Thursday, November 9, 2023

Russia's Central Bank Expects Sanctions Will Not Be Lifted Until At Least 2027

Russian Central Bank  

RT: Russian central bank estimates how long sanctions will last 

Western restrictions targeting the country’s economy are not expected to be lifted until at least 2027, according to a forecast Western restrictions against the Russian economy won’t be lifted within the next several years, the Bank of Russia said in its monetary policy report, released on Tuesday. 

The US and its allies targeted Russia with unprecedented economic sanctions in response to Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. Due to these restrictions, Russia has effectively been deprived of the ability to conduct international transactions in dollars and euros, and has lost access to the Western banking system. 

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WNU Editor: I think the Russian Central Bank's forecast of sanctions ending by 2027 is too optimistic. I can easily see these sanctions being in placed for a decade or two after the war in Ukraine is over. In the meantime the EU is planning for even more sanctions .... EU countries to debate of 12th package of Russia sanctions next week - officials (Reuters).


Anonymous said...

Lot of good it has done the europeans. It will be a cold expensive winter this year.

But the Russians? ISI works well when it is done right and they are making a definite go of it. Their economy is predicted to grow again by 2.2%. And inflation is not that bad when compared to the US, the cost of a steak will show you that.

Anonymous said...

I was in Mariupol in the summer of 2014 when Russian armored columns advanced to the city’s outskirts.

By Sept. 4, the concussions of approaching artillery and tank shots had grown so loud that they rattled downtown windows.

People on the streets threw around words like "Grozny," and "Stalingrad.”

Some people fled, but most stayed behind and braced for a full-on siege. Old men and boys joined crash-course military training programs; gray-haired grandmothers sewed ghillie suits for snipers; middle-aged men dug tank traps and trenches. Meanwhile, many of Mariupol’s citizens showed their readiness to resist in other, symbolic ways.

More than 1,000 civilians linked arms and formed a human chain at the city’s eastern limits on Aug. 31. Days later, while the booms of nearby combat cut through the summer air, thousands of civilians took to a downtown square and waved their blue and yellow flags and sang their nation’s anthem and declared their freedom was worth fighting for.

The war’s first cease-fire in September 2014 spared Mariupol.

That night, there was a rush of weddings around the city as couples followed through on ceremonies they’d put off for months due to the fighting.

The mood was like New Year’s times a million. There was this sense that we’d just been spared the worst kind of disaster. We were wrong, of course.

Over the intervening years, I often visited Mariupol and witnessed the city’s remarkable transformation into a vibrant, democratic success story.

Mariupol’s youth grew up within earshot of the front lines, which had frozen just a couple miles beyond the city limits. Yet, those young people, along with a generation of volunteers who transitioned from supporting combat missions to serving in local government, led sweeping changes in the city’s civil society.

They fought back against corruption and took action to improve their city, creating new opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship.

A local businessman founded a start-up hub. A local volunteer group held democracy classes, teaching residents — many of whom had grown up in the Soviet Union — how to demand accountability from their local government.

There were new restaurants, and coffee shops, and craft cocktail bars. A beautiful new pier in the Sea of Azov became a favorite place for families to gather, and for couples to go on dates.

Mariupol was proud to be Ukrainian, and its citizens had their eyes firmly set on a democratic future. After living with Russia’s war on their doorstep for years, they clearly understood what life under Russian rule would mean. And they wanted nothing of it.

Yet, that Mariupol is gone.

Russia annihilated the city and killed an untold number of its civilians in order to “liberate” them from the very future they’d chosen for themselves.

Mariupol’s tragic fate is what Ukrainians are fighting to prevent from happening nationwide.

Anonymous said...

Come i soldati πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ vengono salutati dai residenti nei pressi della linea di contatto
Come i soldati πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ vengono salutati dai residenti nei pressi della linea di contatto

Like soldiers πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ they are greeted by residents near the contact line

Anonymous said...

Nice Story. Do you do candy grahams too.?

Anonymous said...

Bombing grain in Odessa.

Anonymous said...

1/2 Geolocation of the Ukrainian HIMARS strike on Skadovsk in the occupied Kherson oblast. Destroyed is a second floor of the 2 floor brick building. 46.112865, 32.914884. Several high ranked Russian officers are killed, according to both Russian and Ukrainian sources.

Join the Russian army. Private to General on 30 days guaranteed. If you survive!

Anonymous said...

I guess you wanted them to send in John Deere to harvest it for them. Blackrock or Cargil shares will be down this quarter and zelinski's cut will be smaller.

I guess you are upset at the Americans too for taking away the Syrian's grain fields and illegally occupying those lands.

No? hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Russia’s military hardware and spare part situation is so dire that Moscow is begging all around the world to send them hardware back. This is especially concerning for countries such as India who rely on Russian weapons. They seriously have to fear that they run dry of their own stockpile when Russia is incapable to further supply them.


