Tuesday, November 21, 2023

US Congressional Leaders Are Pushing To Pass A Ukraine And Israel Aid Package Before Christmas


NBC: Congressional leaders are aiming to pass Ukraine and Israel supplemental aid before Christmas  

If Congress fails to move before the end of the year, Senate sources say, the chances of getting the entire plan over the finish line reduce dramatically. 

WASHINGTON — Congressional leaders are hoping to muster a supplemental package to aid the war efforts in Ukraine and Israel, as well as make improvements to the U.S. immigration system, by the end of the year, according to multiple people involved in discussions.

The ambitious timeline would mean striking a deal that satisfies the funding requested by the Department of Defense to aid conflict zones, while simultaneously crafting an immigration package that not only provides resources for border security but includes a suite of policy changes to appease conservatives without alienating progressive Democrats. 

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WNU Editor: Time is running short .... Time running short for US military aid to Ukraine – NBC (RT), and not everyone is on board .... Majority of Republicans oppose Ukraine aid as partisan divide grows: poll (Axios).


Anonymous said...

It is disappointing. It is more than disappointing. Can tear into some of them later.

What is the point? When you you overspend by 100s of billions or 1 or 2 trillion a year, a hundred million or even 400 billion is a blip.

The bill for the Biden's, Obama's Alejandro MayJerkUs and the Democrats excellent adventure in illegal immigration is costing the US 5 billion in New York City alone.

In the news it is time to take bets on the State of the Union address. Can Biden give it?

If Biden's wife had been from the 3rd world, chances are better than 50% he'd be better off cognitively.But got to have that bottle blonde!

Anonymous said...

THE PURGE: RU news reports that Mikhail Maksimenko, former chief of internal security for RU's Investigative Committee, was found dead in prison camp No. 11 in the Nizhny Novgorod region. In April 2018, he was sentenced to 13 years for taking bribes from "the criminal world”

Anonymous said...

Russia is a 3rd world country: 2 months after landing in a field in Siberia, the passenger plane that suffered a failure is still there. A fence has been built around it though.

Anonymous said...

The traitors in US congress will spend more money they do not have, financed by debt, to arm foreign nations. Meanwhile in the US, regular people are struggling financially. Veterans are homeless. The US is invaded by illegal immigrants who have their hands out for freebies. The borders are open for smuggling drugs to ruin the American populace. Fuck Congress.

Anonymous said...

Nice summary Russki. Whom the debt is owed to us a little bit more nuanced than you let on.


Fuck it, you lied.

Anonymous said...

I am here illegally and I have my rights so leave me and my pals alone and keep drinking your shit beer.

Anonymous said...

I tend to go for the beers that are European or in countries that were influenced by the Europeans. 青岛啤酒股份公司 makes good beer. They learned from the Germans. That is when I drank beer. Aldehydes are problematic.

Business people, tourist and others who are not citizens or green card holders have rights. the matter is what rights they have.

In your case you have the right be droned in Russia.

Anonymous said...


Quit being an ass. The money is rushing out and the ukies are coming up short.

Your little graphs do not help. Especially when we are over 33T in debt , it keeps growing and there is no what to pay it back. And yet the kid is right, we keep spending money overseas when people here are hurting. He is not lying about that.

Anonymous said...

The kid? You know it is a kid? Part of your office staff?

"financed by debt, to arm foreign nations." Of the top five only China would fit that bill. Belgium, Holland etc are not going to attack the US. Yes, he was lying about that

The debt can be resolved many different ways. For instance Russia could be nationalized and sold off.

You do know that support for Ukraine is a small line item and is insignificant compared to all the line items in the budget that the courts have ruled are untouchable. At some point those items will be addressed the hard way or the harder way. But it is not the support for Ukraine that is blowing the budget. In engineering we would take quadratic terms in an equation and ignore them. We would treat the equation as a linear one and solve it. This is actually smart. It all depends on percentage or size of contributions. Point is you look at size or order of magnitude. The Ukraine support is small potatoes. Most of the money spent stays in the US and gets the whole supply chain moving. Lots of economic activity. Goes a long ways to putting the US on a war footing. Greasing the skids.

Is Teplinsky going to be able to pull your bacon out of the fire. He is well liked by the VDV. Or will Putin fire him again and replace him with an incompetent bootlicker again. You are losing your ass in Kherson.

Russia is lying more and more on towed artillery. In mud season those guys are fucked. You should buy those artillery men a beer next time you meet one, if any of them are left.

In Oleshky the civil administration Quislings were told to evacuate. Sounds like a major regrouping or a retreat.

How is Putin's Domus Aurea in Sochi coming along BTW? I suggest you tear it down and turn into baths.

Take your vatnik ass and the vatnik kid and do something useful. Join the Rosvgardia.