Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Classified U.S. Senate Briefing Devolves Into A Shouting Match Over Border Security And Aid To Ukraine


CNN: Classified briefing devolves into shouting as senators fight over border provisions in Ukraine-Israel aid package 

A classified briefing Tuesday on Ukraine devolved into a shouting match about border security as senators described a tense meeting that did little to break the Senate’s stalemate over whether to include tighter immigration policies in the aid package. 

The meeting came as Republican senators have warned they are prepared to vote against advancing a more than $100 billion supplemental national security package unless it includes major border policy changes, casting doubt on whether the aid will pass this year.  

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WNU Editor: So much for this being a classified briefing. It looks like some US Senators are now finally seeing the light that the Ukraine war is a lost cause, and they are making their feelings public. And while I personally believe the US Congress will provide some aid to Ukraine, it will be far short of the $61 billion that President Biden has requested. And as for Republican demands to address the broken state of the US border, I predict that this issue will be kicked into next year. 

Classified U.S. Senate Briefing Devolves Into A Shouting Match Over Border Security And Aid To Ukraine 

Senate Republicans to block Ukraine funding after tempers flare at classified briefing -- The Hill  

Republicans storm out of briefing as Congress battles over Israel and Ukraine aid package -- NBC  

US senators clash during Ukraine briefing after Zelensky cancels planned video meeting -- Le Monde  

GOP senators walk out of briefing over lack of border support in Ukraine aid package -- UPI  

Dem anger boils over at linking border with Ukraine -- Politico  

Republican border demands could derail Ukraine aid -- BBC

Senators Are on Collision Course in Ukraine-Aid Vote -- Wall Street Journal  

Clock ticks down on Ukraine aid as Senate border talks falter -- The Hill


Mr Nobody. said...

May be, may be not??

Maybe Schumer told him not to attend? Sounds like Chuck had his hands full and rightly so.

It seems that even Lindsey graham has started to back away from the narrative of.....Ukraine is THE MOST Important issue we have.

remember that from about 6 month to a year ago.

Anonymous said...

This a problem with the way things get done by Congress. No matter which issue you believe in or disagree with, one party holds up a big issue, ie funding for Ukraine, to wrangle what they want (border issue) and can not without this "club" get what they want. It is a terrible way to deal with important issues and makes a mockery of the notion of democracy.

Anonymous said...

The border situation is enough for there to be a shouting match.

Many in the Democrat Party literally Bolsheviks. The party is their religion. The Democrat Party has decided by at least a plurality if not a majority on a Cloward and Piven approach to absolute power.

Amity Schlaes wrote in her book the Forgotten Man that FDR gave up his Boshevism to fight The NAZIs he could not war with the American people and the NAZIs at the same time. So he picked one. Here fought the NAZIs

Modern day Democrats will not follow FDR's example. The Cloward and Piven strategy with keeping the border wide open is more important than the Ukraine War.

The DoD still had about 4 to 5 billion dollars left to shell out.

the Ukraine war prosecution has been half-hearted by Biden. Some people allege that he only gave the Ukrainians 20 ATACMs.

Anonymous said...

Wrong article Nemo

Anonymous said...

“It was immediately hijacked by Leader McConnell. The first question instead of asking our panelists, he called on Lankford to give a five-minute talk about the negotiations on border,” Schumer said.

Except for Schumer reacting with shock and dismay about Anti-semtism in the last 2 months there is not one thing I can recall that like about that schumer.

2. North German (Schümer): nickname from Middle Low German schumer ‘good-for-nothing’, ‘vagabond’.

I thought that after the vents of OCT 7th that his eye might have been opened on at least a few subjects. No such luck. Schumer may belong to a synagogue. He may go through the motions of attending, but he is first foremast and always a dedicated party man. His religion is liberalism.

He said that the spy agencies can get you 6 way to Sunday, if you do not behave. Schumer is more afraid of them than living the creed of his religion. He worships Baal.

Anonymous said...

Right article Numb nuts (2:46). The article is first and foremost about Ukraine or it is the border. They are linked due to political horse trading. The Democrats are not wanting to trade.

You do know what political horse trading is you Russian cnt?

Anonymous said...

Open borders is an issue Democrats are willing to die on.

A controlled border is one the Republicans for some reason have some spine and are willing to die on.

New York City has a law to give all illegals voting rights for local elections. Watch that bleed over into state and national elections, because oopsies mistake were made.

Since Fred is an empty nester as a proud Democrat he should take in 2 illegals for every empty bedroom he has. Lucky illegals to be chosen by lottery to be fair.

Quartering was a grievance the colonials had. Quartering definition could be updated to include non-military people. In Btitian quartering strangers has already been suggested. We all know how American liberals like to ape European liberals.