Anonymous said...

The Americans are on Kurds lands and the Americans are not taking the Kurd's grain from them.

You want to try again little boy?

Anonymous said...

There was farming equipment sold to the Syrian government by a corp I worked for. The Syrians promptly misused it and broke it. They wanted their money back. At least the Syrian government does not know how to farm and it does not know how to till land. they should ask the Israelis for help. The Ayatollahs. Phucking useless grifters. Cannot even provide water for farming in Iran.

Anonymous said...

That is Syrian national land jackass. The US mission is supposedly "defeat isis".

And they are doing a pretty piss poor job of doing it since they have been there since 2015.

The Kurds living there are part of Syria. Just like Iraq , turkey and Iran. The US uses them as a humanitarian pawn to say "look we are helping these people".

Yea, by getting them killed for the last few years.

Or can you not figure that out.

The US has no UN mandate to be in Syria. It is an illegal occupation. Just a made up excuse that it is fighting isis.

Plus you need to go back and read that post of. "why the US is really there". and it is not to fight Isis which the US helped establish , funded and armed before it went off the reservation.

You are an ignorant SOB
Pound sand, rock head.

Anonymous said...

It is Kurdish land It was Kurdish land before the state of Syria was created on October 24, 1945. The Kurds are one of the few people who have been on the same land since history began.

Syria was created by the French and has had at least 4 military coups (1961, 1963, 1966 and 1970), the military has run the country under emergency rule from 1963 to 2011. 2011 was the Arab Spring. since then the minority Shia have been genociding the majority Sunni.

The Assad government might be the recognized government by some people but it is not a legitimate government.
Is ISIs still a problem? Neither DC nor Moscow is interested in wiping it out. The Democrats are more concerned with the near enemy. Russia and Assad are more concerned with the Turkish backed rebels in Idlib. Ru$$ia is more concerned with Ukraine. Iran is more concerned with the Little Satan so no one is doing much about ISIS, which must leave your panties in an uproar. Did you check under your bed for ISIS last night?

Did Obama care about the Kurds. Fuck no. Does Biden? No, he wants to sniff hair. Trump? He cares about the American people more. Congress being the Chuckleheads they are did not give Trump a mandate in Syria. Declaration of war by congress would be good and then Trump would act accordingly. Of course no one declares war anymore. Little boy who is all wee weed up, Putin, did nor have the guts to declare war.

See how that works Russian fuckhead?

Anonymous said...

It works great you fool.

Your premise sucks.

So should we give all the US back to the Indians?

How about Greece to the Turks as part of the old ottoman Empire?

What about Japan reclaiming korea.

Best Yet, throw those chinks off of Taiwan and give it back to the Natives and the same with Hawaii.

Or there is the BEST one yet. Give Israel back to the Palestinians,.

What right did the jews have to forcibly expel the Palestinians except some bullshit story about that being their homeland 2000 years ago. That is positively imbecilic.

Think about it. 2000 years ago. 2000 YEARS AGO

by the same logic......

So The Indians get all of North and South America.

The Germans get all of Germany and most of northern Europe

And give most of Asia back to the moguls

Your premise "of 1945 " is crazy

The Kurds have always been dominated by stronger nations. You want to give them a nation? Send them all into turkey and see how that works out for you.

You are stupid.

Anonymous said...

We could make a Kurdish State using the same principles used to break up the Austrian Hungarian Empire. When the Ottoman empire ended how did the Frogs decide to lump the Kurds with the Arbs? That mistake is only a hundred years old.

You have no idea whatsoever who the Germanic peoples are or you would not spout such puerile shit.

Anonymous said...

I Know exactly the historical germanic peoples are you jackass

Ostrogoths Visigoths Vandles, Lombards and about another hundred of the smaller tribes.

But I am not the one who wants to use old geographical claims to support the expulsion/removal of people or support someones ancient claims to a geographical area.

I am merely pointing out the stupidity and futility of such an idea.

Or you can follow through and Give both North and South America back To the Indians.

So once again, pound sand you stupid rock head.

Anonymous said...

You listed a bunch of names. you showed no understanding.

Anonymous said...

big attack coming may 16 2024

Anonymous said...

its not the names you.rock head.

that is aside issue. as always, you are confused from snorting too much air plane glue.

The main issue is:

But I am not the one who wants to use old geographical claims to support the expulsion/removal of people or support someones ancient claims to a geographical area.

I am merely pointing out the stupidity and futility of such an idea.

Or you can follow through and Give both North and South America back To the Indians.

Got it Rock head? Or do you not have the wit or intelligence to understand?

Anonymous said...

Why would the Moscow Bank even care.

Anonymous said...

It is not an old claim. the Kurds still live there are are the majority population by far.

Please insert another quarter

Anonymous said...

it is as old as the Sioux or Crow.