Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Are The 'Guardrails' That Once Prevented Wars Failing? The guardrails that once prevented wars are failing  

Wars are no longer black-swan events. They are a regular occurrence, representing the most significant transformation in global affairs since 9/11. 

The Israel-Hamas war is an ominous message to the world: The guardrails that long stopped wars from breaking out are now effectively failing. 

Of course, Ukraine was the first sign of this. After Russia invaded the country, it quickly became the worst conflict in Europe since World War II. Except, at the onset, the world didn’t know what to make of it. Was this a “one-off” event or the start of something else? 

The latest flareup in the Middle East answers this question.  

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WNU Editor: I am old enough to remember that even during the height of the Cold War American and Soviet diplomats were always talking. This helped to not only stop ongoing wars at the time from escalating and spreading, but it also helped prevent wars from starting. No more now. The lines of communication have broken down with the election of the Biden administration, and I do not see any possibility of it coming back in the foreseeable future.


Anonymous said...

Afghanistan debacle.
Joe's obvious dementia.
US federal debt out of control.
Those are the seeds of global disorder.

Those taking advantage of it are those unhappy with Pax Americana. Look for spreading disorder for the Koreas, Taiwan, Africa, Middle East and Mexico, especially Mexico.

Anonymous said...

is not so much that the "lines of communication" have broken down. In todays internet-driven world there is likely too much communication as too little communications. It is more that positions have become more polarized, and the leaders of nations seem more willing to send their young men to their deaths to back up their power plays.

Anonymous said...

The guardrails are being re-established. They disappeared with the soviet union and the mutual adherence to MAD doctrine. After the multipolar world disappeared the neocon death machine went on an unchecked 30 year rampage. Now the guard rails are being put back together and every nation will be forced to conduct themselves in a more sensible manner.

Anonymous said...

I would also not talk to the Biden administration.
The media holds this illegitimate cabal in power, while they literally rape your children, steal your money, weaken your border, confuse and divide your population.

These are the hallmarks of a regime in its end-stages. Will they succeed in maintaining power until the onset of AI? If so, we all will be enslaved. If not, THEY will be put in prison. They know it, we know it, Russia knows it.

No one wants to get involved in a civil war, which will lead to a lot of uncertainty (also for Russia and China - they do not benefit from a chaotic super-power.. only one group does, and it is the group that tries to enslave the West for decades now)

It is either them or us. That simple.