Thursday, November 16, 2023

US Forces In Syria And Iraq Have Been Attacked 57 Times Since Mid-October

An image of an air strike on the Maysulun weapons storage facility in eastern Syria. The strike was in response to a series of attacks on U.S. personnel in recent weeks in Iraq and Syria. Department of Defense © Department of Defense

FOX News: US forces in Syria and Iraq attacked 57 times since mid-October: Defense official 

The official told Fox News that three of those attacks have taken place on Wednesday, when rockets were fired toward Mission Support Site Green Village in eastern Syria. According to the official, the rockets didn't land on base and didn't cause any injuries. 

Wednesday's attacks mark the 57th attack on U.S. forces in Syria and Iraq since Oct. 17, and there have been six since Sunday. U.S. forces on Sunday conducted precision air strikes in eastern Syria against two facilities used by Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and other related groups.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: 59 US troops have been injured in these attacks .... Dozens of US troops injured in attacks in Iraq, Syria (JNS).  

Update: Here is an easy prediciton. It is going to get worse .... US and Iran-backed groups trade fire in Syria. Will it get worse (Al Jazeera).


Matthew Putnam said...

Its going to get worse for sure. Having the most overtly weak and incompetent president in history in charge of the most powerful military in the world only invites aggression and shit testing by our adversaries; as we have undeniably and consistently seen for 3 years now at massive costs. The billions Biden just gave to Iran wont help either...if you can even imagine. Can you fathom getting that one wrong? But hey, at least we dont have "stolen nuclear codes" getting leaked out and mean tweets; only 4 indicted ham sandwiches, unsupported suspicions and conspiracy theories and nuclear grade bitching.

Anonymous said...

Good summary.

Anonymous said...

Yeah when you invade a country it’s traditional to undergo some hazing

Anonymous said...

What happens when the Russians withdraw the last AD because it is needed in Ukraine?

Russians will drive by the drove.

Anonymous said...

Poor ZZMatt--still flogging his thingie. Try reading the article:

"SWP’s Azizi said the fact that there have been no reported casualties among US soldiers fits within Iran’s calculated strategy.

“If American soldiers and personnel were killed, the United States would likely respond in a very serious manner, and we would witness a significant escalation. In turn, the US responses so far have been limited to targeting logistical centres and weapon depots used by Iran and its allies, avoiding human casualties. Thus, it is clear that both sides are adhering to some kind of unwritten rules of engagement,” he said."

Matthew Putnam said...

Haha the bot anon commenter above aching for personhood. At least 12:43 made an "argument" instead of Cracker boi posting some trash nonsense disjunctive apologetics justifying a lesser response for wounded US troops versus killed US troops. You intellectually moist Kleenex. Its basically Freds version of a vox Hyperlink to make an argument in an unrelated post. *Lap dog and dog owner sitting in a tree, B-E-A-S-T-I-A-L-I-T-Y!*



Anonymous said...

About time for US armed forces to get the fuck out of Syria, wouldn't you say?

Anonymous said...

Yep, way past time. they have not done anything to slow down or defeat ISIS

Anonymous said...

About time to try Assad for war crimes and partition Syria into Latakia for the Shia and the rest of the Sunni.

"Syrians in general, and particularly the Assads, are aware of the damage done to Syria by a decade of war. The best evidence of the performance of the Syrian economy is the strength of the Syrian currency. The black-market exchange rate was 50 pounds to the dollar before the violence began in 2011. In late 2022 it was 5,000 pounds to the dollar and currently it is 2,500 pounds to the dollar, which is down from 7,000 a few months ago. The official exchange rate is more impressive, but that rate is mainly public relations and does not work on the free market. The average Syrian monthly income is under $200 and much of that comes from expatriates sending remittances. The change in exchange rates also reflects the failure of the Assads to make much progress in the last few years. Aid from Russia and Iran had kept the Assad government and the Syrian Air Force going. The loss of oil shipments from Iran is a major factor in the collapse of the economy. The loss of Russian and Iranian support over the last few years was catastrophic because no one else stepped up to replace that aid."

Now that Biden has given Iran buttloads of money, will Iran start sending oil to Syria again? Or will Russian and Iranian aid stay all dried up?

Do not pay the militias and things can get dicey.

Those remittance sent to Syria. Those are mainly sent by Sunni. Without the monthly income of Syrians would be less than $200 a month than it currently is. War again the Sunnis, who are quiet now, could flare up again.

Anonymous said...

Most of the refugees (Sunni Arabs) do not want to return to a homeland dominated by a Shia government and occupied by Iranian (and Shia) forces.

Sunni are being occupied by Shia.

Iran needs to get the fuck out of Syria.

Anonymous said...

Hard to fight ISIS when you are Biden and spend an hour everyday looking for your dentures.

Anonymous said...

give it up loser. Worry about Trump and his jail time.

Anonymous said...

I am not worried loser. I recognize a totalitarian state, when I see it.

Matthew Putnam said...


Why are [you] dictating that anyone pant over Trump and jail time? You Subhuman, binary thinking, nail painting troglodyte. You - - - you are throwing around the term "loser"?! You anonymous low life carbon copy of nothing?

Imagine "thinking" that you have "thought", and walking away smugly.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Matt, your arguing with artificial non-intelligence. It doesn’t get it.