlled pipelines. An author says the hack caused a huge explosion, but former KGB members deny they were duped. By Steve Kettmann."

There was the Colonial Pipeline hack on May 6, 2021. That was a Russian hack. Interrupting Service destroying property. The length of interruption and the degree of monetary loss is different, but the concept is the same. The hackers? Russian.

So really I do not give shit.

I am tired of shitty fucking Russians. I am tired of their nuke threats. I am tired of them being irredentist assholes. I would prefer not to go to war with jackass Joe Biden, but if it happens so be it. Asshole will be retired by the Democrat Party.

I am tired in an emotional sense. I will merely turn that tired ness and disappointment into anger. Think of it as fuel. It does not mean I won't fight. During the Bush years I went to war. Two weeks before leaving CONUS, the insurgents, jihadis, fuckheads, ragheads or whatever you want to call them shot down 3 choppers in a week. Casualties were adding up. We literally inchopped into base by chopper. A few months later those fuckheads go theirs. Two thirds of them died in a minute and the rest were out of business.

Whatever. I did not have to go. I had an approved excuse if I chose to use it. So WNU and the merry band of trolls can make or allude to all the threats by the Russian Foreign ministry they want and it will change nothing.

This is Russia's optional war. It looks as though that we will fight it. I cannot see a whole lot of daylight between Hitler, Biden and Putin. Nope all lying, cheating, thieving shitheads.

I do not care if the US, Brits or Ukraine blew the pipeline. Russia should not have the revenue stream to fund wars of aggression. And little boy Scholz needs to grow the fuck up or leave the stage.

Russia also had the necessary assets in the area. So at some point when Moscow falls we need to dig through the archives.

Anonymous said...

You are a deluded idiot and have never been in a combat zone. You were never in the military either. Thank you for gracing us with the intro to. your new fiction novel.

You also did a great job of parroting the msm /neocon narrative, now go back to your GS-5 cubicle and take your meds. And yes, we all know about your exploits in the US military and your job as a journalist in Kiev.

Lying freak

Anonymous said...

Bullshit. The CIA keeps trying to plant lies to cover up the fact that Joe Biden ordered the NordStream sabotage which was carried out by the The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center of Panama City, Florida.

In my opinion, the American CIA is a major destabilizing force in the world today.

Anonymous said...

You forgot Russia because they definitely did it to spit in Germany's face.