Sunday, December 17, 2023

Active-Duty U.S. Troop Numbers Sink To Less Than 1.3 million, The Smallest Military In Over 80 Years

The Army and Navy are facing recruitment challenges  

Daily Mail: U.S. enters 2024 with its smallest military in over 80 years as active-duty troop numbers sink to less than 1.3 million and all branches except Space Force MISS recruiting goals and Pentagon issue 'national call of service' to Gen Z 

* Pentagon officials say recruitment is more difficult than it used to be 

* Military says a 'national call to service' is needed 

* Active-duty numbers have not been so low since 1941 

The United States is set to enter 2024 with its smallest military in more than eight decades and faces one of its 'greatest challenges' as it tries to boost recruiting from Gen Z, Pentagon officials said. 

Under the $886 billion annual defense bill passed by Congress this week total active-duty troop numbers will fall to 1,284,500 next year. 

That is the lowest total since before the U.S. entered the Second World War in 1941 and officials said there should be a 'national call to service'.  

Read more .... 

Active-Duty U.S. Troop Numbers Sink To Less Than 1.3 million  

US Enters 2024 with Smallest Military in 80 Years -- CF  

US enters 2024 with smallest military in over 80 years as China’s army sparks WW3 fears -- Express  

US military now at smallest size in 80 years with enlistment hitting new low -- Mirror


Anonymous said...

the US Government's and the Military's woke policies did this. Thesis what happens when you alienate the largest part of your population.

This is especially true when the traditional source of military recruitment has come from White Southern Males.

I do not feel sorry for the USGov its military woke leadership. They made their bed , they can sleep in it.

And yes I am a vet and I do NOT recommend anyone joining this crew of valueless multi sexual freaks.

The first hard combat they hit , will be a slaughter, then they will finally be forced to stop this progressive cultural crap.

Anonymous said...

The US military harassed patriots, singled them out, demoted them, used "equity" a a method to spread racism and then on top forced people to take poison shots

Get rid of the woke mob or your society will crumble

it is a 5th gen attack

Ron said...

US Marine Vet. I've always said if I had to do it all over again the USMC would be top of the list of Do overs. But no more. It reminds me of the lyrics from a song by Michelle Shock called shaking hands;

"A rebel stand is no place for a traitor A loveless Union cannot bend us to her will. Cannot command the soldiers who now hate her Nor demand the fealty of her generals"

Anonymous said...

Most vets would not do it over and that is why they are vets when they write.
fact: the better the national economy the fewer able young men want a military life. There is a serious connection between the economy and the military recruitments.

Anonymous said...

yes. very true,

But this has nothing to do with economics. The economy is doing ok. And employment is not so high that there is a big enough pool to fill the ranks. Just remember also, the employment figures are a lot of fakery, Those figures only count "people looking for work". There is a huge part of the non working population who are not being counted. You have the manpower to fill the ranks.

The problem is that your traditional recruiting population of southern white males has been alienated by the militay's own stupid woke actions.

Just like bud light...

Those men just no longer identify with the brand.