Sunday, December 17, 2023

Ukrainian Marines Say That Crossing The Dnipro River And Maintaining A Presence On The East Bank Is A Suicide Mission

DNYUZ/New York Times: Ukrainian Marines on ‘Suicide Mission’ in Crossing the Dnipro River 

There was a faint tremor in the marine’s voice as he recounted the murderous fighting on the east bank of the Dnipro River, where he was wounded recently. 

“We were sitting in the water at night and we were shelled by everything,” the marine, Maksym, said. “My comrades were dying in front of my eyes.” 

For two months, Ukraine’s Marine Corps has been spearheading an assault across the Dnipro River in the southern region of Kherson to recapture territory from Russian troops. The operation is Ukraine’s latest attempt in its flagging counteroffensive to breach Russian defenses in the south and turn the tide of the war.  

Read more ....  

Update: Ukraine Situation Report: Troops Question Dnipro River Assault (Warzone/The Drive)  

WNU Editor: Russian media is covering the New York Times story extensively .... Ukrainian military call Dnieper counteroffensive suicide mission — NYT (TASS). More here .... Ukrainian soldiers ordered into ‘suicide missions’ – NYT (RT).


Mr Nobody said...

As noted, the MSM story is about a month late.

That slaughter has been going on for over 2 months with the worst of it starting about a month ago.

It was a very stupid idea. To build a bridge head, on a river crossing, it is like attacking a deliberant defense. You need air cover and lots of artillery. Both which the Ukrainians do not have. So, it was doomed from the start.

The US Army MILGRP in Kiev really needs to be fired. The US has the leverage to stop useless attacks like this, but does not use it.

Anonymous said...

But we are here at this site told the MSM, ie NY Times, lies and is not to be believed. what gives?

Mr Nobody said...

Yes, they lie. They also lie by not reporting the truth like this "new offensive" in Kherson, that they reported was going well, when all indicators was that it was another failure in the making.

This is just another example that after: days, weeks months and sometimes years...

They finally admit the truth. Why? Because the lie cannot be hidden any longer and they are FORCED to report the truth

just like

The Steele dossier

Hunters computer

Seth Riche's Computer


Operation Timber sycamore..

You get the idea....
