Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu Says NATO Troops Are Directly Involved In The Ukraine Conflict

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. © Sputnik/Sergey Guneev  

RT: NATO troops directly involved in Ukraine conflict – Russia 

Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has claimed that US, UK, and Polish military personnel are operating air defense and multiple launch rocket systems 

Several NATO member states have boots on the ground in the Ukraine conflict, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has claimed. Western military personnel are operating certain weapons systems, he alleged, and that hundreds of the US-led military bloc’s satellites are providing surveillance data to Kiev.  

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WNU Editor: He specifically listed foreign casualty numbers .... 

 .... The defense chief went further, claiming that over 5,000 foreign fighters have been killed since hostilities erupted in February 2022. Notably, he provided specific figures, citing 1,427 Polish nationals, 466 Americans, and 344 United Kingdom citizens among the casualties. 

He is also claiming that over 400 NATO "space" assets are being used to aid Ukraine in its war effort.


Anonymous said...

Will the eyes in the sky be turned off?

Anonymous said...

This is also not counting the PMCs.

The MILGRP has over 500 personnel assigned to it, by itself. Then the there is the Planning Group in EUCOM.

Patriot batteries are complicated pieces of machinery, so are ATACMs. Repairing M1 tanks and the electronics in Bradleys? That is techincal stuff.

I am sure there are a lot of Americans in the Ukraine on the white side. Then you have to ask yourself , how many of the black box guys are over thier too.

B.Poster said...

Anyone whose paying attention already knows or shouid have none that US and NATO involvement in the Russia/Ukraine War is MUCH broader and deeper than we are being led to believe. We really need to have an open and frank debate about our involvement here.